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Steam Controller and Link

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 4:57 pm
by MateoTheBold!
I reserved a steam controller link/bundle pretty early in the process and got both of them in the mail this past Friday. I was having trouble getting it to stream from a macbook and sent off a help desk ticket to them. I received the following email this a couple of days ago. Make sure to read the last paragraph:
We greatly appreciate your early pre-purchase of the first Steam hardware units.

Unfortunately, there are some temporary software issues that prevent the hardware from functioning with Macs. We expect these problems to be resolved as we update firmware and drivers over the next few weeks.

The Steam Link currently doesn't stream from Macs. An upcoming update will add full support for streaming audio, video, and controller input.

The Steam Controller doesn't currently support gamepad emulation on Macs. If you opt into the Steam Beta client, keyboard/mouse emulation will be functional. We expect gamepad emulation to become functional within a few weeks.

We want to apologize for the delays in providing full functionality for the Mac platform. We're doing everything we can to resolve the issues. For the latest fixes and functionality, we recommend that you opt in to the Steam client beta.

We've added the Valve Complete Pack to your Steam account as a gift from Valve. This will give you all of Valve's games (past, present and future) free of charge. You can still choose to refund your Steam Controller and/or Steam Link (refund instructions below), but the Valve games are yours to keep.

Steam Hardware Team

This license was added to my account:
Oct 19, 2015 Valve Friends and Family Complimentary

Pretty cool!

Re: Steam Controller and Link

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:31 pm
by Plas
Sweet, free half-life 3 and L4D3 when/if the time comes. :dance:

Re: Steam Controller and Link

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 5:57 pm
by M's
Who doesn't like free stuff!

Re: Steam Controller and Link

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 7:44 am
by Flash
That would have been worth the $50 alone!

Re: Steam Controller and Link

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:31 am
by Boss Llama
Valve friends and family! Nice :-P