Rage Inducing Habit

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Did you receive this kind of experience?

Yes, it was upsetting when these uprisings occurred
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No, you're just overreacting
I think you just hit your head on too many pans
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Rage Inducing Habit

Post by Maple Man » Sat Jan 25, 2014 12:50 am

Not sure if I should put this is TF2 or General Rambling, but I felt that I should bring this up here.

I have the tendency to stalk and attempt to annoy a random person as much as possible. Watching their dumbfounded reactions is pretty funny. Although, when I was bballing with Prang, Danny, and Alex, Prang got very upset at me for constantly market gardening him while ignoring the intel/ball.
POV of Danny's chat
Loco'Danny: Loco'Danny: Sorry about that,I was planning on having Alex on my team since I knew she'd be running rocket. Pretty sure that's another reason you left.
prang: every time we play
prang: maple just jumps around trying to one shot people
prang: its a ****ing box
prang: how hard is it to jump on people?
prang: its so boring playing with people like that
Loco'Danny: Yeah I see what you mean. :/ Does get annoying when he does that sometimes.
prang: he avoids picking up the intel so we dont shoot at him and he just tries to have fun on his ow
Just for clarification, this was off ville territory, but still significant. Prang's reaction probably represents the reactions of other villuns.
Rereading this, I remembered that I do nearly the exact type of actions on TV VIII. Just replace the word "intel" with "point". Honestly, I'm not sure if this is proper "ville" quality since the main purpose is to make others have fun. Didn't mean to look selfish over having fun on my own at the cost of other people's enjoyment of the game. So...yeah I'm sorry for all those who played with me and are upset about my actions. I didn't mean to cause grieving around the community either.

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by InBOUND HD » Sat Jan 25, 2014 1:18 am

Nah its cool. Besides you're just target practice for me, especially when you'rer in the air. Helps to improve my air shots :v

And I don't mean that you're bad. I'm saying that you're fun to play with Maple. So don't feel bad, just try to not let that habit of yours go to an extreme.

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by prang » Sat Jan 25, 2014 2:31 am

Maple Man wrote: I have the tendency to stalk and attempt to annoy a random person as much as possible. Watching their dumbfounded reactions is pretty funny.

Funny for who?

My play style is a lot different than yours Maple. We've had lots of fun together in the past and I'm sure we'll have some good times down the road. I don't play this game for those kind of reactions though. I enjoy when an enemy sees me and we juke and bounce around and shoot at each other until one of us comes out on top, but along the way maybe we both put a grin on our faces. I like that interaction, the eye contact, and the tension of those situations.

I get frustrated the same way with snipers who stand in spawn, or dead ringer spies, or flare gun axtinguisher pyros. Its not as much fun for me playing with people who choose to use weapons that maximize their chances of ending a fight quickly and reduce their interactions with other people on the server.

I could say that if you want to just jump around one shotting people why do you need other players? Just go download tr_walkway and play with bots. That's not fair though. I play a certain way so that I can have fun but I don't dictate how everyone else should play. I can choose to leave if I'm getting frustrated or avoid people I don't have fun with but you shouldn't change how you play because of what I think. Play however you like, that's pretty much what TF2 is about.

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by ADevilishPotato » Sat Jan 25, 2014 2:47 am

prang wrote:Play however you like, that's pretty much what TF2 is about.
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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by Boss Llama » Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:10 am

Objective always comes first, in my mind. Deliberately ignoring the objective to do something else, on a server that is trying to play a real game, is harmful. If everybody is just messing around for a bit of fun or to seed, or if a given weapon combo or repeated tactic is effective in advancing your teams' efforts at the objective, by all means carry on. If it's impeding the team on a full server... suffice to say that my favorite rule at the community I played before the Ville was that we kicked/banned people who didn't pursue the map objective. Note that I consider the deliberate targeting of a critical opponent, with the intent to neutralize their threat, to be totally legitimate so long as it is a planned action to facilitate objective completion.

I think the important item to consider in the scenario you bring up is that you say you are attempting "to annoy" a given player. I'm not sure that's a very sporting motivation, as it would seem the goal is to prevent another person from having fun, for personal amusement. That's dangerously close to the motivation of trolls and griefers, so I'd want to double check the reasoning behind it - is it to legitimately help your team, as mentioned above, or is it just to piss them off?
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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by cam » Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:36 am

look, at some point no matter who you are or who nice you are or how much you suck at the game or how awesome you are, you're gonna piss someone off and theres not a lot you can. depending on how mad the person is and how much is actually your fault, an apology fixes the problem 9 times out of 10. i think its great that you're preemptively trying to recognizing potential situations when you are pissing people off because that means you're a human being with empathy.

ask anyone on prp how I lead. I make inappropriate jokes, im obnoxious on voice comms, and I make fun of my teammates when they do dumb things. However, I always invite people to tell me when the line is quickly approaching and I'm about to cross it. 90% of the time, im able to self moderate and do a pretty good job of figuring out where the line is myself but no one on my team is afraid to tell me to stfu. everyone has feelings and everyone is sensitive about different things and what may not seem like a big deal to you might be a huge deal to someone else.

maple, you have pissed me the eff off sometimes with your bs pan kills and other stupid antics. i will seriously be tryharding my brains out and youll just waltz in and DUR HURR DARP BONK and im dead and then im all sorts of mad. however, you have some of the greatest natural talent at this game i have ever seen. there are more times than i can count where i have rage quit a game because i get mad because I dont have half the talent playing seriously that you do joking around. take pride in that!

you are a great player and you shouldnt ever apologize for being good at this game. however, you do need to know when to recognize that people are legitimately trying to have a serious (at least as serious as tf2 can be) game and return the courtesy (or at least pan someone else).

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by The Domer » Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:51 am

I am a mummy wrote:know when to recognize that people are legitimately trying to have a serious (at least as serious as tf2 can be) game and return the courtesy (or at least pan someone else).
I think Mummy is pretty dead-on here. Most of the time, TF2 is just about the derpiest game around. But in those rare moments when everyone gets super-serious and puts on their tryhard pants, it needs to be respected.

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by Jesus_Faction » Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:59 am


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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by Maple Man » Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:01 am

Alizée Fan wrote:That's dangerously close to the motivation of trolls and griefers, so I'd want to double check the reasoning behind it - is it to legitimately help your team, as mentioned above, or is it just to piss them off?
What I try to do it help the team while I still horsing around. Although, while in the process I'll end up constantly killing someone over and over.
The Domer wrote:
I am a mummy wrote:know when to recognize that people are legitimately trying to have a serious (at least as serious as tf2 can be) game and return the courtesy (or at least pan someone else).
I think Mummy is pretty dead-on here. Most of the time, TF2 is just about the derpiest game around. But in those rare moments when everyone gets super-serious and puts on their tryhard pants, it needs to be respected.
...I almost never recognize whether they're tryharding or not. What may look like tryharding looks like the same tactics except out to kill a specific person.

What my main issue is the type of game-play I do looks heavily on the grieving side despite wanting to just break the metagame in general. Appreciate the responses

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by F13ND » Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:09 am

I think it's funny, but I tend to enjoy the game whatever happens.

although getting killstreaks of 30 is a teensy bit better than deathstreaks of 30
Thanks Sparky!

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by Will T. » Sat Jan 25, 2014 12:43 pm

I'd say that at least for TV8 which you mention in the original post, when it's less than 6v6 during initial seeding and everyone's melee-ing without trying to actually win the round, anything goes. As soon as the guns (officially) come out though, that's when it's time to buckle down and focus on the objective.

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by ADevilishPotato » Sat Jan 25, 2014 1:31 pm

I have never seen you play where "buckle down and focus on objective" is an issue. I think this inherently comes about by you A) killing high value targets, B) not trolling by being lazy medic/engi/spy, and C) being really good at jumping. I honestly have no issue with people like you not focusing on the objective because it is not like you are just jumping about to get behind lines to just wiggle your butt in front of the enemy's spawn door, you are getting in the back to caber me over and over and over and over again. So until you start teletrolling or non-stop spy crabbing, keep doing what you do best.
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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by trilobite » Sat Jan 25, 2014 1:45 pm

Short response: If your target is either a tactical priority or a difficult challenge, then OK. If your target is neither a tactical priority nor especially challenging, then NOT OK. If you are just singling out another player to kill over-and-over for lulz, then I would consider that unfriendly behavior and very poor sportsmanship.

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by Earthworm James » Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:17 pm

I can think of other, more effective ways to be credit to team than abandoning your teammates for your own personal suicide mission. But, just know, I say this only because I have said it to myself many times, for I too have suicidal tendencies. Sometimes it works out fantastically, comically, or quite enjoyably, and other times it is only putting the team in a worse position. Discerning the appropriate time for such things can be really important for team moral and such, but honestly, sometimes you just gotta GET IN THERE...ya know?

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by Zork Nemesis » Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:23 pm

That's like me when I Mantread people, often I deliberately aim for capture points since people not only tend to cluster there but if I crush someone that's a point defense and even if I don't it's usually a block while I whip out my melee.

This is hard to be cool and suave while being informative at the same time. Goddamn my coolness.
In my experience, common sense isn't too common.

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