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Daryl's Fail Spy T/T

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 4:14 am
by Daryldime
Hello all! Some of you may know me as an annoyance, and that's perfect! That's exactly my goal as spy. In fact, that is the only goal as spy. Here I am going to discuss the ins and outs as spy, including weapons, watches, pathing, and some basic tips and tricks. Suggestions are welcome if I missed anything you have to offer. Also sorry for the td;lr....


1 Primaries: The primary weapon for spies is, in fact, a gun and not a knife. Use this in conjugation with your knife for deadly results. All spy guns are six-shooters with a fairly fast reload time. Best targets for your primary of choice are pyro, sniper, and any class giving you chase when alone.

Stock Revolver/Big Kill: The stock revolver is best used by any spy as there are no negative side effects for this.

Ambassador: My personal favorite. Awards headshots when your crosshair has settled after firing. Max damage on a headshot is only 102 however, compared to a crit shot from the revolver at 120. Also this will never randomly crit so keep that in mind.

L'Etranger: Part of the Spy set that makes your decloak near silent. On a successful hit, it will refill your cloaking device by 15%.

The Enforcer: Or as I call it, the I can't play spy gun. If your playstyle consists or more gun play then backstabs, this is your gun. However, since the change the damage bonus only applies when you are NOT disguised. This weapon will never gain random crits anymore as well.

Diamondback: The diamond back should be used in the rare occasion that you have an enemy team with very bad engineers. The reason being you only gain crits on this for buildings destroyed that your sapper was on. Your sapper doesn't have to be the thing that kills it, so long as it is attached you gain the crit bonus. Worth noting that a working tele does count as 2 crits, unless they have changed that recently.

2 Melee: The spies potatoes if you will. The knife has the honor of being the only thing that is a guaranteed one hit kill (minus the samurai sword if both players have it).

Stock Knife/Sharp Dresser/Black Rose: My number 1 recommendation. No bells or whistles. Just a lot of pain. Best used with any watch.

Your Eternal Rewards: Part of the Spy set that makes your decloak near silent. On a successful backstab, you immediately disguise as the target of your stab. The negative on this is you can NOT disguise. The only way you can disguise is on a backstab. Best used with the full set and dead ringer.

Wanga Prick: Same as above, just not part of the set.

Connivers Kunai: A very interesting weapon where you start with with 60 health. On backstabs however, on a successful backstab you gain the targets health+overheal for a maximum of 180 health. This counts as overheal for you. Overheal from the Kunai fades after 60 seconds, much faster then the medics 15. Also worth mentioning is that a backstab does remove degenerative effects such as afterburn or bleeds. Best used with the Cloak and Dagger.

Big Earner: Another one that lowers health. This one starts you at 100 maximum health. Getting a kill with the knife, not just a backstab, will refill your cloak meter by 30%. This weapon is fun to use with the L'Etranger and the Dead Ringer functionally making you undying.

The Spy-cicle: This weapon is a pyros bane. If you get hit by fire while holding the knife, the knife melts and you are fireproof for 2 seconds. The Knife will stay melted for 15 seconds. On backstabs will turn your victim into a giant ice statue. Kinda counter productive to a stealthy class, but if subtlety isn't your thing, go for it! Best used with the Dead Ringer for ultimate escapes!

The Watches

Invisiwatch: The invisiwatch is the standard equipped watch. Its effective depletion time is 9 seconds. To increase this time pick up ammo or get to a dispenser. The recharge time is a full 30 seconds. This watch is best when you know the ammo routes. More on that later.

Dead Ringer: Dead ringer fakes your own death on hit when it is out. Use this to get behind the enemy completely when they think you are dead. Be warned, however, that without the set bonus, the decloak is EXTREMELY loud.

Cloak and Dagger: My favorite. This watch allows you to remain invisible indefinitely, so long as you don't move. moving slowly and bit by bit, you can literally watch the other team and make calls your team can't make due to LoS.


As a spy it is important to know where to move in terms of how the enemy is going to perceive you. Using out of the way paths makes you MUCH harder to spot, however they are not always the best places. For example(I do apologise for the terribad MS paint job I did in like 3 minutes):
While the red path does show the longest, most out of the way path, it also puts you in a confined space with no way of avoiding an incoming player, whereas the green paths show more open routes. The more open routes aloow you to be more aware of what is in your FOV and to act accordingly.
I'll give some of my warpath paths away as well, cause everyone says warpath is a hard map to spy on.

In this case the red path is dead ringer, where the black dot is where I engage it. I hit the ground and "die" allowing me to get up the ramp and into the enemy teams flank. The green lines are either Invisiwatch or C&D.
Its best to become aware of the map before jumping in as spy. That way you can find all the oddball spots, the health, the ammo, ect. before you make yourself an easy target. Watch other spies that seem to be doing well. Learn their hiding places. Being aware is A#1 in this game, and it applies doubly to spy. If where you are seems wrong, MOVE.

General Tips

more to come....

Re: Daryl's Fail Spy T/T

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 5:18 am
by darklin0
I'll try and contribute later, I may not be any help due to the fact that I am horrible. For now I must sleep.

Re: Daryl's Fail Spy T/T

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:16 pm
by The Domer
My two cents: I play as a Conniver's Kunai spy, and I disagree that the best watch to use is the cloak and dagger. Frankly, I think that watch is pretty terrible (unless you like to sit back and not help your team, or you are one of those types who goes for spy caps). Either the stock watch or the DR can work with the Kunai.

With the stock watch, get yourself into position, decloak, and go for a chain stab (the main point of the kunai is chain-stabbing). If an enemy remains after your stab-spree, cloak again and use the boost in health you received to escape.

The DR can be a little bit trickier to use, but still highly effective. You'll want to pull this out on maps that provide ample room for you to decloak safely, as having only 60 HP virtually guarantees you'll be dead if someone hears you. Also, you'll want to pretty much always run around with the DR out since you are so fragile. But if you are able to get into position for a chain stab, you can become nearly invincible as your health and watch charge will keep refilling as you stab and steal weapons for metal.

A lot folks don't like the Kunai and think it's underpowered. It's certainly not as easy to use, but since I started maining it, I've learned to be a much better spy. It forces you to use finesse to avoid taking damage, and rewards skillful play with awesome chain stabs!

Re: Daryl's Fail Spy T/T

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:09 pm
by Daryldime

Re: Daryl's Fail Spy T/T

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:21 pm
by J. Paul McCartney
Personally I think that the best set for not being subtle is the L'Etranger/Spycicle/Dead Ringer combo.

Just by uncloaking with the dead ringer means that people will be aware of your presence if heard so you might as well abandon trying to be sneaky and just go all out by leaving a trail of ice sculptures in your path. Even if you get flamed while cloaked there is still a chance that you can get away and try again. That's where the L'Etranger comes in to help recharge the cloak in case of an emergency. I don't think I've seen people use it outside of the set, but it really is amazing with the dead ringer. Now this is going to sound strange but the lowered damage is a plus, just aim well and you can milk your enemies to recharge the dead ringer faster.

Though mostly this is because I play Dustbowl and Warpath of the time so I'm sure you could get away with on Goldrush or Badwater if you're far away enough.

Re: Daryl's Fail Spy T/T

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:08 pm
by OmgOhnoes
Thanks Daryl,

I do prefer the set simply because i'm lazy. It's a pain to get a disguise but when you do it's extremely handy.

That being said, i do play other types of spy and basically i go with the stock setup and swap the watch as mentioned above. The C&D vs Stock vs DR basically comes down to the map for me.

Stock & DR are interchangeable because i base their viability largely on the availability of metal. I will, however, change my path of approach to go to different metal sources depending on the watch (IE the DR requires you be at ammo further away from everybody). Frequently i will switch between the watches on Payload depending on which watch may be better suited for that particular segment of Payload.

C&D i use very rarely BUT find it extremely useful for making people paranoid. 2Fort comes to mind, fairly enclosed but lots of places to hide. Unless there is a dedicated Pyro that knows what they are doing it's a great choice.

Spycicle is good if you aren't running the set, silent kills are great for chainstabs but in a lot of cases you will be able to chainstab well before the chain can react to the first scream.

Specific comments on the Saharan Spy set:

The slower decloak is really crappy if you are using the DR, basically if you want to backstab an engineer and DON'T have a disguise the sentry will blow you up unless you strafe, thereby getting you blown up nine times out of ten.

Disguise isn't as much of a disadvantage for me, sure it's important but i find mostly when going for engineers. Everyone else you can basically feint death and the majority will search for you but not get you. Some won't even do that.

The MAJOR disadvantage of the set is the revolver. L'etranger is very underpowered and if you somehow decloak from the DR without having metal around and are engaged by someone you are unlikely to survive if they are decent. The L'etranger shots are very wild and do minimal damage. Your best option is a laggy backstab or facestab both of which require luck or several hits. Best case you've mastered the sidestep side/backstab but good players will be wise to that.

Re: Greedy Medics, don't complain when you get side stabbed when going for the ubersaw ;)

My 2c!