SAAART Base ~Northern Building On Stevos Server~

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SAAART Base ~Northern Building On Stevos Server~

Post by BETTEH » Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:18 pm

So we have been having an increasing amount of pilgrimages to the north to see some of the structures and landscape we have been creating from various users of the server, which we are pleased with. If you would like to stay and become a permanent resident up north we do ask of a few things of you if you plan on staying.

There are a few simple rules we would like everyone to follow that resides up north and one of them is the entire reason I built the sky bridge and rail in the first place, snow. Please leave the snow alone (ice too :) ). We encourage building, exploring, and the sort but if it can be avoided please do not destroy the snow. Remember that torches placed on the ground also melt the snow so be cautious of where you are dropping them.

The second rule we would like people to abide by is a courtesy rule for the northern citizens. Please do not alter any structures built within the castles or towns from here on without the permission of the original creator. We are always looking to expand and create larger structures, I would love to build more onto the castle with a group as we started out, but would also like to keep some sort of order.

Thirdly is spacing. Set your draw distance to maximum, then hit "F" one more time so it is 1 setting below max. At this point move away from all player built structures until they go out of view. At this point this is a safe area to build. So when you set your draw distance back to maximum you can see civilization in the distance as to not be totally lost. It's pretty obvious that the world is large enough to accommodate this rule, and it's a pretty easy one to abide by. We want everyone to have space so if they decide to add on to there structures they can do so freely without worrying about running into others building areas, or more importantly, the vast chains of mines underground. Everyone would like their own space, please allow them to have it.

At this point the SAAART base is open to all users for building materials, as well as Gizanked tree farm and my normal wheat farm. The only thing we ask is that if you take, replant the seeds or saplings. The Supply Depot is slam packed full of cobble and other materials, so come on up North, follow those few rules, and build in a snow ruled world with the rest of us :)
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