Weekly TV2 seed nights?

For discussions on the organization of the custom maps server TV2

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Flaming Cheese Wheel
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Re: Weekly TV2 seed nights?

Post by Flaming Cheese Wheel » Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:12 am

Plans for tonight? Usual business?

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Re: Weekly TV2 seed nights?

Post by Supreveio » Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:00 am

Either usual business or a few of the Dynamic Payload maps (followed by usual business), depending on if I can contact Stevo before it starts.
"So what have you been up to, man? Haven't seen you in so long!"
"Ah, you know how it is. Doin' a lot of side projects, some consulting, maybe a little freelance... Those are words that people say when they haven't actually been doing anything, right?"

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Re: Weekly TV2 seed nights?

Post by THerpDerpingtonIII » Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:48 pm

Flaming Cheese Wheel wrote:I actually prefer Balloon Race v2 over v3... v3's built-in handicap on the leading team (requiring both balloons to be at the CPs before either one can advance) slows down the game too much.
Agree 100%. Implementing that was a stupid idea, it just gets exploited. I stopped playing v3 because the trailing team (say, blue) could abandon the wheel just shy of points 2-4 and jump off the prow to assault. Boat stops short, red can't board it or cap, so they just fight spawn to spawn until red's confined to their ship, then blue pulls their boat up the extra foot and caps real quick. I've seen entire teams ragequit after 15 minute stalemates at point 2.

V2 is solid fun. The collision's a little erratic if it gets crowded. People get pushed through the bottom of the boats, etc. It's also great for mindless Brass Beast spam since there's no place to run to and you can wedge yourself between the dispenser and the window. When the boats are roughly parallel in the air and people are spawning directly into the fighting area on the deck, every minigun round's a hit on somebody and the dinging can get hilarious. I had a notion to keep a BB around just for Balloon Race and nametag it "The Deck Hose".

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