Yahoo's Spy Guide

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Yahoo's Spy Guide

Post by Yahoo!! » Thu Sep 04, 2008 5:52 pm

I guess its time. I managed to get one going and ditch the idea of a video.

Playing the killer spy: Now Updated With that Minty Fresh Scent

A guide

-This is a more advanced tutorial for spies wishing to improve their game and advance from the basics. It will lightly skim some of the basics.

The Agenda

-Versus other classes
-Special scenarios


-Revolver- ok for certain situations. Great for finishing off weakened enemies. Packs a wallop when critting. Used in mainly emergency situations or times when you really need someone dead in hurry when he is far away.

-Ambassador- This one is surprisingly map dependent. In tight spaces it is tough and will often get you killed. However, this is the sniper razorback killer. Pop one into the snipers head and then a random shot anywhere will take him down. Real simple and effective. Sniping with it is tough, but I have made flaring pyros pay dearly as you can easily outshoot them in a distance match.

-Disguise- Now being able to disguise as someone with any weapon is a godsend. Disguise as the following: Engy with wrench, demoman with sticky launcher, pyro with flamethrower, sniper with sniper rifle. However, alternate weapons to fool your enemies. I have also began to fool people with scout with a bat and heavy with fists. The possibilities are endless.

-knife. This is your true weapon. How it is wielding will decide how successful you are. A normal frontstab might be enough to kill off weakened enemies. The backstab is your bread and butter. Infinite damage, killing anything.

-Sapper. This is very useful, but to be used with care. It can be an engineer’s nightmare if used properly.

-Cloak. The most important equipment in your arsenal. Cloaking allows you to position yourself among the enemy and getting you the backstabs and destructions. Without it, you would be useless. Use it wisely and save up as much cloak as you can. It can allow you evade enemy targets or relocate yourself. Remember to pick up metal. It is also important to note that picking up metal can give you away.

-Dead Ringer- I am not fan of this at all. It is a cheap trick that doesn't get people to leave you alone and just prolongs your suffering until you die. Do not bother with it.

-Cloak and Dagger-This is a tough choice, once again it is map dependent. I don't like it because it removes your ability to pick up metal as a way of replenishing cloak. However, it is a great way to lie and wait for that medic who just got ubercharged or the just upgraded sentry gun...


The most key aspect for any spy is positioning. Know where to go, when to cloak, uncloak and disguise is critical to playing an effective spy. This will separate good spies from great spies.

-Remember you will collide with other opponents. Make sure to sidestep them when cloaked and if disguised without looking conspicuous (If you do it to an experienced player, he will figure you out immediately)

-Cloak and uncloaking take time. Remember to cloak and uncloak in areas that will allow you to remain unseen. Ditto with disguising. Lots of times, spies will die because they are careless when they do this. Usually I cloak, then I disguise, but is a personal preference. I find it generally useless to disguise as a friendly. People still shoot at you anyway. Try and find a place decloak and cloak safely as you get all that smoke and such that people will aim at.

-If you spot a ammo box behind enemy lines or fallen weapons, TAKE IT. I cannot stress this enough, especially the big size ammo boxes. Restoring your cloak faster is always better. On some maps, you can make it end to end without decloaking if you pick up ammo boxes along the way.

-As awesome as it is to restore cloak at a lvl 2-3 dispenser, it usually ends it in death. It isn't so much they see the beam, but rather it is a meeting place for people to heal, get ammo and bump into you.

-Disguising. ALWAYS cloak as one of the following: Sniper, Pyro, Demoman and Engineer. The problems with the others:

Scout: You are too slow to be a real scout
Medic: Lack of Healing teammates is a dead giveaway. Same with a lack of any uber being charged.
Heavy: You are too slow, and unable to get anywhere
Soldier: Same issue as heavy
Spy: Very iffy, because most people are paranoid of spies, and will shoot you because you “look” like a spy.

Remember to cycle through your disguises to prevent 4 4 4 syndrome (4 is the easiest key to reach from the WASD keys, so spies will often disguises as demoman). This will confuse the enemy as to what you might be. Contrary to popular belief, engineer is a great disguise. People will naturally assume an engineer to be near his gun. I wouldn’t worry about the opposing engineer because you will be sapping his stuff anyway.

-If you are seen disguised or discovered disguised, RE-DISGUISE again. It will save you.

-Cloaking is a great way for reconnaissance. Remember to alert team members of sentry gun positions if they don’t know and possible ubers.

-Always try to be as far behind as possible or a good distance away from possible threats when stabbing. You are very weak and can’t take that many hits.

-If you are spotted, RUN. You stand very little chance of surviving as most other classes have much superior firepower and health.

-Now for getting behind enemy lines. It is important to take lesser known passages, and of course, jump off buildings onto the story below. People will try to calculate your route as a spy. A nasty surprise is a dispenser in the way or a built obstacle. DO NOT touch it. Just leave and find another target.

-Getting healed by an opposing medic is very risky. Usually they might catch you doing something awkward and will just ubersaw you in the back. I have only once managed to get a medic to completely uber me.

-Dying happens very frequently. You truly are an all or nothing class. As a spy, I have killed over 5 people in one shot, or ended up being killed by a random crit rocket out of nowhere. Keep your cool, and don’t force yourself. Once you force yourself, you will end up dying. If you cannot, then switch classes. A spy is patient and calculating. You cannot rush headlong into battle. Sometimes, there is an overload of pyros or sentry guns. In this case, switch to something else.

-Play spy on defense is easier than offense. Defensive spies can execute quick succession of backstabs and quickly run back to base. Offensive spies can’t run back as easily.


Once a spy is in position, it is time to do the stabbing. The key is to make sure the target is focused on something else or has no clue about your presence. There is a chance he might turn around and kill you.

-Now it is simple to stab right? It used to be difficult, but now they have radically altered it. Critical backstabs are near instantaneous now and if it triggers, the target is DEAD. Valve has really come through here.

-You will have to be directly behind your target. Facestabs are not as common as they used to be.

-Fast moving targets are tough, as you will often miss and blow your cover. If you cannot kill the fast target, nail slower ones.

-When stabbing, it is easiest if an enemy is backing into you. They get stuck on you, and before they realize it, you stab them.

-The other easy targets are of course slow moving targets or targets standing still.

-One special method that is often employed by stabs is called something I call the quick turn swing. What happens is if an enemy is unaware of you under your disguise, a person can quickly turnaround and stabs them. Careless spies are a favorite target. It requires great timing to do it. You can also do this while cloaked. Just let your victim run past you, decloak and swipe at him.

-Remember, stabbing from above is also a viable strategy, but very hard to pull off. It requires coordination and excellent timing. The stab will register if the target is hit from above.

-Stalking. This is a spy’s specialty. The objective is to select a target of opportunity (uber ready medics are a favorite). Just hunt them down without being seen. If they turn around try and do something that the class you are disguising as would normally do. If that doesn’t work, run. Be careful if opponents are paranoid, they could turn around on you.

-Stab key targets to help your allies. Enemy heavies, medics and snipers are critical. Medics with undeployed ubers are the best.

-If you are on the verge of dying or being chased with no help in sight, kill anything. It’s better than nothing.


It is you versus the engineer and his machinery. This is a hard fought battle, which sadly most spies end up losing.

-If the engineer is away or dead, sap it all, even if people are around. A dead sentry is extremely valuable to your team.

-If the engineer is away, but can come back to his gun, then you sap his stuff and he will do one or two things. If he starts coming to you, pull out your revolver and kill him. The gun won’t hurt you. If he instead goes to knock the sapper off, stab him in the back before he gets to it. Constant sapping seems effective, but usually results in death.

-If the engineer is present and whacking at his gun. The key to this scenario is the level of the sentry gun in question. If it is level 1 or level 2, you can stab the engineer and very quickly sap the gun. If it is a level 3, then you are in real trouble. In order to stab and sap, you must perfectly time the stab when the sentry is pointing away from you (as far as possible) and you very very quickly switch to your sapper. To sap and stab, you need to find a careless engineer who is unaware of what is going on.

-If the engineer has allies around his gun, avoid it at all costs. It is usually a death sentence to try to do so.

-Sapping teleporters and dispensers are very important, especially teleporters. Denying the other team quick access to the front line is extremely beneficial for your team.

-You can now take the engineer's teleporters, allowing you to reach those high areas and sap his stuff. Also note you can telefrag a poor engineer like this. I have done it once, and it's a great laugh.

-Don’t try to sap multiple sentries at once. It gets the opposing team into a tizzy because of several engineers hollering for help. They have strength in numbers.

-Versus other classes

-Sniper. Easiest one right? Wrong! Snipers will look for you, because they know they are a favorite target of spies. You have to catch him scoping in order to effectively kill him. Kukris will make mincemeat out of you. Razorbacks though give them a sense of comfort, exploit it. Take out your ambassador and conduct some "diplomacy".

-Engineer. Described in sapping tutorial

-Soldier. One of the easy targets. He lacks a definitive spray and pray weapon that covers a large area. He is slow and a very easy target

-Heavy. Also very easy due to his slow movement. Be careful of his friends though. Natascha is evil though. It even slows you down when you are cloaked. Very painful.

-Medic- This one is dicy. He is very quick, so you have to be sharp with your skills. Try and get him trying to heal a heavy.

-Demoman. Try and catch him laying stickies on the point or lobbing pipes while backing up. He is around the same speed as a spy, so it might be difficult to catch him.

-Spy- Other spies are tricky. It all depends on who saw who first as a spy. This will allow you to easily stab him. If not, hope you have great aim with the ambassador or hope you have the revolver as this is usually a close quarters combat.

-Pyros- The worst right? Well, one of them. Some of them do random puffs of flames that seem to reach you. The one good thing about these guys, is that the last thing they expect is to be backstabbed.

-Scout- The worst. His speed is the bane of your existence. You can’t get close for the backstab. If he doesn’t back into you or you get a really luck stab or revolver shot, you usually die to them because they just strafe around you and shoot you. The Force-A-Nature is a tough one. This is an easy way to detect spies by just seeing if your ally "jumps" in the air. If a scout does that and detects the spy, your toast. Try and lure him to a sentry gun.

-Special Scenarios

-Spy capping is very popular. It is very good one the last point which has a very fast timer. Only do this when you can actually cap it. Very rarely does a good spy sit and wait for a previous capture. You are idle.

-Teamwork. Sapping targets gives an easy opportunity for allies to destroy buildings. The engineer can’t keep up because his first two hits aren’t repairing his gun, but instead are working on getting rid of the sapper, allowing allies to easily destroy them.

-Baiting. People will hate a good spy and will do everything to kill them and get vengeance. Lure them back to sentry guns or a large force of people.

-Facestabs do happen, and sometimes backstabs don’t happen. I usually think they cancel eachother out, but it is a royal pain when the backstab glitches.

-Getting ubered by an enemy medic is always a treat. Despite the fact it instantly reveals you (you glow the color of your team). It gives you temporary immunity and of course, the medic wastes his uber on you.

-Now, the ultimate treat for a spy is the clearcut. This is when enemies are unaware, completely lined up in a closed hallway. This only happens on extremely rare occasions, but is just awesome to behold because no other class can do it. Now it is even easier with the new backstab animation.

That is most of my secrets. I didn’t give them all away, because I need some kind of advantage if I want to continue playing as a spy.

Remember, as a spy…
Be Cunning, Be Ruthless and Spare no one.

Thanks to all of my victims and all players who are a delight to play with.

Edit: Updated to reflect the changes
Edit: Updated to reflect more changes
Edit:New Weapons Added and some minor Changes
Last edited by Yahoo!! on Wed Oct 28, 2009 3:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by shimmybot » Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:44 pm

Good guide yahoo :D

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Re: Yahoo's Spy Guide

Post by Infusions » Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:12 pm

There are actually a couple of thigns I want to comment/add on to.

I find it generally useless to disguise as a friendly. People still shoot at you anyway.[/quote]

Unless I'm behind enemy lines, I usually always disguise as a friendly. I do it for many reasons:

1. It's to let my team see that I have a mask on and I'm a friendly spy.

2. If there are ever any other Spies with mics hiding in a corner and they suddenly see a teammate Pyro making buddy-buddy conversation with the enemy, they're going to instantly know I'm a Spy and report it back to their team and I wouldn't have a clue of why the whole enemy team pulled out their melee weapons and started bashing my head in when I finally felt it was time to make my move. I tell my teammates if there is ever a Spy Whatever when I see him disguise as he runs out of his base.

3. It can help save your cloak if there aren't a whole lot of enemies around. Lets use the bridge on 2Fort for example. If I ran out cloaked to go over the bridge, I'd have to stop in the enemy enterance door corner to wait for my cloak to recharge. But if I ran out as a friendly, I'd be able to use my cloak when running around inside the base. Although, I'd only do it if I'm certain no enemies are there to see me.

4. However, if one does happen to see me, I'll take cover to the nearest rock, building, or anything, quickly cloak, change into an enemy disguise, and try to go around the person or directly behind and stab. That person shooting won't be thinking that enemy Sniper is the same Spy Pyro he's been looking for.

5. During setup time so the enemy won't know I'm a spy. Of course, I'm sure everyone now-a-days does this too.

[quote="Yahoo!!";p="118127"]-Disguising. ALWAYS cloak as one of the following: Sniper, Pyro, Demoman and Engineer. The problems with the others:

Scout: You are too slow to be a real scout
Medic: Lack of Healing teammates is a dead giveaway. Same with a lack of any uber being charged.
Heavy: You are too slow, and unable to get anywhere
Soldier: Same issue as heavy
Spy: Very iffy, because most people are paranoid of spies, and will shoot you because you “look” like a spy. [/quote]

I actually disguise as an enemy Spy from time to time. Regardless of disguise, most people will spy check you if they turn and see a lone teammate somewhere. Some disguises are just not as obvious as others (Medic being the most obvious since no ubercharge sign) so I'll try and take the non-obvious ones that don't slow down my speed and use those.

And I'm one of the few spies who never disguises as a Demoman. Even though it's just a 7% difference in speed, it can mean a whole lot when you're trying to cut corners to catch up with a speedy medic or even catching up with another Demoman to stab.

And I do disguise as Scout, but only in special situations. If I'm waiting near a corner or spawn door to poke stab anyone who comes out, I'll disguise as Scout because he has the shortest gun so it won't stick out as much as something like the Flamethrower or Shotgun would. If I ever do find myself having to use the Scout as a fo' real disguise (Which is like, .5%), I'll hop around endlessly in case the enemy sees me. If he sees me hopping, he'll see me as a bit speedier than if I were just walking, which can sometimeessss fool some people.

[quote="Yahoo!!";p="118127"]-Play spy on defense is easier than offense. Defensive spies can execute quick succession of backstabs and quickly run back to base. Offensive spies can’t run back as easily.[/quote]

If I ever do find myself as Spy on Offense, I'll usually only stay for the beginning. Lets use Dustbowl for an example.

The whole Red Team is busy protecting the first point, so their whole second point is empty. Rather than just idling around and waiting to ninja cap (Which rarely works now-a-days anyway), if I manage to get to the second point, I'll pesture the other team as much as possible so there's less defense protecting the first point. Stabbing people when they walk out of spawn, jumping off of platforms and hitting them when they go in a tunnel, or even just getting them to chase me around for awhile and playing a game of Hide and Go Seek after they start to get paranoid.

Once that first point is capped though, there's not a whooleee lot you can do as Spy without getting killed in a heartbeat. Mainly because their spawn is so close to the second point, so even if you do manage to stealth by there unspotted, any damage you do will instantly result in death since there will always be someone walking out of their spawn and seeing you. If there are no sentries though, you can end up pesturing the team long enough for your team to bust in with some action packed shooting.

[quote="Yahoo!!";p="118127"]-One special method that is often employed by stabs is called something I call the quick turn swing. [/quote]

I actually call it the Flick Stab. Not an important comment to make, BUT STILL.

[quote="Yahoo!!";p="118127"]-Sniper. Easiest one right? Wrong! Snipers will look for you, because they know they are a favorite target of spies. You have to catch him scoping in order to effectively kill him. Kukris will make mincemeat out of you.[/quote]

And if there is ever a lone Sniper (Which all Snipers usually are) standing with his back against a wall and in a spot where you can head stab him or anything, I would suggest just sneaking up on him while he's scoped and popping in three quick revolver bullets. Three is enough to kill a Sniper when you're in point blank range.

-Pyros- The worst right? Well, one of them. Some of them do random puffs of flames that seem to reach you. The one good thing about these guys, is that the last thing they expect is to be backstabbed.[/quote]

And also, as TF2Wiki puts it, when you're set on fire, "drop your now useless cloak". I've seen spies keep their cloak on when their on fire, when really, the only thing the cloak is doing now is preventing you from using your revolver to fight back.

[quote="Yahoo!!";p="118127"]-Scout- The worst. His speed is the bane of your existence. You can’t get close for the backstab. If he doesn’t back into you or you get a really luck stab or revolver shot, you usually die to them because they just strafe around you and shoot you. Try and lure him to a sentry gun.[/quote]

You could always try a flick stab on them, but it's usually a rare occasion if a scout runs right past you instead of seeing you and spy checking.

[quote="Yahoo!!";p="118127"]-Getting ubered by an enemy medic is always a treat. Despite the fact it instantly reveals you (you glow the color of your team). It gives you temporary immunity and of course, the medic wastes his uber on you.

Really? I didn't know that. Huh. :0

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Re: Yahoo's Spy Guide

Post by Boss Llama » Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:12 pm

Yahoo speaks many truths here!

Look for situations like this. Man I was wishing I was a red spy instead of blu!

As Yahoo said, while many people think of spies as an offensive class, they work wonderfully on defense! Everybody on offense tends to be facing the point, and situations like the one pictured above lead to scores like the one pictured below:

Also, though there aren't many CTF maps on TV servers, there are some. Never forget how valuable a good spy is on these maps! When the intel is in a forward position and the timer is running down, just run on to it invisibly. Who cares if you lose your cloak and die, you refresh the timer and buy more time for your team. Also, when the enemy builds an SG guarding the intel, don't forget you can sap it, grab the intel, and be around a corner before the engy removes your sapper. Note the 16 captures as a spy, out of a possible 20 from the 5 games, despite being outnumbered:
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Re: Yahoo's Spy Guide

Post by Darkxide » Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:17 pm

Pretty good guide.

Although I might see the friendly disguise as pretty useful when roaming around with allies. An enemy pyro walking casually on the team is rather suspicious.
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Re: Yahoo's Spy Guide

Post by Yahoo!! » Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:22 pm

well, my rationale for not disguising as a friendly unit.

You still get shot at. So what is the point? I disguise as a demoman let's say. Well, to them.. its an enemy demoman. If they see me wearing their colors, they will consider me... an enemy spy. Essentially all you are doing is changing your class. To those who think it is catastrophic they (opposing team) know I am spy... well once you play spy enough they will automatically assume you are a spy anyway. It is your choice, but I have seen it a few times that spies forget to change teams again. I prefer that might as well stay consistent and just disguise as the enemy. Also, disguises are becoming more and more useless and cloaking is the way to go.

Finally, I usually hide away from my teammates (sorry guys, but a spy is a solo class). Lots of times I will get killed because splash damage or wayward fire onto teammates will also reveal you or get you too hurt to destroy targets.

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Re: Yahoo's Spy Guide

Post by Tungsten » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:08 pm

-Revolver- ok for certain situations. Great for finishing off weakened enemies. Packs a wallop when critting. Used in mainly emergency situations or times when you really need someone dead in hurray when he is far away.
-knife. This is your true weapon. How it is wielding will decide how successful you are. A normal frontstab might be enough to kill off weakened enemies. The backstab is your bread and butter. Infinite damage, killing anything.
I disagree. The knife is one of the worst melee weapons unless you're really good at flick stabs, face stabs or the much less known "flying turnaround stab" (alright, I made up the name for the last one, but you all understand). Spies weren't meant to fight honorable, if in a close quarters fight, it would be better to run away or pull out the revolver. Don't underestimate the revolver. Run with the revolver out. Learn to aim the revolver. It's a great anti-sniper weapon...and a great anti-pyro weapon.

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Post by So Uncivilized » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:27 pm

I think it's good to hear other opinions, but thanks for the guide, Yahoo!! As a terrible spy, the more I can hear and assimilate, the better.


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Re: Yahoo's Spy Guide

Post by TheCarpe » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:47 pm

[quote="Yahoo!!";p="118143"]well, my rationale for not disguising as a friendly unit.

You still get shot at. So what is the point? I disguise as a demoman let's say. Well, to them.. its an enemy demoman. If they see me wearing their colors, they will consider me... an enemy spy. Essentially all you are doing is changing your class. To those who think it is catastrophic they (opposing team) know I am spy... well once you play spy enough they will automatically assume you are a spy anyway. It is your choice, but I have seen it a few times that spies forget to change teams again. I prefer that might as well stay consistent and just disguise as the enemy. Also, disguises are becoming more and more useless and cloaking is the way to go.

Finally, I usually hide away from my teammates (sorry guys, but a spy is a solo class). Lots of times I will get killed because splash damage or wayward fire onto teammates will also reveal you or get you too hurt to destroy targets.[/quote]

I am nothing if not a horrible Spy, but I do have one success story with freindly disguises.

I once disguised as a friendly Pyro heading to the last point of Warpath with a couple enemies in hot pursuit. When I got out of their sight I cloaked and let them go by me, redisguised as an enemy Demo, and started helping them look for myself. It certainly bought time for my team to have three of their enemy teammates searching for that Pyro that didn't really exist. :D
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Post by Freakish » Thu Sep 04, 2008 8:54 pm

You can backstab someone even when they're against a wall. Stand next to them and look mostly away from the wall, but a little towards them, and stab.

You can also jump up and stab, such as when on Offense on Dustbowl Stage 3, when an engineer sets up atop the stairs just past the first CP.

Enemy buildings block you, but also can be jumped on to get up higher, though attentive players will realize this means you're a spy.

It's really worth your time to use the revolver if you have decent aim. It packs a punch and can be good for taking out sentry guns from medium distances if you can't get in close for some reason.

You can teleport camp (also possible--and more fun--as pyro!). Just stand a little back so you don't get telefragged, and make sure you're standing behind the teleporter. Smart engineers will catch on and destroy the tp; most players will catch on and try to take you out, so don't expect more than a kill or two from this in each go.

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Post by Un4GiveN » Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:30 pm

Very well written guide Yahoo. I have quite a bit of respect for you as a spy. It was interesting to see your point of view regarding the abilities of the spy. Once I finished I realized that you and I play the class quite differently. Of course there's plenty that I agree with also.

I'll have to work on a guide of my own once I return from vacation so our players can see both our points of view.

P.S. I've always wondered what the meaning behind your avatar is. Please enlighten me :)

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Post by shimmybot » Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:46 pm

P.S. I've always wondered what the meaning behind your avatar is. Please enlighten me :)
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This, which later became

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Re: Yahoo's Spy Guide

Post by Yahoo!! » Thu Sep 04, 2008 10:55 pm

Just remember right the end of my guide. I haven't given away all of my secrets.

Although it may seem pretty thorough, it ain't. There is a whole whack of stuff that I do otherwise that is either:

-Very hard to explain
-A Trade Secret that I would like to keep to myself, especially some stuff on evasion techniques.

I would love to see your guide un4given. You are one of the most formidable spies I have encountered.

Shimmybot has given the details on my avatar.

Also, I don't give details on map specifics. Obviously some maps have certain attributes that can make it harder or easier. I actually find Badwater to be the best map period for a spy. It almost feels broken on how good it is.

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Post by Thorn » Sun Sep 07, 2008 3:54 pm

great guide yahoo!! covered a ton of stuff and in a simple and clear fashion. There is no point I disagree with

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Post by Pine » Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:39 pm

-Getting ubered by an enemy medic is always a treat. Despite the fact it instantly reveals you (you glow the color of your team). It gives you temporary immunity and of course, the medic wastes his uber on you.
i believe you only glow your teams color if your team sees you

so say a blue medic ubers a red spy, only red players would see the red.

A great way ive figured out how to do this which works especially well on warpath is go pyro or anything that would seem to destroy your base and find the medic with uber. try and get him to heal you (yell medic or just like walk in front of him and wait for him to heal you) then start moving out and if hes still healing you then go at it! most of the time they will uber you, at least for me :D

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