sniper's crosshairs

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Re: sniper's crosshairs

Post by kate78 » Tue Apr 03, 2007 7:35 pm

go to explore and see if the file zipped to the right place..sometimes a new folder gets created and it's in there. You don't need to "replace" it per se as it will write over the old file.
The extention is .spr so go see if your machine put it in the right place

and then to be able to access it, you do it in go to your console and you type
cl_xhair n
where n is any number from 1 to (usually) 16...
for ex. if you want the crosshair that's in position 3 you would type in the console
cl_xhair 3
and then resume your game, you'll see the crosshair changed. If it's not the one you wanted, just keep trying all of them till you get to the one you want
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