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Day Z General Information

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:53 pm
What is Day Z?

Copy Pasted Text and spoilered for size.
Realistic "Zombies" with custom animations - These once human creatures will act and behave as if they have a heighten sense of hearing and smell but less sight, on top of that they use motion captured animations such as walking and eating from your unconscious body. If you look into any built up area you'll see them walking around waiting for their next victim which dares to venture in.

New weapons and vehicles! - Ever felt like you needed a Crossbow? Or maybe a less military like weapon? If you have then this is perfect for you as we have both of these created to high quality standards all ready for your use in this wasteland. On top of that you can even pick up the bolts fired from the Crossbow to reuse! Not only that we also have created custom vehicles which can be repaired and ridden around to show the world what you're made of!

Custom Medical System - ArmA II's magic medic feature is a thing of the past with this medical system - If you get shot, expect to bleed and to lose blood until you're bandaged up. Lost too much blood? Then expect to fall over unconscious. If you get shot in the leg then you won't be able to walk until you get morphine so you can man up. Pain is also a factor taken into consideration so without pain killers after taking an injury you'll continue to shake. This is medical at it's best!

Persistent Server - Fed up of spending so many hours working towards a goal or finding supplies and then the server crashes on you losing all your progress? Well with the DayZ server all stat's are saved to our external database so where ever you log off, whatever you have will be keep on you next time you come back in. This means you can spend however long you want doing what you want to do. As long as you don't die during the night!

Tons of new objects - We haven't just added in big things like weapons, we take pride in little details so expect to find things such as water canteens, a number of canned foods, junk and car parts (Along with more!) each of which have their own models, textures and UI imagery, once again all created to that high quality you expect in a full scale modification and we're sure you won't be disappointed with it. Nothing has been rushed.

Hunting and Survival - Eating and drinking is a core part of gameplay, you can tell if you need something by a very subtle GUI which doesn't effect the atmosphere, and if you don't fulfil those needs. You'll die. Wandering animals can killed and gutted (with the right tools) to gain access to their meat which can be eaten so you live longer but also to gain blood. For once these animals actually have a use.

Heavy Optimisation - The DayZ server has been designed to give the best play possible. Custom coding and edits have created a smooth running world which can easily have thousands of zombies spawned at once!

And Much More! - The only way to find out - is to survive!
If you just tl;dr, it's a fun Zombie mod for a Combat Sim game with guns, vehicles, planes, helicopters, tents to make your own bases, and a whole lot of zombies. The worlds are persistent and MASSIVE. It is a SLOW paced game with a lot of communication and teamwork. If you don't want to run 20 minutes to another city, this may not be the game for you.

Still interested?

In order to play Day Z you need Arma 2 and Combined operations. Currently 25$, it was on sale a few weeks ago for 12.50$ You then need to launch Arma 2 and CO at least once then close them. At this point you have a choice of using the Day Z mod provided through Steam or the Day Z Commander (what we use, and preferred)

Day Z Commander Installation Process
Launch Day Z Commander. First you want to click on the Install / Update tab and ensure all of the following are up to date / downloaded.
Day Z Commander
Arma 2
Day Z
DayZ Taviana

When updating any of these you may get another window pop up with prompts, simply follow them.


After updating you now want to click "done" at the bottom of the screen. Click "Settings" now from the top tab.

Check the selected options and then click "Done"

Now we click on the "Favorites" tab from the top. Simply copy and paste this IP ( into the box, and it will auto split the port for you. Thats it! Double click it to now join and play with us!

What are the optimal settings for best FPS?

Here is a screenshot since you asked.



What about standalone?

Basically the standalone has been pushed back to an Alpha release as early as June / July. More information can be found by visiting the Day Z standalone forums, or by looking at the developers panel at PAX East for information regarding the delay. Look for it's release near the end of the year.

What Map are you currently playing on?

Taviana - the DB map is found here, with information regarding the map. Contact one of us on TS3 for the location of our base. Instructions for installing the map are found above. (you can zoom in and out with mouse wheel)

I need more information or want to learn how to pilot / shoot / inventory system :

The game has a pretty brutal learning curve, however if you get with one of us we can teach you the basics in the training map in Arma 2. I am more than happy to teach anyone how to fly the helicopters and planes available in the map we play, or go over the inventory system in the game. Remember this is a mod that was made for a war simulator, you have a hell of a lot of keys in this game. We currently have a base on the server we play on with a large amount of players. While Teamspeak is not mandatory, it is strongly suggested. You can only communicate with other players via text or chat that are in a very close proximity to you, and it will be broadcasted for any players in the area. If you are not on teamspeak and crawling around our base not responding, you will more than likely be shot and have to re-spawn over 40 minutes away. Communication in this game is key. Remember, if you die, you respawn with virtually nothing wherever the map decides to spawn you.

Don't be afraid to ask questions!

Re: Day Z General Information

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 7:28 pm
by MateoTheBold!
Any good youtube videos, wikis or sites for starting players? I know you guys will probably have a TS training session like in the past for the newest round, but I wouldn't mind some reading material, too!

Re: Day Z General Information

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 9:52 pm
by ShiftyDevil
I strongly recommend not rebinding keys. Learn the defaults, it's easier.

Also, hop in TS with us, we'll help you learn the ropes.

Re: Day Z General Information

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 10:53 pm
by Boss Llama
MateoTheBold! wrote:Any good youtube videos, wikis or sites for starting players? I know you guys will probably have a TS training session like in the past for the newest round, but I wouldn't mind some reading material, too!
DayZWiki is a reasonable resource for basic information, wiki style, about various things in the game. It's not 100% updated with every change that has been made in recent patches, but it's certainly enough to help out.

This map is the one we are on, and shows important features, names, and loot points throughout the world. Clicking on a loot point will bring up an image of the building, and a listing of possible spawns (both equipment and zombie) than can occur there. Again, not 100% perfect, but as good as it gets. Something to keep in mind is that the "value" of a given spawn is based on the number of spawns possible and the probability of something spawning in each - not on the potential value of a given item. A low-value spawn can produce the same high value items as a high value spawn.

Grocery stores are your friend for food, drinks, equipment, and pretty much anything you could want except for military hardware and advanced medical supplies.

When driving, do not assume realistic physics interactions with objects. Anything you hit, from little wooden sticks to gigantic trees, can utterly wreck a vehicle. Also, you will sometimes drive right through them and blow them away without any negative affect. It's chance. Also, when driving, neither zombies nor loot will spawn as you drive past, to save the server the massive load of populating a dozen towns as you fly through. To get spawns, it's best to stop a short way away, get out, and walk/jog up to your target. When you hear or see zombies spawning, you know you can start checking for loot. This also means that if you are driving through a town and you see spawned zombies or loot on the ground, another player is either there already, or was so recently. Be cautious. Edit: On Chernarus, zombies now do spawn while driving - only loot doesn't. Be careful! They can hit knock you off bikes/motorcycles, and hit you through the windows of cars if the glass is broken!

The Winchester 1866 is a great starting long gun. Just saying.

With zombies (and anybody you're trying to kill, really), headshots count. A single headshot from the lowest caliber pistol will kill any zombie, even when half a dozen body shots will not. This is especially important early on. Also, zombies are drawn by the noise of gunfire, as well as from your footsteps and movement. Different guns have longer and shorter affect ranges on zombies, ranging from 50 meters to 1600 meters. They will be audible much farther to players.

Some notes on health care: Most healing is done by eating food. You start with 12000 blood (health). A canned or pre-packaged food will restore 200 blood, while cooked meat or an MRE restores 800. You can chain-eat as much as you wish. If you find a blood bag, that will restore you to full health, but you must have another player use it on you by performing a blood transfusion. If you are bleeding (a plus sign will be flashing on your blood drop icon), you will continuously lose blood, and can die from it. Use bandages to stop bleeding. If when you pull up your sights they are shaking intermittently, that is the "pain" effect and can be stopped with painkillers. If you hear yourself coughing, that means you are sick and will lose health down to half - also you can infect others. Antibiotics fix that. While people will generally recover from being knocked out given time, an epi-pen can snap them out of it instantly, except in certain cases of massive trauma like a plane crash, where you basically need to bandage them up and give them some time.

While shortcuts exist for many things, most important options for actions can be found on your mousewheel menu if needed.

Some notes on inventory and backpacks: The inventory system is not perfect, and can take some serious getting used to, but once you understand it it isn't difficult. Basically, there are five inventory types 1) Main inventory, 2) Secondary inventory, 3) Toolbelt, 4) Backpack, 5) Specials. Your main inventory consists of 12 slots, and contains primary ammo, throwables, food, drink, and big stuff like car parts. Your secondary inventory has 8 slots and is for sidearm ammo and bandages. The toolbelt has I think 16 slots, and holds tools (surprise!) that allow you to perform special functions like chopping wood, gutting animals, lighting fires, etc. Your backpack can hold anything of any type, and ranges from 6 to 24 slots depending on the pack you have. Items may not be used directly from backpack, but can be carried around. Special items include optics, your active weapons, and your backpack itself - these all have special slots that do not take away from anything else (they'll be self-explanatory in the inventory screen). Some things take more than 1 slot - primary guns take 10 slots, secondary guns take 5 slots, tents take 3 slots, car parts take from 2 to 6, and some large ammo belts take 2. If you attempt to put an item in to your backpack that it doesn't have room for, that item will vanish permanently from the game, so pay attention to how much space you have. Play around a bit with moving stuff in to and out of your pack, to get used to how it all works (I'd be happy to talk you through the many various iterations as well, if you like).

Mostly things can be figured out by playing. I installed the game and just started playing it without looking anything up. There were a couple rough patches and I asked specific questions here, but most of it ended up being self explanatory.

Re: Day Z General Information

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 11:10 pm
by BigBiker05
Make sure you have lots of wood:

Re: Day Z General Information

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 6:55 pm
by Bronze Fox
Are there any specific reasons why you recommend the DayZ Commander instead of DayZ on Steam itself?

Re: Day Z General Information

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:11 am
by Boss Llama
DayZ Commander has a built-in interface for downloading custom maps and installing them correctly, as well as handling version updates. It also has a good favorites system, and the interface tracks and filters by options set on the servers.

Re: Day Z General Information

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:43 pm
by chaffe[seagreens]
I've been watching some videos on the internet and am interested in this game. understand it can be long and tedious. I dont see people playing this in here much anymore. is there a reason? should I not waste my time. I understand its got lots of bugs, Should I buy it thru steam or a different way. most of these posts about this are old...

Re: Day Z General Information

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 6:53 pm
by TheCarpe
Are you referring to the Arma mod or the newly released standalone version?

Re: Day Z General Information

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 7:27 pm
by Peahats
chaffe[seagreens] wrote:I've been watching some videos on the internet and am interested in this game. understand it can be long and tedious. I dont see people playing this in here much anymore. is there a reason? should I not waste my time. I understand its got lots of bugs, Should I buy it thru steam or a different way. most of these posts about this are old...
I'd also like to get an answer to this. I'd like to get the steam version, but the whole "Early Access" thing turns me off.

Re: Day Z General Information

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:44 pm
by chaffe[seagreens]
i was looking into the steam version, I think im going to buy it just to run around. can we not meet up with you others if we go the steam route? reguardless, do you enjoy it?

Re: Day Z General Information

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:04 pm
by TheCarpe
Again, all depends on if you're referring to the mod of Arma or the standalone. Right now the standalone is in a very unfinished state and is a long way from being what it wants to be. The mod, on the other hand, is still a lot of fun, if somewhat buggy.

For instance (some salty language and imagery, be forewarned):

Re: Day Z General Information

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:50 pm
by chaffe[seagreens]
i bought the $29 steamgame.....Already hate it...J/k. So I ran around for about 45min and found nothing anywhere. I then see somebody and run torawrd him. he runs @ me. I say hello, he puts up his fists. i put mine up, boom, I'm dead. someone shot me..pissed

Re: Day Z General Information

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 12:40 pm
by TheCarpe
chaffe[seagreens] wrote:i bought the $29 steamgame.....Already hate it...J/k. So I ran around for about 45min and found nothing anywhere. I then see somebody and run torawrd him. he runs @ me. I say hello, he puts up his fists. i put mine up, boom, I'm dead. someone shot me..pissed
Welcome to DayZ.

Re: Day Z General Information

Posted: Thu Jan 23, 2014 4:22 pm
by Boss Llama
The sad truth about DayZ is that it's a fun survival game ruined by the fact that people play it. Or, rather, by the fact that people play it. No matter what we do, how friendly we are, how much we stay out of folks' way and aren't a threat, there are those who see the point of the game as hunting other players, killing them, and destroying anything they've worked on. The murder-trolls rule the game on most servers, because they play like it's just another FPS, and people with guns (or at least with a willingness to use them) will always beat people without guns (or who hold their fire).