Rage Inducing Habit

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Did you receive this kind of experience?

Yes, it was upsetting when these uprisings occurred
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No, you're just overreacting
I think you just hit your head on too many pans
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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by MateoTheBold! » Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:22 pm

Others have said it, but the key is simply to play the game to have fun. Play how you want to play, but be aware its a team game and try to align your goals so that you are helping further that team goal.

Regardless, when I see Maple Man has connected it has never failed to bring a smile to my face.


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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by kkpyro » Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:59 pm

MateoTheBold! wrote:Regardless, when I see Maple Man has connected it has never failed to bring a smile to my face.

This. There is NO ONE I love to burn more. (except maybe Daff) :onfire:

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by Daryldime » Sun Jan 26, 2014 8:15 am

kkpyro wrote:
MateoTheBold! wrote:Regardless, when I see Maple Man has connected it has never failed to bring a smile to my face.

This. There is NO ONE I love to burn more. (except maybe Daff) :onfire:
burning love here D: lol

But yeah, most everyone is saying how I feel. People are always going to play this game for the lol factor. I don't expect mlg levels of talent on pub servers. If someone is demoknighting, it doesn't even bother me anymore. I have a server on the side that I play when the rotation server is on a map I don't like where I expect tryharding.

Summation: do what makes the game enjoyable for you.
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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by LadeeeDuke » Sun Jan 26, 2014 4:00 pm

I think this largely depends on some key factors for me.

1. The rule I have with my kids is, "If it's not fun for all, then it's probably not fun or respectful of others." Even if others have boundaries that you don't see eye to eye on, it's probably better to err on the side of caution and show them respect anyhow. It helps knowing your "target" well enough and knowing when to stop/never to start. There are some players who I've known long enough that I have no issues singling out on a boring night when teams are not particular about getting to the objective. But even then, you have to be able to empathize too. Know when it's too much. Know the player (s) you are gaming with. If you don't know the player or they are new to the game, don't do this. It's rude. It's like picking on the new kid to make yourself feel better.
2. As far as sniper goes, isn't that what they are designed to do? I have no problem with practicing or hitting the player with the most impact repeatedly. That just means they have to try harder? Just switch it up it a bit so they don't feel so defeated. Like I said, know when to stop.
3. As others have said before, if people are playing a serious game and things are going intensely, that's probably not the time do be doing that.
4. Lastly, like I tell my son, (this is more for others, not you), if you don't want to get shot repeatedly then don't play the game. That's what it's all about. You really can't get mad at others for playing the game like it was designed. Have fun and get over yourself! IT'S JUST A GAME!

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by YoullNeverWalkAlone » Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:31 pm

I'd echo Ladeee on this. Same rules for my kids.

I main medic, so I know that people tend to target me. I know that if I play against certain people, I am going to die a lot. I understand that going in, so I don't have an issue with Ohnoes when he veers away from other people to make sure I die in flames.

I think if you were doing this to random people it would be very frustrating for that person. If I saw you and mummy doing this, I think it would be a great laugh for the both of you and not take away from those trying to win the game. I suppose its like the way you can joke with some of your friends about things and in ways you would never do with others. We all make fun of Mateo, but the way he takes (and gives) abuse is something I don't think you could do with many other people.
Thanks Sparky for the sig picture!

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by OmgOhnoes » Sun Jan 26, 2014 6:50 pm

You'llNeverWalkAlone wrote: I understand that going in, so I don't have an issue with Ohnoes when he...
To be fair, i'm also going after an objective.. that's basically why i V-line for medics; keeping a medic alive is a huge advantage for the other team.

Now, addressing Prang and his issue with flare axtingusher pyros. You dun called me out son. Pyros are easy targets and if they've gotten to a point where they can effectively flare and axtinguish you then you weren't paying enough attention.

Same could be said for any crit weapon or weapons hard to counter like the beggars bazooka. I can only reflect 1, maybe 2 of the rockets if i time it right but i don't rage about it; i just side step if i see it coming and then kill them.

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by NerevarineKing » Sun Jan 26, 2014 7:47 pm

OmgOhnoes wrote:Now, addressing Prang and his issue with flare axtingusher pyros. You dun called me out son. Pyros are easy targets and if they've gotten to a point where they can effectively flare and axtinguish you then you weren't paying enough attention.
I frequently use axetinguisher and I approve this message. I get frustrated all the time and 99% of the time it's my own fault. Blaming your problems on dead ringer spies and axetinguisher pyros is a lot easier than blaming them on yourself.
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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by Garrett » Sun Jan 26, 2014 8:29 pm

I understand where prang is coming from in this context. Being targeted repeatedly for no tactical reason can be annoying. Particularly if it's perceived as if the opponent's objective is being ignored in favor of "trolling".

That being said, I honestly don't really care what other players do as long as it isn't unfair to everyone involved (e.g. spawncamping). You can sticky jump and caber my medic, juggle me so I can't shoot an arrow, or short circuit everything at my disposal short of melee and I'll just shrug it off. But this just applies to me as I am far from competitive.

My rule of thumb is to not annoy the "serious" players. If they never stray from the optimal playstyle (meaning no demoknight, fat scout, market garden), shoot when it's obvious a melee duel is being proposed, never taunt, etc. then I try not to bother them. For me this means no taunting, no taunt kills unless it's to stun an uber, and always engage with the goal of fighting as opponents not friendly rivals.

I want to have fun when I play but I also don't want to infringe on anyone else's fun so I try to tailor my playstyle accordingly.

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by Scorch » Tue Jan 28, 2014 1:43 pm

Maple you can apologize by *never* hitting me with that by that #!*#&!$# pan again..... :D

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by topfoxrider » Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:32 pm

how does one even get killed by a market gardener? You can see those coming a mile away...

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by Bronze Fox » Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:15 am

topfoxrider wrote:how does one even get killed by a market gardener? You can see those coming a mile away...

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by The Domer » Thu Jan 30, 2014 8:29 am

Holy poop, that one where he gets the guy rocket jumping at granary mid was spectacular.

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by F13ND » Thu Jan 30, 2014 12:27 pm

LadeeeDuke wrote:4. Lastly, like I tell my son, (this is more for others, not you), if you don't want to get shot repeatedly then don't play the game. That's what it's all about. You really can't get mad at others for playing the game like it was designed. Have fun and get over yourself! IT'S JUST A GAME!
I think this is what I encounter most when I'm playing on a more serious server like TV6, someone is always going to be able to take offence at whatever you do because everyone has different expectations on what other players should or shouldn't be doing.

Some people don't like being sniped every time they turn a corner, or being jumped on and cabered while they snipe, or being mowed down by a sexy British Heavy ( ;) ), but the weapons were designed to be used how they are and you can't always expect people to not play a certain way just because you don't like it.
Thanks Sparky!

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Re: Rage Inducing Habit

Post by Maple Man » Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:49 pm

topfoxrider wrote:how does one even get killed by a market gardener? You can see those coming a mile away...
Have you met a solly that knew how to airstrafe? o.o

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