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Re: FTB Reset end of December?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 6:22 pm
by Boss Llama
Should be on the list, Cari! We pretty much made it match the main server one (unless you changed accounts within the last year).

Give it a try, and if you can't get on, let me know!

Re: FTB Reset end of December?

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 12:43 am
by c4ridw3n
Yay ^,^

Re: FTB Reset end of December?

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 11:24 pm
by ADevilishPotato

Re: FTB Reset end of December?

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2016 10:06 pm
by Inner
The Mekanism mod was recently (?) ported to MC 1.10. I'd guess about 95% of the functionality is there. The Digital Miner and the Dynamic Tanks for fluids are both missing as far as I can tell.

The documentation at is not dreadful but is not fully up to date either. (Normal for mods, eh?) I was able to work through it and build most everything without issue (did not attempt the fusion reactor.) I like the mod a lot. You can build fairly outrageous energy storage without rare materials or repeatedly killing the dragon. And you can build excellent wind-powered generators early-game and save your coal for other projects. Check out the Obsidian Axe that deals 22 hearts damage per hit! Overall it's not quite Draconic Evolution but it is along the same lines.

My only 2 tips are: (1) Mekanism likes feeding things through a machine twice. One example: when making lithium, ignore the diagram in the docs and just make two Thermal Evaporation units and feed the output of one to the input of the other. Much easier. (2) Mekanism also likes to craft with buckets. Tin ore is very plentiful, make your buckets out of tin and save the iron.

This should be fun!

Re: FTB Reset end of December?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 4:20 pm
by black_and_blue
Yes, I took a fairly lengthy look at the Mekansim Wiki and it does look that it's going to be my main early to mid game mod, filling most of the role that TE used to fill, plus a bit more. There might be a bit of stuff that I get from EnderIO where Mekanism doesn't provide a clear alternative. For example, I don't see a replacement for an induction smelter (although I could have missed it), but an Alloy Smelter will do most of the stuff that an induction smelter does.

I also noticed that in some of the more complex builds, it's possible to get up to five times ore output, although that's certainly not early game.

Re: FTB Reset end of December?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 5:51 pm
by black_and_blue
Hmm, looks like there is not Ender Quarry here either - it's not in Extra Utilities 2.

That said, it looks like the RFTools Builder can be used as a quarry, and has the same features as an Ender Quarry, but a different UI.