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The Ville Guilds explained
So you are interested in TheVille guilds? We hope the following will answer any initial questions you may have.
How do I join a Ville guild?
* All of TheVille guilds are invite only
* Ville guilds do not accept requests to join
* Promote team play/respect/fun and help support this wonderful community. A guild may come calling
What are some things Ville guilds might look for in a recruit?
* Each guild has slightly different requirements
* Ville guilds recruit based on positive attitude/contributions to the community, not skill/stats
* Activity levels on the servers and/or forums are always considered
* How an individual's personality will mesh with the rest of the group is considered
* Full requirements are internal, private, and not disclosed
How does the recruiting process work?
* Each guild has different processes for recruiting
* Recruitment processes are internal, private, and generally not disclosed
* You will know you are being recruited when you receive an invite and not before
How long do I have to be a member of TheVille community in order to be eligible?
* Again, each guild has different requirements
* A general guideline is at least 3 months
* Positive contributions to the community can out weigh time served
* Actual requirements are internal, private, and not disclosed
I have been here a long time, why have I not been invited to join a Ville guild?
* TheVille guilds do not recruit every single player/forum member
* Guilds may not be recruiting
* You may not positively contribute enough to the community
* Your forum/game activity may be too low
* Others may stand out more
* If all this is not you, keep up the good work, you will get noticed!
Who are TheVille guilds?
Listed alphabetically; Click for Steam Community Page
* <eVa> Eternal Ville Alliance
* <TVB> The Ville Brotherhood
* .TVR The Ville Regulars
* =USV= United Society Ville
Who are Ville guild leaders?
* Click here: Usergroups
* Under "Non-member groups" select any guild's "leadership" from the drop down menu.
* Guild leaders are often the best way to obtain solid information about a guild's procedures/policies
* Guilds do not accept requests to join but general questions are always welcome
* Please do not ask questions in game, save them for the forums
What is the purpose of TheVille guilds?
* To promote team play, respect and fun in game and forum
* To provide a home for like minded individuals
* To support TheVille in every way possible
Why so many Ville guilds?
* To offer more choices to the community
* Each guild offers a little something different
What are the differences/likenesses between TheVille guilds?
* Guild likenesses far out weigh their differences
* Internal operations and policies are different
* Personalities can differ, each guild is unique in it's own way
* Each guild has admins, server ops, mappers, forum moderators etc
* Each guild has a long history at TheVille and all are equally respected throughout the gaming community
* TheVille guilds all share the same goal, to support TheVille and uphold it's standards
Do TheVille guilds compete?
* None of TheVille guilds compete as a group
* There are no guild VS guild competitions
Why are there no Ville "Clans"?
* Clans are often associated with competition
* TheVille is not a competition based community
Can my clan/guild become a Ville guild?
* Sorry, TheVille will not be adding another official Ville guild
If I am invited to join a Ville guild, how do I know if it's the right one for me?
* Always ask questions, before accepting an invite, to determine if that guild is best for you
* Consider the guild's procedures/policies and how they will suit you
* Consider how many friends you have in the group and how you will mesh with the guild's personality
* The guilds are watching you, watch them and make judgments based on what you see
Will being in a Ville guild guarantee me adminship on Ville servers?
* No, not all Ville admins are members of Ville guilds
* The Admin group and Ville guilds operate independently of each other
* Admins are selected based on higher criteria than guild based recruiting, such requirements are internal, private and not disclosed
* Ville guild members help admins by promoting a fun/respectful atmosphere on the servers and in the forums
Do TheVille guilds have private forums?
* Yes, each Ville guild has a private forum here
What is with the Goats?
* "Maaaeeebelle" and other goats are guild mascots
* There are many different guild mascots, some shared
* Further information is internal, private and not disclosed - In the case of the goats, for good reason
How do I learn the internal, private, and undisclosed stuff?
* Become a Ville guild member! (See top of post)
Remember, ask not what a Ville guild can do for you, but what you can do for TheVille!
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