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Re: Rubber banding

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:12 pm
by YoullNeverWalkAlone
Getting rid of the autoexec seemed to make things a bit better (playable at least). It does remove my much needed binds though. Will try to see if I can replace it and get the same good results.

Re: Rubber banding

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 9:40 pm
by Stevo
YoullNeverWalkAlone wrote:Getting rid of the autoexec seemed to make things a bit better (playable at least). It does remove my much needed binds though. Will try to see if I can replace it and get the same good results.
What was in it?

Re: Rubber banding

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:04 pm
by YoullNeverWalkAlone
Worked for a while, even had fps around 50-60, then back to normal. Took screen shots that I posted on my profile if anyone can help from that.

Is it possible that it is a tf2 issue? Played L4D2 the other night with no noticeable problems (at least not in my connection, my play on the other hand....)

Re: Rubber banding

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:04 pm
by YoullNeverWalkAlone
My admin binds are the only thing in my autoexec file

Re: Rubber banding

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 9:48 pm
by YoullNeverWalkAlone
Tried the wired connection. Same issues. Could really use my tf2 fix, killing people in Civ is not the same stress release...

Re: Rubber banding

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 12:30 pm
by Plinko
What is your stable fps? Are you seeing big dips at times (down into the teens?)

What is your CPU?

It's possible you have a CPU bottleneck, TF2 is now extraordinarily CPU intensive and it might be your lag is caused by your CPU getting more work than it can handle.

Do you have this issue with any other non-Source games that are fast paced enough to tell?

Re: Rubber banding

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:12 pm
by Boss Llama
Just because I haven't seen this mentioned yet, have you tried dropping your graphical settings? If you are getting CPU bottlenecked, reducing the processing load may help a bit. Obviously things won't be as pretty, but it's worth testing if that's part of the problem. Drop your resolution and turn down some options, see what you get.

You might try running it in windowed mode (Link) just in case there's something about the fullscreen mode that's messing it up.

I can honestly say I'm not sure what would be tested by either of these suggestions, other than changing something significant about the game to find out if it works. If one of them does work, we can start building it back up to find the happy maximum performance level.

Re: Rubber banding

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 1:15 pm
by ADevilishPotato
watching him in spec he is totally fine with 6 or less people on the server, but as soon as it goes over that, each person makes him more herky jerky.

Re: Rubber banding

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 4:49 pm
by Plinko
That's a strong sign it might be processing issues on his side. You might be well-served looking for one of the major FPS improvement configs (like Chris' configs) and seeing how much that helps. A lot of what those do is reduce the processing load and might solve some of your problems.

Another thing to do might be to run the process monitor for a while and see if you have anything running that is periodically running up your CPU. I know I have had issues with certain services (Apple Mobile Device Service, I mean you) that would for some odd reason ramp up my CPU every once in a while, causing me to go through major lag when gaming.

Disabling anything that might hog CPU cycles can help with those issues.
Heck, I once had a problem with a minor hardware conflict that would occupy all of my CPU and cause my games to crash until I disconnected the offending component.

Re: Rubber banding

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 6:34 pm
by Boss Llama
Good point Plinko. Be sure to disable any antivirus software you have - that stuff is murder (except MSE, which is awesome and causes no trouble).

Re: Rubber banding

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 10:22 pm
by YoullNeverWalkAlone
No anti virus going, put Chris' config in my autoexec, ran the Activity Monitor. Nothing looked out of the norm. Went on to a half full tv6, problems were still there. Could kinda see the Monitor and it appeared that TF2 was using 120% of my cpu at times (even when I was just sitting in spawn).

My usual FPS has always been around 30-50, when my problems are happening I am close to single digits. Didn't see any dramatic results from Chris' config.

Think my settings are pretty low, but I will check that to see if that helps

Thanks again guys for all the help.

Re: Rubber banding

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 5:27 am
by Boss Llama
Assuming you are running a multi-core processor, we might try playing with your threading mode. Having multi-threading turned on has been known in the past to cause stuttering problems for some folks. This was largely a while back, but there were still reports I could find of it from last year. Inversely, for those who don't have problems with it, turning it on has been known to increase performance significantly. Let's try changing that setting, regardless of what it currently is, to find out if it does anything for you.

These days there is a drop box in Video Options>Advanced to enable or disable Multi-threading. Switch that from whatever it is to the other, and give that a try.

Re: Rubber banding

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 8:18 am
by Plinko
Today, if you have a multi-core processor, you should be setting TF2 to use them, that said it could be some of the older ones don't allocate well among the cores.

What is your processor?

Re: Rubber banding

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 3:40 pm
by YoullNeverWalkAlone
2.53GHz Intel Core i5 processor with 3MB shared L3 cache; or 2.66GHz Intel Core i7 processor with 4MB shared L3 cache. Says it is a dual core.

I'm not at home to check it, but I'm using a mid year 2010 mac book pro 15" and these are the standard issue for them. Think I might have the Intel i7, but not totally sure.

Lowering my settings in graphics last night to Low on just about everything helped. Still had some issues with pauses, but game was playable. I'll try the dual setting option tomorrow when I get back on. I will also try to see how the game is playing on my desktop. I tried it once, but that was to see if the wired connection was working on an empty tv7, really can't recall if the game played the same or not.

Just seems odd that suddenly starting in September, the game won't run right for me. I haven't seen my play change in other games (l4d2 is the only other online multiplayer game I have, and I'm not any worse off in that than normal--which Alizee might remember is way too laggy for me to ever think of speed running, but still no issues like this.) I was playing a bunch of Borderlands 2 and had connection issues that would cause people playing with me to get kicked, but no real problems while the game was going- just when we moved areas.

Again, really appreciate the help. Very frustrating not to be able to get in game, and when I do, I'm not able to do my job as an admin because the audio jumps around and the video pauses mean I can't see much of what is going on.

Re: Rubber banding

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 8:03 pm
by M's
Something I experience when I start having RB issues. My wife and daughter are on their tablet/phones/laptop sucking up all the bandwidth on wireless while I'm using a wired connection on the desktop.
Plus I have a crappy ISP.