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Siege Machines

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:02 pm
by DeafOfficeWorker


Catapults, ballistas and the trebuchet can be very effective with a little practice.

The screenshot above was taken on aoc_battlefield, a very popular map. The Mason Order has two catapults on the wall of the castle which are accessible by a ladder.

By holding down "e" while aiming at the back wheels of the catapult, you can shift from left to right. If it goes the opposite you desire, hit the "e" key again to switch the direction of rotation.

On the front right is a crude aperture which looks like a rectangle. It can be raised or lowered.

The ballistas on aoc_valley can be used very similarly to a fixed machinegun. It has a relatively fast cyclic rate of fire with high velocity ammunition.

To use a ballista, you press "e" while aiming on it. The ballista then moves opposite your mouse. It's pretty sensitive too. I found that spamming a high traffic area works best.

Ballistas can be found on aoc_valley in the broken buidings by the creek.

Happy spamming. :)