[Custom Campaign] Suicide Blitz 2

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[Custom Campaign] Suicide Blitz 2

Post by MateoTheBold! » Sat Jun 11, 2011 2:32 pm

Campaign link:

Suicide Blitz 2 is a 5 map campaign. I have probably tried over 15 custom campaigns between L4D1 and L4D2 and this ranks up there as one of my favorites. JD, Mortis, Zookie and I got a nice run in. Only JD survived the finale, and when I questioned him about survivor's guilt, he denied any. He almost seemed happy to be the only one in the chopper.

Overall, the campaign had a few unique trigger events, excellent textures, although few were custom, and the levels had lots of detail in them. Maps were not only designed well but had lots of extra touches thrown in to make it feel very real-worldy. The rescue event is a continuous horde that you have to fight through to reach a chopper right outside of an american football stadium.

Negatives: The levels are long (which is both good and bad) and ammo piles are spread out. I didn't find this to detract from my enjoyment but it may bother some.

The map is Vs enabled and would be an absolute BLAST to play. We should try to do a Vs run on this if there is enough interest.

Edit: Updated with T's ninja speed link.
Last edited by MateoTheBold! on Sat Jun 11, 2011 2:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: [Custom Campaign] Suicide Blitz 2

Post by TTHREAZ » Sat Jun 11, 2011 2:47 pm

I recommend using THIS link instead. It's faster.

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Re: [Custom Campaign] Suicide Blitz 2

Post by John Doe » Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:36 am

It was a very cool campaign and I would play it again gladly, in fact I would play it several times before getting into a VS as I think familiarity will make a huge difference when trying to survive a vs game.


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Re: [Custom Campaign] Suicide Blitz 2

Post by frostdillicus » Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:33 pm

While the actual aesthetics of the map are quite well done, the campaign itself is garbage.

1. The individual maps are far too long for L4D2. Even if you move slow you should not see over 20-25 specials. When you are clearing double digits per person, the maps are just far far too long.

2. There are not enough spawn points for items. I don't mind not having weapons or ammo every 3 feet, but the simple fact that even secondary weapons were single pickups, and we found a TOTAL of 3 magnums throughout the entire map means something is wrong. Oh, found zero temp health until the 3rd map. If you are going to have maps that long, you need to provide supplies to the players so they aren't crawling at 1 HP B&W half way through the map using an Uzi and a single pistol.

3. The finale is absolute bullshit. If you want to see a well designed constant wave finale, look at Parish. When tanks spawn, commons stop. Commons come from a controlled location and can never surround you unless you let them. In this finale, commons were spawning while dealing with 2 tanks. The commons literally come from every direction, including behind you, leaving you completely surrounded. Absolutely crapilly designed finale.

I will not be playing this campaign again. It has massive design flaws that, while playable, make it NOT FUN. I couldn't even imagine the rage it would induce in versus given the sheer amount of instant kill spots that are prevalent throughout the levels, coupled with the length of the maps make for a terrible map where the survivors have no chance unless the teams are horribly unbalanced.

Bad map. Thumbs down.

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