Why? Why? Why?

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Why? Why? Why?

Post by Jehu » Wed Nov 08, 2006 2:48 pm

The topic "Any one know?" was recently locked by a forum admin. I am not sure why but the topic had not gotton out of control or anything. There were no personal attacks or ugliness. What is wrong with having meaningful dialogue about meaningful subjects? I have been a member of The Ville for 3+ years and I am tired innocent topics been locked like this.

Decon I wanted to give you props on your insightful response on the forum, that was later shut down in a gestapo type fashion. Your response was well thought out and i would have loved to repsond. I consider everyone on The Ville my friend, and I treat everyone here with repsect. But one of my friends is denying me the opportunity to share my thoughts and views.

I am dissapointed, and I have posted this in the forum for all to see. I believe there are more people out there who are not opposed to a open and friendly discussion that is about something that matters. Not merely crude jokes or spam. Anyway, I have said my peace on this, I hope people get to see it.
[i]Jehu said, Come with me and see my zeal for the LORD.[/i] [b]2 Kings 10:16[/b]


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Re: Why? Why? Why?

Post by l3eeron » Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:11 pm

I'll quote Strontium Dog who quoted Roofcutter:

"The Ville has a long tradition of no Political, Religious, and Competitive posts.

We are an easy going, fun loving, dedicated gaming site that most of us spend a few minutes of our precious time to escape too.

The Web is full of sites that provide forums for just about everything.
We do encourage all of you to visit these sites for discussion of these topics. The more the merrier. Only by searching out all sides of any subject can anyone even hope to understand and then formulate a well considered opinion.

So please keep the comments about we are trying to censor or stop your free opinions to yourself.

We just want you to go to the appropriate sites, Private Messages or the Various Members forums to express yourself.

The Ville servers and open forums are reserved for Fun and for all Gamers regardless of where or who they are in the world.

Thank you for your understanding

The Admins"

The religious discussions are too volitile too be discussed in board format. There's too much room for "miscommunication in translation". In other words, people might get their feelings hurt, and theVille is here for fun and comradery. Topics like the ones mentioned above opens the door for vilun vs villun discussions. And that my friend is very ANTI-VILLE

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Re: Why? Why? Why?

Post by Powdermilkman » Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:22 pm

Jehu the rule that S.D. quoted from Roofcutter is one of if not the oldest rules at the ville. It has been under my impression that this rule rarely if ever has been bent to allow for any other interpretation than what is quoted. Even if the topic isn't harmful or flamming or even a hint of evil in it then it will be locked mainly because it was one of the subjects that can encite flamming and hurt feelings that will have longer lasting effects upon the ville and its residents.


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Re: Why? Why? Why?

Post by Hamese » Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:32 pm


It was locked because of what Powder and Beeron have stated above. No, it had not gotten heated or out of hand, yet, but it is just a matter of time. I was a little suprised to see it last as long as it did, but thank you all for being civil about it.

Loka took the discussion of the forums the other night and into AIM chat, which is what the other thread is addressing.

There are too many personal opinons around the Ville to throw into the pot/forums since this is a Gaming community lets keep it to gaming and general randomness, craziness, and least of all.... spam.

(Powder, I promise I am not following you around the forums either :))

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Re: Why? Why? Why?

Post by loka » Wed Nov 08, 2006 3:43 pm


It was locked because of what Powder and Beeron have stated above. No, it had not gotten heated or out of hand, yet, but it is just a matter of time. I was a little suprised to see it last as long as it did, but thank you all for being civil about it.

Loka took the discussion of the forums the other night and into AIM chat, which is what the other thread is addressing.

There are too many personal opinons around the Ville to throw into the pot/forums since this is a Gaming community lets keep it to gaming and general randomness, craziness, and least of all.... spam.

(Powder, I promise I am not following you around the forums either :))[/quote]

LIES!!! ::watches Hamese from binoculars::
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Re: Why? Why? Why?

Post by Simple » Wed Nov 08, 2006 4:36 pm

Yes I have seen these post go sideways more then once here and alot of friendships ended over a few words. This has been a rule ever since I have been apart of TheVille and as far as I'm concerned it will remain a rule here at TheVille. It keeps the forums civil and without conflicts. Everyone has there own opinions and 9 times out of 10 things turn bad even though you might not see it, but feelings do get hurt and maybe that person isn't one to cause conflict and they run around with that chip on there shoulder, do to something that was said and becomes distant from the rest.

TheVille is all about being a community and if fellow villuns want to get together and think they can handle a debate with eachother without getting there feelings hurt then they can do what Loka is tring to do. You have to remember someones feelings might be hurt that doesn't even post in the post. As I said they don't want conflict so they just hold it within themselves. Bottomline if you all want to create a debate group and get together once a week, month or whatever then thats up to you, but please don't do it on the forums.

This place is all about friendships and having fun and losing a few villuns over a debate is not worth it IMHO. So in closing I ask if everyone please respect the rules of TheVille and try and keep things to where it's not going to cause someone go leave over a debate that could be held in a controled environment.


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Post by regis » Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:17 pm

Yeah, I didn't mean that to turn into a relious thing. I was just honestly curious.


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Re: Why? Why? Why?

Post by loka » Wed Nov 08, 2006 5:31 pm

lol i actually thought it was a joke
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Post by Mr>Ellroy » Thu Nov 09, 2006 2:36 am

i didn't see the post but i must say that rule is a good rule its like the rule my family has at the table....cos we are a mixxed bunch of talkers and believers we try to have peace in atleast one place in our lives so i am kind of glad the ville has a rule like this i have never run into any post like this before but then i only read about 1% if that of the subjects posted

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Re: Why? Why? Why?

Post by Jehu » Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:30 am

It was my fault for taking it to another level. It started out as a simple question that was designed to be funny. It started a little debate about how people feel about using God's name in vain. The policy has always been not to allow such discussions to continue here in the forums. I knew that but I became impatient with the staff when it was locked.

I am sorry for being harsh with the staff and not laying off when I should have. You have to understand this is my lifes work. Many of you know me, that I like to joke around and have fun, but when it comes to matters of people hurting or questions about the Chrstian faith I am all business.

I apologize for allowing the debate to rage on on the forums and for calling the admins "gestapo". Forgive me villuns, I just wanted to help the only way I know how. By speaking the truth as I have experinced it and know it in my heart.
[i]Jehu said, Come with me and see my zeal for the LORD.[/i] [b]2 Kings 10:16[/b]


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Re: Why? Why? Why?

Post by Simple » Thu Nov 09, 2006 9:36 am

I want to thank you Jehu for the understanding on this. This is why TheVille is so great as everyone can work together to come to agreements. :D

Again Thanks Jehu


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