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Re: Responsible Gaming

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2011 2:19 am
by Ignatius
Zork Nemesis wrote: 6 years of subscription to Final Fantasy 11, with somewhere in the neighborhood of 165 days (165 x 24 = 3960 hours!) of playtime on a single character. While I don't play it to the extent I used to, I still maintain my character, as I feel like all that progress would go to waste if I just stopped, Blue Mage especially (prior to the level cap increase to 80, I had all but 7 spells avalible to a blue mage)
About the same here, I played from Launch till some point during WotG where I stopped. Had a 75 rdm/blm/war/mnk/bst/cor/blu. In the last shell I was in I never even informed them I had a rdm leveled.

Recently I've had to cut out a lot of gaming time, but I still try to squeeze in what I can.

Re: Responsible Gaming

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:16 pm
by Larry
I used to play WoW a lot. Like too much. The thing that got me away from that was the price, if you wanted to get all the dlc and stuff, you would have to pay tons..... i also felt like a dork too lol

Re: Responsible Gaming

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:56 pm
by Gruelsicle
As it happens, I have been gaming a lot less lately, but enjoying it a lot more.
One book I found incredibly interesting and awesome is Reality is Broken, can't remember exactly the authrix's name, do know she was a lady though.
However, it is a very interesting summation of "ludology" or the study of games. Games are simply activities defined by explicit, arbitrary rules. Reality is chaos, and everything is a game to whatever degree it seems orderly. And this line of thinking goes back a loooong time. As in Herodotus wrote of the Lydians, the first Gaming Community of occidental history, as having existed thousands and thousands of years before his time, which was 3+ thousand years or so before the year of this post.

Helps to name your feelings if you read someone describe the functions that you simply have no choice but to live within, because that's how evolved.