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Post by M's » Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:59 pm

Hello my name is Mlite. I've been here for almost a year now thanks to my good friend Red Seal who is gone to Iraq for the next year.
I am a proud member of <eVa>. And also a supporter. Thanks go to all who make this place wht it is.

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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by Stitch » Sun Mar 23, 2008 8:27 pm

My name is Stitch. I've been at the Ville for maybe a month or so now, having found it shortly after starting to play TF2. I'm still learning the finer points but I'm getting better all the time (my opinion) and look forward to spending lots more time playing on the Ville.

And Canadian players rock 8)
[color=red][b]How hard is it to decide to be in a good mood... And then just be in a good mood?[/b][/color]
[color=darkred][b]I'm a Scoot... Scootin' around... Scoot scoot scoot scoot scoot scoot scoot scoot scoot scoot scoot scoot[/b][/color]

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Post by YevGenie » Sun Mar 23, 2008 8:27 pm

I'm Yevgenie. Real Name Yevgeniy!
Russian born but live in the United States now, Iowa to be exact.
I've been gaming since moving to the states (Wolfenstein and Doom on an old comp) but moved up to bigger games as i grew up!

My longest stint on a game was on Everquest. Played on Tallon Zek server, was an officer for one of the only all-dark guilds on the server, and then moved on to Rapture, then Fatal Anarchy, which I was also an officer of and ran until I was accepted into Discordia, wich was the 2nd strongest guild on the server. I would have probably kept playing forever, but one time I looked to see how much "game time" I had spent "in game" and the number that came up was 93 DAYS and some-odd hours. So I decided to quit because I finally got a numerical value on how much of my life it was sucking away, 93 days to be exact hehe. But it was all good, and I had a great time showing the servers what a Dark Elf Warrior (kind of an oxymoron, but I worked it) could do!

I'm 20 years old now, almost 21. Been playing TF2 since 2 days after it came out. (Bought Orange Box for Half Life Episode 2...funny story, haven't played it yet lol, Portal and TF2 sucked my life away).

Found TheVille a few days after starting to play and have been here ever since! I was invited to .TVR a few months after starting to play on thville religiously. I have enjoyed .tvr, and love being a part of a guild and being a part of at least a few inside jokes.
Last edited by YevGenie on Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Lanferd » Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:29 pm

I'm Lanferd. Another BC boy from Canada.
I got the orangebox for christmas this year.
I am also known as Lanny.... which is my real name.
I began to love tf2 and portal.
I was introduced to the ville by the one and only <eVa>dog.
I joined the ville about 3 months ago. 8)
This is a great place and I am still clan-less...
Never hit a man while hes down, kicking him is much easier.

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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by [tLD] Optimus Prime » Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:37 am

Hey all, i'm Optimus Prime. I picked up the Orange Box the day it came out, and since then have most likely screwed over my chances in succeeding at life by playing instead of studying. There's a fairly good chance i'm addicted to TF2, and i pretty much live on the dustbowl server, although i enjoy a bit of warpath now and then.

I play usually either medic or heavy, and you'll be able to tell which one is me because i'll be chasing you down with my saw. I invented the 10th class, the Combat Medic.

When i'm not TF2-ing it up, i'm usually, uhh...ummm...., ah who am i kidding. Okay, once in a while i'll go out for a unicycle ride or hit the gym or (throws in obligatory "hanging out with friends" reference so i don't look like a complete loser). Sometimes i eat, but i'm a mild insomniac, so sleeping is right out. I live off pop tarts and energy drinks, i have a poofy white boy mini-afro and a twisted sense of humor.

Also i am a firm believer that anything worth saying is worth saying in ALL CAPS. As a result, my pinky hurts a lot.

And yeah, that was my life story. You guys are generally pretty awesome, but i think a few of you need to melee more.

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Post by mujo » Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:01 am

Hi, my name is mUj0.
I have a wife, a cat, and am addicting to being real.
My spare time is most likely consumed by the occasional PC game, or the most recent prophetically imaginative writing I've got my hands on.
I've made quite a few relationships here at The Ville, and thats the reason I keep coming back for more.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by MasterChef » Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:16 am

Hello I'm MasterChief. Or MasterChef. I started at the Ville in the summer of 2003. I would play a ton of dod on the Ville servers all the time. Then WoW came out. I played that hardcore for a while but I have slowed that down quite a bit now. When I first found the Ville I was in college and had all the free time in the world to play games. Now I work and it seems like I have very little time to play games. :(

Shortly after coming to the Ville I was asked to join USV. I had a good time there but due to some inactivity in game and on the forums I had to retire from that guild. I have since become more active again and was asked to join TVB.

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Post by Hot Tamale » Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:17 am

IGN: Hot Tamale
Guild: <eVa>
RLN: Mandi

Addictions... umm... I have those...

Started on the Ville playing DoD:s and pretty much thats it. I am currently playing Hero Online a mmorpg that is in its first stages of life, but I can't seem to get enough of it. Invite me to play Sorce sometime.
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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by Squirrel » Mon Mar 24, 2008 10:15 am

Please try to leave this thread on the serious side. Let people introduce themselves and not turn it into a joke.

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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by DukeNukem » Mon Mar 24, 2008 12:20 pm

I am DukeNukem! I am so old now that I fart dust. I am after JD (possibly Hammy also) probably the longest active Villun still around. There may be one or two others that have come back recently, but I started out way back in the TFC days when it was Avantiville.

Ladeee is my wife and I have 5 kids. I work for Texas Instruments DLP division. My kids are about all the hobby I can handle right now (ages 4,6,7,9 & 15) although I do a little photography on occasion and of course play TF2 when I can.
Last edited by DukeNukem on Mon Mar 24, 2008 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Renegade JB
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Post by Renegade JB » Mon Mar 24, 2008 1:10 pm

I thought this was to introduce ourselfs to the servers? Alls I can say is thanks Tickles. Now I'm off to AA.. :drink1:

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Post by Boss Llama » Mon Mar 24, 2008 1:16 pm

Greetings. I'm "Alizée Fan" and I play regularly on the Dustbowl 24/7 server, as well as occasionally on Rotation or elsewhere. I've been playing computer games since the days of single color 11" monitors and computers without hard drives. I previously played CAL league CS:S, though was never good enough to really move up in the world there.

As far as TF2, I think it's fair to say my tactical knowledge is greater than my skill. I tend to understand what needs to be done, and can come up with a plan in a hurry, I just tend to die rapidly in the process of trying to execute it. D'oh! My best classes are Pyro and Spy, on both Offense and Defense, though I can be an Engineer effectively as well, and will play Scout in the early stages of CTF maps. I'm bad at Demoman, and if you ever see me as a Sniper for more than 30 seconds, the thermostat in hell should be checked.

My primary goal when playing is to help my team, and of course, to have fun. I play to relax, not to stress out about stuff.

The Alizée in my name, for those few internet-folks who aren't familiar with her, is a French singer. I'm a genuine fan of her, have met her (flew to France just to do so), and according to most other members of the Alizée America fanclub, I have North America's largest collection of Alizée related memorabilia - several hundred items, ranging from ticket stubs and backstage passes to original press slides and ultra-rare store promos.

I tend to play late evenings Pacific Time, though on my weekends I'm usually on in early to mid afternoon.
-Boss Llama

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Post by E.T. EddieTorrez » Mon Mar 24, 2008 3:49 pm

[quote="John Doe";p="80251"]Oh, and apparently I have several alter egos here at the Ville, such as Uncle Pervie[/quote]
I have always wondered who people were refering to when mentioning Uncle Pervie.

Hi, so I am known on here as EddieTorrez, in other games I usually go by the name GeneralTsao. My attention span is pretty short so I usually play on The Ville in spurts but I always come back for more. The first time I played on here was around 2003-4 in DoD, Ville was the second server I ever played on and you fine people got your meathooks in me so now these are the only servers I play these games on. Within a month I will have TF2 so assuming my comp can handle it I will be able to meet more of you. I am also a fan of Alizee and recently got engaged.
[size=100][b][color=red]Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn for Sega[/color][/b][/size]

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Re: Introduce yourself!

Post by Rebel_Rouser » Tue Mar 25, 2008 11:39 am

Hey Hey!

I'm RebelRouser, Rebel, Reb, or even RR.... it just keeps getting shorter lol

I'm also one of the guys that have been playing here for quite some time. I joined along with MasterChief in the Summer of 2003, which means our 5 year anniversary is coming up wow :shock:
This is an all around great place period, full of alot of great people some of whom I am not afraid to call friends.
I don't game as much as I use to because of my job, but im trying to keep more active again.
I have lived in Southern Maryland all my life, and work as a police officer here. Which is a blast.
Any questions feel free to ask :)

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Post by kill-moj0 » Tue Mar 25, 2008 12:15 pm

ello, i are kill-moj0 but just call me moj0 if you wish. Just joined TheVille in either late january or early february of this year, cant really recall that far back. Been playing all things Half-Life since Half-Life first graced my P200/6mb ram/8mb video card pc and 15'' crt computer screen back in November 1998, and all sorts of other lesser things in the meantime. i'm 23, in the Army Reserves as an MP, and work at Gorman-Rupp in Mansfield, Ohio fulltime. and...yeah... thats bout it... on a side-note, PC > consoles.
Last edited by kill-moj0 on Tue Mar 25, 2008 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
// Ever dance with a moj0 by the pale moon-light [you]? //

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