Minecraft Player Registry (Who's who)
- Dog
- Server Ops
- Posts: 14317
- Joined: Sun Oct 15, 2006 12:12 am
- Location: In the bath, having a good think....
Games Played
Ville Awards
Minecraft Player Registry (Who's who)
Minecraft name = Forum name
Last updated 10/30/2016
_Flyte_ = Flyte
_Inner_ = Inner
0_Meta_0 = Krantz (Ganji)
166_MMX = MMX
abiscuit = abiscuit
ADevilishPotato = ADevilishPotato
ai2097 = Quandary (ADevilishPotato's brother)
Akuma_Salvation = Akuma_Salvation
Arachnea_ = Arachnea (Sponsered by Ixtab)
arfles = arfles
ArtesMagae = ArtesMagae
Badstreet = Last of The Finest
baileylaser = baileylaser
Baumage = Baumage
bbgun114 = unknown
belak = belak
beniscooler = Beniscooler (sponsored by CreeperHunter890 = BlackHawk_989 (Seventhorn's son))
beren5 = beren5 (c4ridw3n's son)
BigBiker05 = BigBiker05
black_and_blue = black_and_blue
blackkey23 = turtlepower (sponsored by Kagsacar)
Bladegrey = Slipstream
blind3112 = Tyrian
BlockCzar = bigern
blutigritter = blutig_ritter
BobtheNinjaMan = BobtheNinjaMan
BronzeFox = Bronze Fox
bubbaminer = JD
BuzzyBeetle = Buzzy Beetle
c4ridw3n = c4ridw3n
calculon000 = Calculon000
Caltes1595 = NerevarineKing
CastleDoctrine = CastleDoctrine
CecilMcneil = Oni
celimare = celimare
ChazPaz = Crusty Juggler
chuchu232 = chuchu232
coleweber = Pwnstar
colocon1 = colocon1 a friend of sweetiecc
coltonaw = Mlites Son
CoyoteCreed = CoyoteCreed
cpthowdy = Cpt Howdy
CrazyCanuck00 = Masakari
crazylegs247 = crazylegs247 (JD's nephew)
CreeperHunter890 = BlackHawk_989 (Seventhorn's son)
crimsonkitsune = crimsonshootingstar
darklin0 = darklin0
Daryldime = Daryldime
DavesIKnow= DavesIKnow (sponsored by John Doe)
Diablue = Diablue
digilink = digilink
DirectorAP = DirectorAP (Sponsored by Quandary)
DirtyDanTVR = Dirty Dan
Dogeh = Dog
Doomslapper = Doomslapper (Plas' nephew)
dredfox = dredfox
dwankie = Mortis462
eggman1590 = Eggers
ehrik = ehrik (sponsored by Buzzy Beetle)
Elanor_The_Fair=Elanor The Fair
ericksoncl23 = bullet
eumoria_TVR = eumoria
eVa_Alizee_Fan = Alizée Fan
eVa_iOwn = iOwn
evilteddibear = (Preacherman's son)
F13ND = F13ND
faded_lance = Faded Lance
FaithOfOne = FaithOfOne (Sponsored by Ladeee)
FingerDemon = FingerDemon
Flakky = Vine
FlashSWT = Flash
Flurg = Flurg
Fookilla3000 = 3000 (sponsored by Taco)
FoxBlaze = Fox_Blaze
fraugrace = Fraulein Arztin
Frumple = Frumple
ffunyman = ffunyman
FlZlX = DukeNukem
foreman = foreman (sponsored by KKpyro)
Fuzzywidely = Peahats
gangster_row = M.N.I.F.T.K
gator40 = gator
genemaiden = KostasBaris
gerbilanna = Will T
gizanked = Gizanked
gr33bo = Greebo
greybeard = greybeard
GruederMcCheese = Grueder/Lil' Duke (LadeeeDuke's son)
Gruelsicle = Gruelsicle
GunnerGuardian = Guardian
HaImBetterThanU = (sponsored by Sgt. Stutter)
hastobefake = aztecmew (sponsored by belak)
HeymanNinja= HeymanNinja (Sponsored by DavesIknow)
holthr30 = holthr
hunterscreed = HunterTheGypsyBard
Ice198 = Berfquack (Sponsored by John Doe)
IcyPatch = Magician's Assistant
Iggynatius = Ignatius
Ihmhi2010 = Ihmhi
Inkn64 = Kagsacar
_Inner_ = Inner
IWetMyselfToday = !B a T m A n!
Ixtab = Ixtab
J_Paul_McCartney = J. Paul McCartney
Jaggernaughty = 11hacker11 (jaggernaughty's little brother)
Jaxon6W = (FingerDemon's 9 y/o son)
johnny_doe = JD
Johnnylombax = vouched for by Ladeee
jsquared89 = MrBlah
kefiramoon = Kefiramoon
keplar = Alizée Fan
keyestvb = Cpt._Keyes
kickme65 = kickme65
kingofhawaii = alohascience (YoullNeverWalkAlone's son)
kkpyro = kkpyro
KRGonzo = KRG
kthor77 = (Flash's nephew)
Ladeee = LadeeeDuke
Larry_McBerry = 6Larry9
Laser_freak3 = Laser_freak3
LilDogeh = (Dog's son)
LordRoth = Masteroth
lukebob49 = Uber!
Lupinefaerie = Lys
Seffy = lyn
malganis75 = Ragnarok1694
Masslings =Snidely Whiplash
MasterChef29 = MasterChef
MasterMarf = Marf
MateoTheBold = MateoTheBold!
Megachiropsftw = Megachirops (sponsored by KK Pyro)
meldin263 = jaggernaughty
merrisa = cocoaabx
Metacidal = metacide
Mingarto = Captain Nick
MissCherry = xAngelxBitex
misterfixit1983 = misterfixit1983 (sponsored by TACOBELL and Marf)
Mithros6030 = Inferno6030
mmsabre = mmsabre
moonray2000 = moonray2000
Mortis462 = Mortis462
Mrsticks09 = Mr. Sticks
MrRegis = regis
MrRickGrimes = Bromid (Sponsored by Minikrg)
mucsdnop = mucsdnop
MuffinCadence = KingJoffrey (sponsored by moonray2000)
Nacho207 = nacho207
NalaHedges = NalaHedges (sponsored by Corporal Stutter)
NepthysNMNH = Nepthys (sponsored by Alizee Fan)
Nichrome = Nichrome
Nived456 = Nived456
NoodgeVader = NoodgeVader
NoPeace4u = NoPeace4u-DBD
Parade_Kid = Parade Kid
PELogos = P. E. Logos
plasma2056 = Plas
PlinkoTVB = Plinko
Porty101 = 6Larry9
preactivz = Cpt._Keyes little brother
Prinz_Schrei = CodySparklewolf
pringprang = prang
PvtPancake = PvtPancake
QueenCheeselegs = Marf (alt account)
rainderp = raindrop
Reapman = Reapman
Reckncru = Super Hero Dan
Red_Baron_Cat = Tungsten
Redf0x7 = Zealous Moogle (Sponsored by Ladeee and Elanor The Fair)
Rits = Rits
rocknrollbrandon = Coolidude123 (Sponsored by Snidely Whiplash)
rockstarben1 = 4thelulz
Roneus = Roneus (Sponsored by John Doe /Berfquack)
Ryxudae = vouched for by Ladeee
SalScardino = Scardino (LilSilver)
Sargee = Sargee
scatzilla99 = THE Flying chihuahua
seagreens = chaffe[seagreens]
Shampoo53 = Shampoo
ShiftyDevil = ShiftyDevil
ShortStuff22 = (Blown65's daughter)
S1l3ntboy - Hootershooter
silver_wings = pocketFox
small502 = small502 (sponsored by NerevarineKing)
snowhound242 = snowhound242 (sponsored by CreeperHunter890 = BlackHawk_989)
Soup__Nazi = Soup Nazi
sparky062097 = Sparky062097
sparkannniper123 = WVlegendz (Parade Kid's nephew)
spectralfire = Spectral Fire
SpitFirePipe = SpitFirePipe (sponsored by TACO)
Star_brighte=Starbright (Sponsored by Calculon)
Stella8 = Stella8 (sponsored by kkpyro)
Steveio = Supreveio
StevoTVR = Stevo
stickfiguretrout = stickfiguretrout
Sudzie = OpTik
SweetDilla = Daughter of Ladeee
sweetiecc = sponsored by Sgt. Stutter
Swissy = svviss
Synikull = Espada
teknofire = teknofire (sponsored by KK Pyro)
Temperance = Thanatos
TheCarpe = TheCarpe
thechuckbam = M Lite's son
thediffrence = thediffrence
thegreencan23 = wingsofliberty (sponsored by 6Larry9)
The_Pale_Hand = Thanatos
ThoreCore = ThoreCore
TheRealDJJOK3R = Willie Busserhimen/Big Willie
Tristsladek = Welinestus (sponsored by 6Larry9)
tsmitho = tsmitho
Turtlz5683 = reikigems (sponsored by xorvious)
Unit10188 = Unit10188 (sponsored by arfles)
valkupo = valkupo
vf1sveritech = vf1sveritech (Sponsored by Kaiser)
Vicariously = vicarious
victus440 = lil Silver
VilleTaco = TACOBELL
Vivamuerte = Vivamuerte
Will_Tinoco = Will T.
wintrysmerf = wintrysmerf
Wrench321 = wrench321
xorvious = xorvious
YourInnerChild = Your Inner Child
zag_roak = CaptainZag (sponsored by NerevarineKing)
zookietheboldest = zookie
Zork_Nemesis = Zork Nemesis
zxert = Grapedrink
Last updated 10/30/2016
_Flyte_ = Flyte
_Inner_ = Inner
0_Meta_0 = Krantz (Ganji)
166_MMX = MMX
abiscuit = abiscuit
ADevilishPotato = ADevilishPotato
ai2097 = Quandary (ADevilishPotato's brother)
Akuma_Salvation = Akuma_Salvation
Arachnea_ = Arachnea (Sponsered by Ixtab)
arfles = arfles
ArtesMagae = ArtesMagae
Badstreet = Last of The Finest
baileylaser = baileylaser
Baumage = Baumage
bbgun114 = unknown
belak = belak
beniscooler = Beniscooler (sponsored by CreeperHunter890 = BlackHawk_989 (Seventhorn's son))
beren5 = beren5 (c4ridw3n's son)
BigBiker05 = BigBiker05
black_and_blue = black_and_blue
blackkey23 = turtlepower (sponsored by Kagsacar)
Bladegrey = Slipstream
blind3112 = Tyrian
BlockCzar = bigern
blutigritter = blutig_ritter
BobtheNinjaMan = BobtheNinjaMan
BronzeFox = Bronze Fox
bubbaminer = JD
BuzzyBeetle = Buzzy Beetle
c4ridw3n = c4ridw3n
calculon000 = Calculon000
Caltes1595 = NerevarineKing
CastleDoctrine = CastleDoctrine
CecilMcneil = Oni
celimare = celimare
ChazPaz = Crusty Juggler
chuchu232 = chuchu232
coleweber = Pwnstar
colocon1 = colocon1 a friend of sweetiecc
coltonaw = Mlites Son
CoyoteCreed = CoyoteCreed
cpthowdy = Cpt Howdy
CrazyCanuck00 = Masakari
crazylegs247 = crazylegs247 (JD's nephew)
CreeperHunter890 = BlackHawk_989 (Seventhorn's son)
crimsonkitsune = crimsonshootingstar
darklin0 = darklin0
Daryldime = Daryldime
DavesIKnow= DavesIKnow (sponsored by John Doe)
Diablue = Diablue
digilink = digilink
DirectorAP = DirectorAP (Sponsored by Quandary)
DirtyDanTVR = Dirty Dan
Dogeh = Dog
Doomslapper = Doomslapper (Plas' nephew)
dredfox = dredfox
dwankie = Mortis462
eggman1590 = Eggers
ehrik = ehrik (sponsored by Buzzy Beetle)
Elanor_The_Fair=Elanor The Fair
ericksoncl23 = bullet
eumoria_TVR = eumoria
eVa_Alizee_Fan = Alizée Fan
eVa_iOwn = iOwn
evilteddibear = (Preacherman's son)
F13ND = F13ND
faded_lance = Faded Lance
FaithOfOne = FaithOfOne (Sponsored by Ladeee)
FingerDemon = FingerDemon
Flakky = Vine
FlashSWT = Flash
Flurg = Flurg
Fookilla3000 = 3000 (sponsored by Taco)
FoxBlaze = Fox_Blaze
fraugrace = Fraulein Arztin
Frumple = Frumple
ffunyman = ffunyman
FlZlX = DukeNukem
foreman = foreman (sponsored by KKpyro)
Fuzzywidely = Peahats
gangster_row = M.N.I.F.T.K
gator40 = gator
genemaiden = KostasBaris
gerbilanna = Will T
gizanked = Gizanked
gr33bo = Greebo
greybeard = greybeard
GruederMcCheese = Grueder/Lil' Duke (LadeeeDuke's son)
Gruelsicle = Gruelsicle
GunnerGuardian = Guardian
HaImBetterThanU = (sponsored by Sgt. Stutter)
hastobefake = aztecmew (sponsored by belak)
HeymanNinja= HeymanNinja (Sponsored by DavesIknow)
holthr30 = holthr
hunterscreed = HunterTheGypsyBard
Ice198 = Berfquack (Sponsored by John Doe)
IcyPatch = Magician's Assistant
Iggynatius = Ignatius
Ihmhi2010 = Ihmhi
Inkn64 = Kagsacar
_Inner_ = Inner
IWetMyselfToday = !B a T m A n!
Ixtab = Ixtab
J_Paul_McCartney = J. Paul McCartney
Jaggernaughty = 11hacker11 (jaggernaughty's little brother)
Jaxon6W = (FingerDemon's 9 y/o son)
johnny_doe = JD
Johnnylombax = vouched for by Ladeee
jsquared89 = MrBlah
kefiramoon = Kefiramoon
keplar = Alizée Fan
keyestvb = Cpt._Keyes
kickme65 = kickme65
kingofhawaii = alohascience (YoullNeverWalkAlone's son)
kkpyro = kkpyro
KRGonzo = KRG
kthor77 = (Flash's nephew)
Ladeee = LadeeeDuke
Larry_McBerry = 6Larry9
Laser_freak3 = Laser_freak3
LilDogeh = (Dog's son)
LordRoth = Masteroth
lukebob49 = Uber!
Lupinefaerie = Lys
Seffy = lyn
malganis75 = Ragnarok1694
Masslings =Snidely Whiplash
MasterChef29 = MasterChef
MasterMarf = Marf
MateoTheBold = MateoTheBold!
Megachiropsftw = Megachirops (sponsored by KK Pyro)
meldin263 = jaggernaughty
merrisa = cocoaabx
Metacidal = metacide
Mingarto = Captain Nick
MissCherry = xAngelxBitex
misterfixit1983 = misterfixit1983 (sponsored by TACOBELL and Marf)
Mithros6030 = Inferno6030
mmsabre = mmsabre
moonray2000 = moonray2000
Mortis462 = Mortis462
Mrsticks09 = Mr. Sticks
MrRegis = regis
MrRickGrimes = Bromid (Sponsored by Minikrg)
mucsdnop = mucsdnop
MuffinCadence = KingJoffrey (sponsored by moonray2000)
Nacho207 = nacho207
NalaHedges = NalaHedges (sponsored by Corporal Stutter)
NepthysNMNH = Nepthys (sponsored by Alizee Fan)
Nichrome = Nichrome
Nived456 = Nived456
NoodgeVader = NoodgeVader
NoPeace4u = NoPeace4u-DBD
Parade_Kid = Parade Kid
PELogos = P. E. Logos
plasma2056 = Plas
PlinkoTVB = Plinko
Porty101 = 6Larry9
preactivz = Cpt._Keyes little brother
Prinz_Schrei = CodySparklewolf
pringprang = prang
PvtPancake = PvtPancake
QueenCheeselegs = Marf (alt account)
rainderp = raindrop
Reapman = Reapman
Reckncru = Super Hero Dan
Red_Baron_Cat = Tungsten
Redf0x7 = Zealous Moogle (Sponsored by Ladeee and Elanor The Fair)
Rits = Rits
rocknrollbrandon = Coolidude123 (Sponsored by Snidely Whiplash)
rockstarben1 = 4thelulz
Roneus = Roneus (Sponsored by John Doe /Berfquack)
Ryxudae = vouched for by Ladeee
SalScardino = Scardino (LilSilver)
Sargee = Sargee
scatzilla99 = THE Flying chihuahua
seagreens = chaffe[seagreens]
Shampoo53 = Shampoo
ShiftyDevil = ShiftyDevil
ShortStuff22 = (Blown65's daughter)
S1l3ntboy - Hootershooter
silver_wings = pocketFox
small502 = small502 (sponsored by NerevarineKing)
snowhound242 = snowhound242 (sponsored by CreeperHunter890 = BlackHawk_989)
Soup__Nazi = Soup Nazi
sparky062097 = Sparky062097
sparkannniper123 = WVlegendz (Parade Kid's nephew)
spectralfire = Spectral Fire
SpitFirePipe = SpitFirePipe (sponsored by TACO)
Star_brighte=Starbright (Sponsored by Calculon)
Stella8 = Stella8 (sponsored by kkpyro)
Steveio = Supreveio
StevoTVR = Stevo
stickfiguretrout = stickfiguretrout
Sudzie = OpTik
SweetDilla = Daughter of Ladeee
sweetiecc = sponsored by Sgt. Stutter
Swissy = svviss
Synikull = Espada
teknofire = teknofire (sponsored by KK Pyro)
Temperance = Thanatos
TheCarpe = TheCarpe
thechuckbam = M Lite's son
thediffrence = thediffrence
thegreencan23 = wingsofliberty (sponsored by 6Larry9)
The_Pale_Hand = Thanatos
ThoreCore = ThoreCore
TheRealDJJOK3R = Willie Busserhimen/Big Willie
Tristsladek = Welinestus (sponsored by 6Larry9)
tsmitho = tsmitho
Turtlz5683 = reikigems (sponsored by xorvious)
Unit10188 = Unit10188 (sponsored by arfles)
valkupo = valkupo
vf1sveritech = vf1sveritech (Sponsored by Kaiser)
Vicariously = vicarious
victus440 = lil Silver
VilleTaco = TACOBELL
Vivamuerte = Vivamuerte
Will_Tinoco = Will T.
wintrysmerf = wintrysmerf
Wrench321 = wrench321
xorvious = xorvious
YourInnerChild = Your Inner Child
zag_roak = CaptainZag (sponsored by NerevarineKing)
zookietheboldest = zookie
Zork_Nemesis = Zork Nemesis
zxert = Grapedrink
- MrBlah
- Villun
- Posts: 6469
- Joined: Sat Dec 30, 2006 2:20 am
- Location: Colorado. There's like, mountains and stuff.
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Ville Awards
Re: Who's who
jsquared89 = MrBlah

Eater of Potatoes, since 2008.
I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you.
― Neil deGrasse Tyson
- Marf
- Villun
- Posts: 401
- Joined: Mon Dec 06, 2010 12:50 am
- Location: Boise, Idaho
- Minecraft name: MasterMarf
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Games Played
Ville Awards
Re: Who's who
Marf = Marf
I know Shady plays, too.
Might be useful to include some of the other people that are siblings or friends of Villuns and list their relation. Like Fraudulent Arztin and Fox Blaze. We've also got Wintery Smurf and aDevilishPotato, they're friends of someone.
I know Shady plays, too.
Might be useful to include some of the other people that are siblings or friends of Villuns and list their relation. Like Fraudulent Arztin and Fox Blaze. We've also got Wintery Smurf and aDevilishPotato, they're friends of someone.

- unknown
- Villun
- Posts: 278
- Joined: Fri Aug 27, 2010 4:30 pm
- Location: Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Games Played
Ville Awards
Re: Who's who
- TheCarpe
- Server Admin
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- Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2007 11:32 pm
- Location: Inside a refrigerator in Guatemala
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Ville Awards
Re: Who's who
TheCarpe = TheCarpe
Try and remember THAT code.
Try and remember THAT code.
- Boss Llama
- Site Admin
- Posts: 10177
- Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 12:45 pm
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Ville Awards
Re: Who's who
I keep a similar list hand-written on my desk
Here's a couple more from it:
The_Pale_Hands = Thanatos
Ericson = Bullet
Nimosa = |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (Barcode)
Blind3112 = Tyrian
Synikull = Espada
IgnusAer = Thaewyn
Wintrysmerf = DD's roommate.
Devious Rhyme = Somebody's friend, no Ville name
ADevilishPotato = Somebody's friend, no Ville name

The_Pale_Hands = Thanatos
Ericson = Bullet
Nimosa = |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| (Barcode)
Blind3112 = Tyrian
Synikull = Espada
IgnusAer = Thaewyn
Wintrysmerf = DD's roommate.
Devious Rhyme = Somebody's friend, no Ville name
ADevilishPotato = Somebody's friend, no Ville name
Last edited by Boss Llama on Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
-Boss Llama
- Fox_Blaze
- Villun
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- Location: Bozeman, Montana
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Games Played
Ville Awards
Re: Who's who
I go by FoxBlaze on Minecraft, and Fraulein is fraugrace.

Thanks Nerevarine King for the banner!
TVC '10-Hale's Angels (3rd place)
TVC '11-League of Evil Villuns (2nd place)[/spoiler]
- Buzzy Beetle
- Retired Admin
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- Location: Subterranean cavern systems, Mushroom Kingdom
Games Played
Ville Awards
Re: Who's who
Two of my good real life friends are The_Pale_Hand ([CJ]Thanatos) and Devious_Rhyme (Khonsu II), there's also fairly good internet buddy Fallow (think his in-game name is Fallorian) who has sat in on TS3 a few times and I hear has not caused much and/or any trouble.
They sort of moved out of Stevo's server when they noticed connection issues and are now working on a spooky themed server, but they pop in now and again.
They sort of moved out of Stevo's server when they noticed connection issues and are now working on a spooky themed server, but they pop in now and again.
I proudly support Independent Developers, Local Businesses, and SNAILGOSH.
- Dirty Dan
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- Location: Portland, OR
Games Played
Ville Awards
Re: Who's who
He's my room mate, just registered on the forums yesterdayAlizée Fan wrote: Wintry smurf = Somebody's friend, no Ville name
- Flash
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- Minecraft name: FlashTVR
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Ville Awards
Re: Who's who
I'm mostly sticking to single player right now, but my Minecraft name is: "FlashSWT"
- Boss Llama
- Site Admin
- Posts: 10177
- Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 12:45 pm
Games Played
Ville Awards
Re: Who's who
Excellent! Glad to make that connection, I couldn't remember what it was previously.Dirty Dan wrote:He's my room mate, just registered on the forums yesterdayAlizée Fan wrote: Wintry smurf = Somebody's friend, no Ville name
-Boss Llama
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