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Villun of the Month - October 2011

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:40 am
by l3eeron

:smilecolros: mlite :smilecolros:

is being recognized this month for being a model villun. Thank you for all you do here M, we do appreciate it.

A few words with the man of the hour:

Steam name/in-game handle: Mlite, Lite, or just plain ole M.

Favorite game/server(s):DoD:S, TF2. Like spending time on TV VII, II, IV.

Favorite weapon/class: I prefer Engie. But I wil venture into the world of class'

When did you first play at the ville?: Good gravy I was a member before I played due to lack of a decent ISP. I would say it was late 2007 when I frst played a game here.

Shout outs: Who rigged the votes!! Wow I am truely shocked that I was voted as VOTM. To those who submitted my name I thank you. And the checks in the mail :whistle:.
I hate to mention names, because I know I'ld leave somebody out. But I must thank Red Seal for talking me into checking out The Ville. If not for him I would never have found this wonderful place.
Much love too all my fellow Villiuns with out you we would not have a VOTM, or The Ville.

A fine gentleman who is up seeding severs in the early morning (until "the boys" need something). Always a good sport and a pleasure to play with.
mlite's definitely one of the nicest persons I know. I always like to see him get on server. Has made a fine admin, and I look forward to having him around. Cheers to M!
Always helping out on the servers, and a nice guy to boot.

Thanks again mlite!


Other fine villuns mentioned this month:

<eVa> + Sarge +
for teaming up to make the skeletwins.

good guy and a joy to game with!

A classy guy, his dedication and generosity has really allowed the Minecraft community on TV10 to flourish.

Bronze Fox
Please consider Bronze Fox for consideration of this esteemed award. The Ville would simply not be the Ville without him.
He's still way too serious but he's a good kid and always sets positive examples in game and in the forums.

Buzzy Beetle
Just being a fun person to game with, that's why we're here after all.

For being a nice guy, good teammate and always willing to design forum sigs/graphics for any event!

Clay Pigeon
For being one of the guys behind the curtain, running the Cup and keeping all the wheels turning. How has he not won this yet? Thanks, Clay!

Keyes is a good man. There's not much more to say. He doesn't comprise a teamstack or anything. In fact he's teeming with fail on occasion. But his spontaneous good nature and power of presence is charming and welcoming. And that matters more in the balance. If these meager words disagree with you, then saunter off to your wine cellar and fetch this plebeian a vintage beyond his station.

Crimson is a good guy to have on your team, or a good guy to have on your opponent's team! He plays well, is a good villun, captain of a Ville Cup team this year, and smells like fresh baked sugar cookies! One of those previous remarks is false however... you decide! It's always a pleasure to join a server and see Crimson there! Thanks for being around Crimson!

He is a great guy. Willing to help seed the servers when he can. And IMO is what we as a community stand for.

He is always good humored and fun to play with. I really enjoy his shenanigans.

Without hesitation, offered to help design something for a project for my work. You really can't get more dedicated than that. He just needs to stop making fun of me as much. :(

Kilgore Trout
1) He should have won one of these already 2) He's a nice fellow who likes Appliances 3) He bribed me

Because she is awesome and stuff.

For rekindling my fun in tf2, and having the best tea parties around!
For all the lawls

Thank you to everyone for participating. Let's go have another good month of fun games! Good luck to the Cup teams!

Re: Villun of the Month - October 2011

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:56 am
by Bronze Fox
About time!!

Congrats Mlite!!

Re: Villun of the Month - October 2011

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:58 am
by Clay Pigeon
Grats mlite.

Re: Villun of the Month - October 2011

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:58 am
by X.O.Skeleton
Way to go lity
Seems like a lot of votes for this one thats good
Keep on smiling people thats why we love you

Re: Villun of the Month - October 2011

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:06 am
by Ignatius
Grats Mlite.

Re: Villun of the Month - October 2011

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:14 am
by Peahats
Congrats, you deserve it!

Re: Villun of the Month - October 2011

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:19 am
by crimsonshootingstar
Congrats Mlite. All that crack of dawn seeding payed off it seems :D

Re: Villun of the Month - October 2011

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:27 am
by ketchuo
you're always the one who says happy birthday first, so congrats.

Re: Villun of the Month - October 2011

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:28 am
Congrats mLite! I'm gonna have one in your honor, then some guiness :P

Re: Villun of the Month - October 2011

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:30 am
by DDYzErO
Congrats buddy. See ya on the servers.

Re: Villun of the Month - October 2011

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:02 am
by zookie
Congrats Mlite!!!!

Re: Villun of the Month - October 2011

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:08 am
by Checkm8
Jolly good. Fine job sir!

Re: Villun of the Month - October 2011

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:34 am
by MateoTheBold!
An excellent choice! Yay mlite!!! :clap:

Re: Villun of the Month - October 2011

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:44 am
by MasterChef
Hurray! Nice work Mlite!

Re: Villun of the Month - October 2011

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:50 am
by Dog
MasterChef wrote:Hurray! Nice work Mlite!