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Re: General Musings ~ A TF2 Guide

Post by Earthworm James » Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:10 pm

Soltan wrote:I've tried the crossbow but generally prefer overdose. I basically view my ubersaw as my only medigun alternative. Probably not typical for most medics though.
This quote is especially great considering your overdose has 1000+ kills on it.

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Re: General Musings ~ A TF2 Guide

Post by Soltan » Thu Feb 07, 2013 7:40 pm

Compare my ubersaw kills to overdose kills, you'll get the idea.

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Re: General Musings ~ A TF2 Guide

Post by Fingolfin » Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:41 am

Thanks for the new section! I tried running a "max FPS" configuration a bit ago, before I realized it was my internet slowing the game down. Beyond that I never looked too deeply into the console panel or scripting. I'll definitely use some of that.
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Re: General Musings ~ A TF2 Guide

Post by YoullNeverWalkAlone » Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:52 pm

Tried the glowing payload/intel and widening the fov last night for the first time. Very helpful!! Being able to see the intel or payload at all times is a huge help, and the wider fov is fantastic. I was somewhere between 50-60, so this upgrade to 90 is very noticeable and a huge help, especially with some of the larger weapons.

I love these guides as I find new things out about the game and each class. I especially like the discussion they bring up about loadouts and play styles.

As a guy who is mostly a medic, I haven't had a chance to try out the vacinator (just got one the other day) and would love some input/ideas from people who may be familiar with its use and strategy. Any thoughts about it? I would also love to hear from someone who has tried it in mvm, as it seems like it might have some value there.
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Re: General Musings ~ A TF2 Guide

Post by The Domer » Tue Feb 12, 2013 1:52 pm

Hey guys, glad you've been reading my guide. I've been meaning to post feedback on your comments, but real life has been busy. Better late than never, right? I'm also planning in extending part II a bit, with a few extra sections (including an explanation of facestabs!).
TheCarpe wrote:I would argue that the Engineer is the hard counter to Scouts, as a competent Engineer with a good setup will effectively deny a Scout from a large area and there is little to nothing the Scout himself can do about it.
Great point! Mini-sentries in particular are super annoying for scouts to deal with. I've added this to the scout section.
TTHREAZ wrote:While I agree with you on the Scattergun, I have to ask why the Sandman and Guillotine combo hadn't been mentioned. The amount of damage you can lay out with it is absolutely absurd. You can literally bonk a Heavy, hit him with the Guillotine and down him with one Scattergun shot.

If you consider the combo as derp, then I understand. I disagree with you but understand.
Zork Nemesis wrote:If I may, Sandman/Guillotine, while it does a crap ton of damage (195 plus bleeding under optimal conditions: 45 crit baseball + 150 crit cleaver), it takes a decent amount of accuracy and practice to make it work, and if you miss with the baseball, the whole thing is moot. The baseball takes three times longer to charge than the cleaver and the cleaver itself is pretty awkward to throw. Practice makes perfect for any loadout, but due to the projectile mechanics and required synergy, these two take a bit more than most other loadouts.
TTHREAZ, Zork actually does a nice job summarizing my feelings here. The Sandman/Flying Guillotine combo can work, but at what trade off? Like Zork mentions, you'll need pretty good aim/luck in order to get both your stun and knife to hit, and if either misses, you're in trouble. I think the extra 15 hitpoints and more reliable sidearm (or better utility weapon like the Mad Milk) are generally more beneficial. You'll notice that's the trend with my guide - what is generally better in most situations? It's sort of the same situation as with the Loch-N-Load - sure it can deal a lot of damage when it works, but it's not as reliable.
6Larry9 wrote:I'm not sure about crit/spread servers, but I think the max a scattergun can do in one shot is 104 with out any add ons or anything. That's all very trival though . It looks good though. Great work.
Glad you liked the guide Larry! From my research, each scattergun pellet does 10.5 damage at close range. Multiply that by 10 pellets per shot, and you've got your 105 damage. But like you mention, the difference between 104 and 105 is pretty trivial!
majine3765 wrote:Looks like a great start for anyone that is unsure of where to start. I even gained a little about using crossbow with medic. For whatever reason it never occurred to me to use the crossbow.
Glad it helped! I like the crossbow for the potential long-range heals. It's not very common for that to happen though, in which case the Overdose is your best bet. The Crusader's Crossbow paired with the Amputator gives you +1 hp per second, a nice set bonus, and something to seriously consider.
Soltan wrote:I've tried the crossbow but generally prefer overdose. I basically view my ubersaw as my only medigun alternative. Probably not typical for most medics though.
As I mention above, the Overdose is a solid alternative. In high-level competitive play, you really see both being used roughly 50-50. One thing to keep in mind, the speed bonus granted by the Overdose is only in effect when it is the equipped weapon.
Zork Nemesis wrote:Concerning the fish, why would you put the fish over a stock bat or alternative variant? I know that the two are identical in function, but the fish is much more blatant since it registers the kill feed on each hit. You use spies as your reason, but (believe it or not) not every spy is a dead ringer, and how many times do you specifically melee people you think are spies? Typically I don't melee them unless there's nothing else around, as I want my gun out to shoot people who are legitimate threats if the need arises. If you're meleeing unaware victims, they're far more likely to notice you're bashing their skull in when the big white square in the corner when they're struck shows up; the only thing that might be more blatant is the obnoxious frying pan clang (or, if you somehow have it, the distinctive sound from the Saxxy turning people to gold).
First, thanks for your comments. I'm going to break them up into seperate chunks and tackle each paragraph individually. First, let's talk about the choice of melee weapons for scout. Remember, I actually recommend using the Boston Basher as your melee weapon. As a scout, you shouldn't really be meleeing anyone - ever. Your primary is best at close range, so, given the choice, it's best to always use that anyway. At least the Basher can be used to help build an uber. That said, the advantage the Holy Mackerel grants you over the stock bat is that it lets you know when a spy uses is feign, as it won't say FISH KILL in the kill feed if the spy is only faking a death. Sure, that's a small advantage, but every advantage can help. I'm not sure what you mean by more blatant. Is it a concern that your attacks are showing in the kill feed? Or is the loud/different noise that worries you? Regardless though, use the Boston Basher.
Zork Nemesis wrote:"Best" loadouts are subjective. They vary depending on who you ask. While some are statistically more effective than others (for example, it's pretty much agreed upon that Escape Plan or Equalizer beats Shovel any day, or Third Degree over stock axe), people can make things work with enough practice and patience. Look at me, I field Loch-n-Load, Targe, and Eyelander on Demo on a regular basis. I inform medics not to use me for ubers but I still prove effective by being able to pick off stragglers and knowing where to attack from. Or another example is my use of Backburner and Detonator, in which the Detonator is used to open up more attack routes allowing me to take better advantage of the Backburner's guaranteed crits. Anything can work if you take the time to learn it.
Best loadouts are subjective, but only to a point. Some loadouts are definitely better than others. For example, why ever use the default Bonesaw instead of the Amputator or Solemn Vow (exact same weapon + taunt can heal or see enemy health)? I think provided my response in your own comment. Some loadouts are simply statistically more effective. A demoknight wielding the Loch-n-Load, the Targe, and Eyelander is never going to be able to match the DPS of an equally competent player using the stock weapons. In my book, that makes it a less effective loadout. I'm not saying it's not fun to demoknight, and that you can't rack up a ton of kills doing it, but the focus of this guide is for serious play, trying to maximize the potential of each class. Finally, regarding your pyro loadout: again it can certainly be effective in the right circumstances. However, if you are sneaking off on flank routes you are not protecting the combo, and the extra cost for compression blast with the Backburner really hampers your ability to support the team. Pyro is, after all, a support class first.
Zork Nemesis wrote:Otherwise, your guide does provide a lot of general advice that's good to follow. One thing i'll mention: in my experience, Snipers counter other Snipers (to a point where many Snipers are advised to prioritize Snipers first) and Spies can be soft countered by Scouts (since aware scouts are difficult to catch, plus Mad Milk) and Snipers who use specific loadouts (Jarate, Sydney Sleeper, Razorback to some degree)
Good points here. Not listing sniper as a counter to sniper was a brainfart on my part. Obviously, sniper duels are a huge part of that class. Regarding spies, honestly almost every class could be listed as a counter for spies, since almost everyone is spy-checking. I think I will edit the post to reflect the use of Mad Milk and Jarate as counters though. Thanks for all your comments!
You'llNeverWalkAlone wrote:Great guide Domer! While I am sure people will disagree where their personal loadout or style is not mentioned, this is a very helpful guide to playing each class.
Thanks! People will always disagree, but it can help spark fruitful discussion. That's how the game evolves.
Fano wrote:While that sounds super gimmicky, it's probably actually pretty good, the biggest drawback for me would be losing the third jump from the atomizer and the extra health (and fall damage immunity) from that new pistol whose name I can't remember.
I totally forgot about the Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol. I've never actually used it, but that extra 15 health could be very handy and synergistic with the Atomizer and Sandman (not sure how helpful the fall damage immunity actually is). My question though, are the drawbacks worth it? An extra 50% vulnerability to fire damage is pretty significant, not too mention the 25% slower firing rate.
TTHREAZ wrote:I'm so used to using the Sandman that it doesn't matter what kind of perks the other melee weapons provide; I'd still prefer to have the stun at my disposal. Yes, it drops your health but Scouts are supposed to be weak.
Stun is useful at times, but don't let it blind you to the perks of other weapons. Scouts have low HP, but they are far from weak.
6Larry9 wrote:Just out of wonderment can you block a guillotine with another mid flight like with huntsman arrows?
I honestly have no idea. Anyone test this? My guess is yes, because like huntsman arrows, the guillotine knives can be reflected by pyros, leading me to believe their properties are similar.
Fingolfin wrote:Thanks for the new section! I tried running a "max FPS" configuration a bit ago, before I realized it was my internet slowing the game down. Beyond that I never looked too deeply into the console panel or scripting. I'll definitely use some of that.
No problem! I should probably link to Chris's TF2 configs somewhere. They are the most widely used configs to help increase FPS. Fortunately, I have a good enough PC that I haven't needed to use them. But as you say, often it's our internet connection that is the real culprit. I know you like to play heavy, definitely consider "fov_desired 90" to increase your cone of of vision (helps you see those spies coming!) and "hud_combattext_batching 1" to combine the damage text on your minigun into a more manageable chunk of information.
You'llNeverWalkAlone wrote:Tried the glowing payload/intel and widening the fov last night for the first time. Very helpful!! Being able to see the intel or payload at all times is a huge help, and the wider fov is fantastic. I was somewhere between 50-60, so this upgrade to 90 is very noticeable and a huge help, especially with some of the larger weapons.

I love these guides as I find new things out about the game and each class. I especially like the discussion they bring up about loadouts and play styles.

As a guy who is mostly a medic, I haven't had a chance to try out the vacinator (just got one the other day) and would love some input/ideas from people who may be familiar with its use and strategy. Any thoughts about it? I would also love to hear from someone who has tried it in mvm, as it seems like it might have some value there.
I'm really glad some of my tips helped! I agree the discussion fostered by these guides is great. As far as the Vaccinator is concerned, I'm afraid it may be a useless weapon in serious play. The bar is set pretty high with the stock Medigun, and the Vaccinator really can't hold a candle to it. It does seem like it may have some value in MVM, especially if you can predict the type of damage coming your way. Considering its release during the height of the MVM craze, I wouldn't be surprised if MVM strategy wasn't on the mind of the developers when they devised it. I won't, however, pretend to know enough about MVM to say too much more than that.

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Re: General Musings ~ A TF2 Guide

Post by TTHREAZ » Tue Feb 12, 2013 2:29 pm

The Domer wrote:
TTHREAZ, Zork actually does a nice job summarizing my feelings here. The Sandman/Flying Guillotine combo can work, but at what trade off? Like Zork mentions, you'll need pretty good aim/luck in order to get both your stun and knife to hit, and if either misses, you're in trouble. I think the extra 15 hitpoints and more reliable sidearm (or better utility weapon like the Mad Milk) are generally more beneficial. You'll notice that's the trend with my guide - what is generally better in most situations? It's sort of the same situation as with the Loch-N-Load - sure it can deal a lot of damage when it works, but it's not as reliable.
So let me get this straight. You're saying that the combo is not worth it because it takes a little time to get used to it? That just seems....odd to me.

Hit the stun but missed the cleaver? Fine, they are still stunned.
Missed the stun but hit the cleaver? Fine, they are now bleeding.
Missed both? Fine, pull out your Scattergun and start firing.
The Domer wrote: Stun is useful at times, but don't let it blind you to the perks of other weapons. Scouts have low HP, but they are far from weak.
This thing give you a projectile with your melee weapon. I repeat, a projectile with your melee weapon. Scouts shouldn't be meleeing people as it is. Why not take the slight hit in HP for the added benefit of a projectile with your melee weapon?

I know you warned about people getting their panties in a bunch so I'll just slowly back out of here.

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Re: General Musings ~ A TF2 Guide

Post by OmgOhnoes » Tue Feb 12, 2013 3:50 pm

I'll throw in my 2c for Pyro..

You will most certainly die if you face any class directly. Particularly a spun up heavy or a mini sentry where the engineer is actually around.

Your loadout will depend largely on your play style but after 1000's of hours of play i can say versatility wise this is the logic leading to my loadout choices.


Backburner - great for ambushes, any class will die quickly if you can stay rotated to their back but you should always be ambushing so you have more effective primaries. Downside, limited air blasts make a lot of maneuvers impossible (blasting people off of control points for one) not to mention inability to reflect projectiles, immobilize enemies and extinguish burning team mates makes it not worth it IMO. On top of that the default switch rate makes damage from secondary and mele's all but useless. Even if your argument is you solo a lot, i'd take AB and immobilizing enemies over mini crits any day.

Degreaser - a direct upgrade over the standard weapon. Yes you lose damage but the 65% faster switching just shifts your primary damage type to your secondary or mele which will automatically do more damage than that 10% damage you have lost .

Phlog - Overpowered and relatively easy to mitigate if people pay attention. I am a huge fan of playing spy and simply backstabbing them as they taunt. Demos can simply lay stickies under them and detonate at the end of the taunt. Any mmmmppphhhhh powered Pyro can be air blasted back until it runs out mitigating the crits.

Secondary (I'll start with the least useful and why it's basically excluded):

Manmelter - irritating at best, stored crits are indeed helpful but are only viable if you stay alive (which you don't usually as a Pyro) and there is an easy source of extinguishing which depends largely on inept pyro's on the other team.

Scorch Shot - On certain maps with long chokes this is great for igniting a lot of players and knocking people back. Still more irritating than effective but at least it's usefulness doesn't depend on you staying alive for longer periods of time.

Detonator - Useful for igniting groups of players (hence the reason it's better than the Scorch Shot, you just lose the knock back). Flare jumping is fun and can get you into perfect ambush spots. Mini crit benefit is great but doesn't make it that effective for in close combat where you want to kill people ASAP or you'll die.

Shotgun - Shotgun is always useful but excels when you are against other pyros (as flares/detonator does minimal damage). It's useful for close range damage and long range chipping but, ultimately, if you are in close range why would you use it against any class but a pyro? You have a flame thrower or better alternative secondaries/meles. So, if you are against several Pyros this is a good choice, otherwise why bother?

Reserve Shooter - Smaller clip than the Shotgun which means you have to make every shot count. The major benefit over the shotgun is that if you are playing as a true Pyro and air blasting to immobilize your enemy they are airborne and there are some mini crits giving you some very good up close damage right after you switch. Repeatedly switch back and forth with Degreaser to air blast them and shoot them and it's a very quick way of dispatching an enemy.

Flare gun - Ultimately this is the superior solution to any other secondary unless you are having major issues with enemy Pyros. Guaranteed critical hit on a burning target makes this an insta kill (or near insta kill within a few seconds) to any class below a heavy (and a Pyro) unless they are over healed or near a health pack. You can shoot the length of the map and for those unfortunate enough to be hit by it twice it's once again, a near insta kill. Once you get use to it's arc and travel time you can do lots of damage in relatively short amounts of time. It has a passive 2 second reload (ie you don't have to have it equipped) making it perfect to switch to your mele or primary and back to it having it ready to use. On heavies you can combine it with the Degreaser and Axtinguisher and it's a kill if they aren't over healed before they are spun up to do any damage.


On a pub you can argue the "utility" role of a Pyro. So removing sappers is viable and a real piss off to spies. Equipping the Homewrecker is a better choice than the Neon Annialator. Why? Because you are rarely encountering a wet enemy as flames are your friend.

However, equipping the Homewrecker destroys 60% of your damage making you only a utility roll vs being fairly versatile.

Other mele weapons have their uses:

Powerjack - Useful but if you are unlikely to get the kill you aren't likely to get the over heal.
Backscratcher - Lower heal rate means faster death. Good if you don't have a medic or there are lots of health packs though. Still takes a while to kill someone with it making you rely on your primary/secondary.
Third Degree - Useful if you want to try and pop medics, you can potentially kill a medic from a Heavy combo in a couple of strikes. The down side is the Heavy will easily survive and you'll die shortly after.
Volcano Fragment - Great to light people on fire, but that's no guaranteed kill and they are more than likely to extinguish before the afterburn kills them.

Axtinguisher/Postal Pummeler - Basically your default choice if you are equipping the Degreaser and don't find the Homewrecker worth the trade off in versatility. Very useful in close quarters when lit on fire first but all but useless otherwise. That being said, it's 3 hits to kill an over healed heavy which is do-able if they are using standard Minigun and not Tomislav. Medics insta-die as well as several other classes. use air blast to immobilize and you have your way with them. Heavies are always best to strafe and hit as they can't turn fast enough.

Ultimately it comes down to two loadouts in this order:

Degreaser/Flare/Axtinguisher - Lethal combo but bad against Pyros and Sappers.
Degreaser/Reserve Shooter (or Shotgun)/Axtinguisher - Better damage against Pyros with the RS/Shotgun doing less damage against all other classes but the RS still doing mini crit damage to mitigate that; still no damage against Sappers.

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Re: General Musings ~ A TF2 Guide

Post by The Spanish Inquisition » Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:32 pm

I love the scorch shot. Knock back on scorch shot is like a long distance airblast. You can knock a person off their capture, knock them into sentry gun range if they are trying to avoid it. The lighting on fire aspect I rarely care about.

Most of the time you are throwing Degreaser/Axtinguish combinations so the only time I use it is defensively to protect teammates or run away. Some heavy pops out from behind a corner, you are out of range, even if you had a flare gun you are boned, but with scorched shot you can send him back where he came from and skedaddle OR close the distance to axe him another question.
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Re: General Musings ~ A TF2 Guide

Post by cam » Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:10 pm

TTHREAZ wrote:So let me get this straight. You're saying that the combo is not worth it because it takes a little time to get used to it? That just seems....odd to me.

Hit the stun but missed the cleaver? Fine, they are still stunned.
Missed the stun but hit the cleaver? Fine, they are now bleeding.
Missed both? Fine, pull out your Scattergun and start firing.
The combo isn't worth it because it's a gimmicky projectile that are trivial to dodge when you know when to expect them. You can surprise a good player with it once or twice but beyond that they've already caught on to your game. I'm sure its a fun pub stomping weapon/strat but it just has no utility or "real game" application.

However, I totally agree with you about the Sandman being awesome. The scout is basically a pick class just like the spy/sniper. If the enemy is seeing you before you see them or even seeing you at the same time you see them, then you're doin' it wrong. The sandman makes killing a medic who has a pocket a trivial matter. Bonk the pocket from a distance, meatshot medic, ????, profit. Miss the stun? Run away for 12 seconds and wait for it to come back. When its Heavy v. Heavy, bonking the other heavy for even fractions of a second lets your heavy shred the enemy. No muss, no fuss.

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Re: General Musings ~ A TF2 Guide

Post by TTHREAZ » Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:29 pm

I am a mummy wrote:The combo isn't worth it because it's a gimmicky projectile that are trivial to dodge when you know when to expect them. You can surprise a good player with it once or twice but beyond that they've already caught on to your game.
The exact same could be said for the Sandman. You can't praise the gimmicky projectile from the Sandman and bash the gimmicky projectile of the Guillotine. I would argue that the Sandman ball is much easier to dodge than the cleaver. The cleaver is hard to see when it's coming right at you.
I am a mummy wrote:The sandman makes killing a medic who has a pocket a trivial matter. Bonk the pocket from a distance, meatshot medic, ????, profit. Miss the stun? Run away for 12 seconds and wait for it to come back.
And all I'm saying is that once the pocket is bonked, it's potentially an insta-kill if you nail them with the cleaver (depending on pocket class). Better yet, bonk the Medic and nail him with the cleaver for an insta-kill.

Look, I'm not saying that the pistol and milk aren't useful. Hell, I've been known to use Bonk on occasion. All I'm saying is the Sandman+Guillotine combo can be very strong in the right hands.

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Re: General Musings ~ A TF2 Guide

Post by YoullNeverWalkAlone » Thu Feb 14, 2013 8:56 pm

So something odd happened when I turned on the glow for the intel last night. During Doublecross, not only could I see the intel, but I could see the glow of a player on the other team that I was dominating. Not sure why, but the only player I could see was that one guy.

Also learning that I prefer to play the Sidney Sleeper sniper, but can't counter snipe well with it (a good support role for me though). Not to mention that after playing almost exclusively with a homewrecker or Neon sign, I'm really having to learn how to play with an axe. Trying to find a good secondary to go with it.
Thanks Sparky for the sig picture!

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Re: General Musings ~ A TF2 Guide

Post by Earthworm James » Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:11 pm

I'd only attempt to counter-snipe with the SS if I had the set bonus, otherwise it's all about SS+SMG combo.

As for secondary pyro weapon with axe: Degreaser/Reserve Shooter for the win. Either that or just backburner for the pure firepower & flanking ability, in which case having an axe really doesnt matter.

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Re: General Musings ~ A TF2 Guide

Post by cam » Sat Feb 23, 2013 9:37 pm

TTHREAZ wrote:
I am a mummy wrote:The combo isn't worth it because it's a gimmicky projectile that are trivial to dodge when you know when to expect them. You can surprise a good player with it once or twice but beyond that they've already caught on to your game.
The exact same could be said for the Sandman. You can't praise the gimmicky projectile from the Sandman and bash the gimmicky projectile of the Guillotine. I would argue that the Sandman ball is much easier to dodge than the cleaver. The cleaver is hard to see when it's coming right at you.
I am a mummy wrote:The sandman makes killing a medic who has a pocket a trivial matter. Bonk the pocket from a distance, meatshot medic, ????, profit. Miss the stun? Run away for 12 seconds and wait for it to come back.
And all I'm saying is that once the pocket is bonked, it's potentially an insta-kill if you nail them with the cleaver (depending on pocket class). Better yet, bonk the Medic and nail him with the cleaver for an insta-kill.

Look, I'm not saying that the pistol and milk aren't useful. Hell, I've been known to use Bonk on occasion. All I'm saying is the Sandman+Guillotine combo can be very strong in the right hands.

Ok, so I actually decided to put my money where my mouth was tonight and try out the combo and I might have to eat my hat. It's pretty damn good and its pretty fun to play.

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Re: General Musings ~ A TF2 Guide

Post by The Domer » Mon Mar 04, 2013 2:44 pm


I added the sections discussing damage mechanics and hit detection mechanics. Ever wonder how facestabs work? It's all explained within.

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Re: General Musings ~ A TF2 Guide

Post by Fingolfin » Mon Mar 04, 2013 7:19 pm

Wow, the facestab/failstab video is great, thanks for that. I still may not grasp the implications, though. Is having a faster internet connection the only way to deal with situations like that? For example, if that heavy had a faster connection, would he have been able to avoid that second stab?
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