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Gunslinger Engineer: Ins and Outs

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:50 pm
by Zork Nemesis
The Battle Engineer

The Gunslinger, an optional loadout option for the engineer that replaces his default wrench with a robotic hand. One simple weapon switch leads to a radically different playstyle that allows the engineer more freedom to play offense while sacraficing a large portion of his defensive capabilities. I feel as though i've played enough of this setup to share my strategies, tactics, and opinions on the subject, but don't let that stop you from adding constructive feedback.


The entire build centers around the choice of equipping the Gunslinger over the engineer's moderate selection of melee weapons. By taking the hand, you gain a couple of passive effects.
*+25 Max health, giving you a max of 150 (225), making you as tough as a Medic, an Eyelander Demoman without heads, or a Darwin's Danger Sniper. The increased health gives you a better survival chance out on the field
*A Guarenteed Critical Hit on the third successive melee attack. While this seems great, it's hit detection and mechanics are very wonky, and many times you may land 5+ hits without seeing the critical. On top of that, most victims will die from two shots anyway.
--There is a bug with this in which performing two successful attacks then switching off your melee weapon will allow you to hang on to the critical shot, provided you attack immedietly on switching back to the melee weapon. This can be saved up even through death. If you can (until it's fixed), try and keep a critical stored to suprise your enemies.
*No weapon is dropped on death if the Gunslinger is active. Should you die while it's out, the killer or other nearby people cannot recover ammo/metal from your corpse.
*The Gunslinger is incapable of delivering random criticals on it's own, you must be crit boosted or land the triple punch if you want to deal criticals.

The main passive effect granted is the Mini-Sentry, which replaces your standard tier sentry gun. Minis have several perks and negatives associated with them.
*Deploys in four seconds without engineer support, as opposed to a standard sentry requiring 12 seconds.
--Hauling and redeploying your mini-sentry causes it to build in less than a second
*Costs 100 metal to deploy, as opposed to 130 for a standard gun
*Deploys at half health and the health gradually fills as it deploys. Fairly easy to destroy while building but they still build quickly. Try not to deploy it in the middle of a firefight but set it up as you begin an ambush.
*50% faster firing rate than a standard level 1 sentry
*35% faster rotation; it turns around a lot faster

*Mini-sentries cannot be upgraded (they can be reloaded however, but due to the rinse/repeat cycle of mini-sentries, it's often better to demolish/rebuild instead). Once it's built, you can pretty much forget about it though you can still repair it if you want it to last a bit longer.
*Half damage as opposed to a level 1 sentry, though with the firing speed boost, it's more like 60% of the damage
*Very low health, a mini-sentry only has 100 health, anything that deals 100 or more damage will get rid of it instantly. A level 1 has 150, 2 has 180, and 3 has 216. Mini-sentries can be knocked out by single rockets, homewrecker swing, demo grenade (pipe or sticky), and sniper shots in one hit.
*When destroyed, you cannot reclaim metal from the pieces (though they still count for ammo). A standard sentry of any level drops 60 metal.

As you can see, mini-sentries are very weak. On their own, they don't pose much of a threat to anyone, save for perhaps scouts and snipers who stray too close and can't find it. But since they go up fast, they can be dropped in the middle of combat and used to single-handedly flank an opponent.

Basic Strategy

Gunslinger engineers are all about being able to flank targets. They are unique in this respect since the enginner is the only class that can attack someone from two directions at once, and mini-sentries make this easier due to their cheap cost and fast deploy. When confronted with a battle engineer, the target must choose: the sentry, which is an easy kill and a potential threat to the team (mini-sentries still have perfect accuracy after all), or the engineer, who is putting the hurt on with his shotgun. 80% of the time, I see people chase my sentry, allowing me to shotgun the hell out of them, and if that's not enough, I can either drop another gun or, if I don't have metal, I can retreat with suppressing fire from my pistol.

Gunslingers work well on maps with middle ground. The best maps for Gunslinger engineers include 5-CP, CTF, Arena, King of the Hill, and in some respect Payload Race. Gunslinger should not be considered for Attack/Defend or Payload, especially on defense, but i've seen some people make it work on the offense side. My favorte maps to Gunslinger on include Turbine, CTF Well, Coldfront, Freight, Badlands, Nucleus, Sawmill, and Harvest. Be sure to coordinate with your team beforehand though, as some maps, like CTF, almost require at least one engineer using a standard sentry. Doublecross for example, is a rough fight without at least one standard sentry.
--Gunslinger is not a bad choice in Medieval mode, however due to the lack of buildings or anything outside of melee, as well as overall lackluster defense, it's generally not recommended to play engineer in Medievel mode, regardless.

It's important not to neglect your other engineer responsibilites though. While you may remain more offensive, don't forget to put up teleporters and dispensers. Due to their costs, it's easy to deploy both a mini-sentry and a dispenser immedietly. Use the mini-sentry and support it with your own weapons to defend the dispenser as it goes up. Because mini-sentries generally aren't worth repairing, you have more metal avalible to you on the side. Try to keep enough metal on hand so you can deploy a sentry as needed, but use excess metal you have helping out other engineers. Without a gun to upgrade, you can be helpful to your friendly engineers who happen to be using bigger sentries than you, as your robot hand still repairs and upgrades any other building like a normal wrench.

Teleporters are just as important with offensive engineers as they are with defensive, but remember that the mini-sentry is bad for defense. Since you can't rely on the sentry to defend your teleporter you need to be smart about where to put the exit. It's a good idea to put your teleporters in concealed locations or in areas that are well traveled by teamates so that they can defend if necessary. Putting it close to the dispenser will often ensure that someone will be there to help in case your teleporter gets shot, but try not to put it right next to the dispenser, as that makes enemy demo's lives easier. Typically, I leave my teleporters in corners that most people don't visit, for example, the far staircase at the middle point in Freight (where the medium ammo is located). This spot offers good protection as it's on top of a wall accessable only from the other side, but allows my teammates to jump right into the action as they appear.

Mini-sentries are expendable and recyclable. Don't waste your time looking for the perfect spot. Unless you've got a good reaon to put it there, you're better off dropping it at your feet and continuing on. Don't worry about losing your gun before it does anything, and don't worry about destroying your gun and replacing it. They are cheap and they are more useful in combat than they are waiting for someone to come up to it. While they might redeploy in a second, hauling your mini-sentry is generally not recommended as well, because you take a minor speed penalty in doing so (and an Engineer hauling a building is typically a priority target). Only haul your gun around if you absolutely have to (and lack the metal for another), or for minor targeting adjustments in contested areas (moving the gun 2 feet to the left so it can aim at a specific door for example).

Do not rely on a mini-sentry for defensive situations. They are frail and weak, and don't have nearly as much stopping power as even a level 1 sentry, let alone a level 3. Due to their low health they are difficult to maintain for extended durations. Use them in combat rather than setting up for incoming people.

However, contrary to my previous statement, mini-sentries in correct spots can be amazing ambush weapons. For example, placing a mini-sentry on the balcony overlooking the center point in Badlands. The gun is relativly difficult to see and attack in that position, but has full coverage of the center point, allowing for a sneaky degree of covering fire as your team makes the push to cap.

Mini-sentries help a lot when capturing points. Dropping one just behind the point as you step on allows you to capture the point and provide yourself with a degree of covering fire, further softening up any who oppose you and your team. Just remember that while it does half-damage, stepping between your target and your gun still hurts, and it's damage you take in place of your target, so try to stay out of your gun's line of fire.

As a gunslinger engy, many classes/loadouts that were a threat before are a bit of a bigger threat. Your mini-sentries are far easier to destroy, often times only requiring a single shot. On top of that, you're generally going to be operating closer to these threats than you would as a standard engineer. The Gunslinger itself makes up for this by granting a health bonus that gives you a bit more survivability on the field. 25 extra health can spell life or death when faced with many threats. Always remember to keep on your toes; be ready to drop a gun when you need, and know when to run. Psychology works in your favor here, as many will rather shoot at a gun being deployed, or firing at them, rather than chase down the retreating engineer. When things go wrong, mini-sentries can be great decoys.

Loadout Choices

*Stock Shotgun
My personal choice, as the stock shotgun has a relativly large magazine and reliable firepower. When the mini-sentries are up, the shotgun gives you the best extra dps to use with good stayability, as long as your shotgun is loaded at all times. The six shots take a fair amount of time to reload entirely, so whenever you're out of combat, focus on making sure your weapon is loaded and ready.

*Frontier Justice
When your sentry is destroyed you gain revenge crits for every sentry kill (2 per kill, 1 per assist, up to a max of 35)
-50% Clip Size
No random critical hits
At the cost of three loaded shells and random criticals, equipping the Frontier Justice adds an interesting angle. While mini-sentries don't have too much firepower on their own, they are often more than capable of picking off wounded targets and when supported by teammates will easily rack up assists. Due to the low defenses of the sentry and the frequent destroy/rebuild cycle, you will be granted a crit or two on a semi-regular basis. Just remember to make those shots count.
--Note that if you are supporting your sentry and you score the kill with one of your weapons as opposed to the sentry, you will not get any revenge crits from the act. However if you hang back and let the sentry finish the job, or allow a teammate to do it, you will gain the respective crit(s).
--Death will remove any and all revenge crits stored. Furthermore if your sentry is destroyed while you are dead, you don't get the crits.
--The Frontier Justice also has a taunt attack. While generally useless, it's a lot of fun to kill someone with if you happen to get the jump on them and it takes them too long to realize you're there. It's not recommended to use during standard play.

On hit: Damage returned as metal
No reload necessary
Per shot: 30 ammo
Uses metal for ammo
The Widowmaker is a shotgun that instead of requiring a standard ammo/magazine, it instead consumes 30 of your metal reserve per shot and does not require reload. The catch is that successful hits return that metal, equal to the amount of damage you deal (your shot hits for 45, you receive 15 more metal than you started with, alternatively, your shot deals 3, you've consumed 27 metal). With a full metal stock, you have 6 shots by default, providing you miss every shot. You'll likely get 8-9 shots off when you use it with a full reserve. Deploying your mini-sentry or dispenser gives you 3 shots to work with, and dropping a teleporter leaves you with two. I stay away from this weapon personally, as my aim is not the greatest. If you intend on using this, be sure to save it for close range battles as your returns are much greater when you've got the damage ramp-up on your side. Avoid long-range shots as you'll end up wasting your metal by doing so, and try to prioritize your metal so that you have enough to deploy another mini-sentry if necessary while in combat. If your shot would put you below 100 metal, you should pull your pistol instead.
--Standing next to a dispenser that has metal will allow you to continue firing the weapon, consuming the dispenser's reserve until it runs out. Do this only if you have to AND only with your own dispenser; doing it with someone else's dispenser is in bad taste, and is often considered a form of griefing on other servers.
--Be aware about spychecking, if you spycheck with the Widowmaker you will not recieve metal if the spy is disguised as your team, similar to how the Ubersaw does not charge uber on disguised spies. You will get returns if the spy is undisguised and cloaked however.

*Pomson 6000
Does not require ammo
Projectile cannot be deflected
On hit: Victim loses 10% Ubercharge or 20% Cloak
Deals reduced damage to buildings (80% less?)
Added in Australian Christmas 2011, This neat little... um... raygun provides a menagerie of additional effects with a very different style of use. The beam will drain medics of 10% of their ubercharge and 20% of spies' cloak with a distinct flash and sound effect. The weapon only allows for four loaded shots at a time and is required to be "reloaded" one at a time, but does not require an external source of ammo to function. First and foremost, expect fewer kills with it, the weapon is a bit more of a support tool and is not hitscan like the shotguns, in addition, the shots are weaker overall up close, but are a bit more powerful at a distance. Shots travel a bit faster than a standard rocket. Don't be afraid to just spam it since it has infinite ammo and is great for rooting out spies. This weapon can wreak untold havok on spies, especially Dead Ringers. The weapon will trip the ringer if it's full, but will continue to drain cloak once the spy is invisible, which will likely force an early decloak. It works on other spies as well, and Cloak and Dagger spies will feel it the most as there's no alternative way to replenish C/D cloak. In addition, it works on medics, draining them of small amounts of Ubercharge. This is especially useful against Kritzkrieg or Quick-Fix medics who have deployed, as it will cause the charge to run out early Testing confirms that Medics are immune to the uber drain while the uber is in effect, no matter what kind. It will not harm an Ubercharge medic under the uber, and on all four mediguns if you shoot them before they're charged you will set them back a peg, especially if you hit a medic who just won an Ubersaw fight. With proper timing, you can even screw over an uber push by draining the medic before he can hit the button, which can be just as useful as killing the medic in the first place. While the benefits of hassling medics and spies is a great tradeoff, only use this weapon if you're confident in your aim with long-range projectile weapons, and be sure to keep your pistol ready as your pistol will easily out DPS this raygun and serves as a quick fallback when your four shots are used up.
--Help your fellow Snipers! Pomson 6000 beams will set friendly Hunstman arrows on fire.

*Rescue Ranger
Alt-Fire: Uses metal to pick up buildings from long range. (100 per use, regardless of building)
Fires a special bolt that can repair friendly buildings
-34% clip size
-50% max primary ammo
Self Mark-for-death upon carrying buildings
Added for Christmas 2012, this is a pretty interesting weapon. Rather than a standard shotgun blast, it fires darts that are not unlike Huntsman arrows. These darts do very little damage and suffer damage falloff however. At long range you do 20, point blank for about 70, and criticals for 120. On top of that you also have fewer to work with: 4 loaded and 16 reserve. This weapon isn't for combat, but rather support. It allows you to heal your own and other friendly engy buildings from a distance. Each shot heals about 75 health to the building in question, though it does not refill ammo or unsap/fix sapped buildings. An additional perk, and probably the most important, is that using this gun dramatically increases the portability of your buildings. For 100 metal (and marking yourself for death causing mini-crits) you can teleport your buildings directly to where you are standing so long as you have line of sight of it. Personally though, I don't see this being too useful for Gunslingers; minis deploy fast and are cheaper than just teleporting to yourself, plus it's safer to just rebuild so you don't take mini-crits. If you use it, it's best to keep it on hand to help support fellow engineers by keeping an eye on their stuff and helping with repairs from a distance.
-Something to be aware of, a bug in the RR's projectile can cause it to score headshot criticals when reflected by Pyros. Use caution when going up against Pyros who know how to reliably airblast projectiles.


*Stock Pistol/Lugermorph
The prefered sidearm for this build. The pistol at long range has the same (or very similar) DPS to that of the mini-sentry, allowing you to open up with lots of hits on an enemy at once, throwing them off or making them panic. With 212 shots to use, don't worry about missing targets (as long as you don't miss every single shot that is), it's very hard to run out of pistol ammo as an engineer. The pistol is also good for attacking distant targets, as it's damage falloff bottom-caps much higher than any shotgun. If you choose to carry the Frontier Justice or Rescue Ranger, it's strongly recommended you pack the pistol as well, as the sustained firepower of the pistol can help when your needs primary needs to reload (or to compensate for the Ranger's low DPS).

Take manual control of your sentry
I advise against this, but that doesn't mean it's not do-able. Wrangled mini-sentries don't help a whole lot, but they have the advantage of going up quickly and being controllable within seconds. The Wrangler pretty much defeats the purpose of the mini-sentry, as you can't flank someone while holding an Atari joystick. Should you choose this, it's strongly recommended that you take the stock shotgun, as giving up your pistol is a huge firepower reduction, and you'll need all the shots you can get.

*Short Circuit
Fires an electrical field that destroys projectiles and does slight damage to players
No reload nessecary
Consumes half ammo when shocking projectiles
Per shot: -35 ammo
Uses metal for ammo
No metal from Dispensers while active

No random criticals
Cannot be crit boosted
Also added after the guide's write up, the Short Circuit allows you to create a short-range electrical shock that deals minor damage to everyone nearby and destroys all projectiles (Rockets, Grenades, Stickybombs, Arrows, Baseballs, Jarate, Milk, Flares, MONOCULUS! eye-rockets, Merasamus' bombs, repair darts, Loose Cannonballs, and even the Birthday Beachball and Ball-kicking Boots' soccer ball) at the cost of 35 metal. I strongly recommend not using the Short Circuit with the Gunslinger as you generally don't protect your sentry. Your weapon switch times aren't fast enough to stop rockets heading in your direction, and there are very few instances (even with regular guns) that you will defend from sticky traps with it. The damage on the weapon is also worthless (5 per shot, no random criticals or crit-boost) though it fires fast. If for some reason you do carry it, use it to defend teamates from rockets/grenades. Your medic will owe you one if you can stop a crocket coming his way.
--Should you score a kill with this weapon, you are completely entitled to point and laugh at your victim.

There is no alternative melee weapon for this build. All other melee weapons produce standard sentry guns, and that's not what i'm here for. The Gunslinger is broken down above. Try to fight with it only if you have to, as death never helps anything.
--Keep in mind, the Gunslinger also has a taunt attack. While it's not recommended that you use it on a regular basis, it's one of three taunt attacks that can stun a victim, and is capable of stunning ubercharged targets, though due to it's long/loud wind-up, this isn't recommended. It's also funny as hell to kill someone with, but has no accompanying achievement. Save it for humilliation rounds where you can possibly suprise someone around a corner.

Final thoughts

Gunslinger engineers are a tough-to-play but very powerful build. Being able to deliver a major offensive punch to those who are unlucky enough to get caught between one, and maintaining the support effects granted by dispensers and teleporters. Skilled gunslinger engineers can effectivly carry teams with well placed guns and constant attention to the other buildings. On the other hand, they work very well as support engineers, as they don't have to tank their gun, they are free to help other engineers build and maintain. Sneaky engineers can drop a gun then suprise entire enemy groups with a fair amount of firepower coming from multiple directions. More or less, this is a setup worth looking into for engineers who don't want to just sit behind a gun and defend. This is for engineers who want to get out into the field and fight on the front lines with the rest of their comrades.

Feel free to add info/feedback/criticisms; guides aren't usually my thing.

Re: Gunslinger Engineer: Ins and Outs

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 4:56 pm
by Katotsu
In my experience killing mini-sentries, it takes either two normal rockets or one Direct Hit. Other than that everything looks wonderful to me.

Re: Gunslinger Engineer: Ins and Outs

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:02 pm
by One_Medic_Army
Probably due to damage falloff/ramp-up.

Re: Gunslinger Engineer: Ins and Outs

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:17 pm
by Katotsu
I thought that sentries ignored ramp-up/falloff, for both dealing and receiving damage.

Re: Gunslinger Engineer: Ins and Outs

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 5:47 pm
by One_Medic_Army

Re: Gunslinger Engineer: Ins and Outs

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:27 pm
by Zork Nemesis
Katotsu wrote:I thought that sentries ignored ramp-up/falloff, for both dealing and receiving damage.
All damage scales don't affect buildings, buildings are hit with base values and base values alone. Kat's right, it does take more than one standard rocket, but a single rocket usually knocks out 95% of the sentry's health.

Re: Gunslinger Engineer: Ins and Outs

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:33 pm
by One_Medic_Army
You sure about that buildings always take base dmg? It's not anywhere on the wiki I've found.
Also runs counter to what I've experienced watching heavies try and kill guns (though I will admit part of this is probably due to just missing).

[edit] found it under Damage
Weird, never knew that.

Re: Gunslinger Engineer: Ins and Outs

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:37 pm
by Zork Nemesis
One_Medic_Army wrote:You sure about that buildings always take base dmg? It's not anywhere on the wiki I've found.
Also runs counter to what I've experienced watching heavies try and kill guns (though I will admit part of this is probably due to just missing).
From the Wiki:
Weapons also do not suffer from damage drop off on buildings; regardless of distance, every hit does the same amount of damage (excluding splash damage).

Also, part of the thing with heavy is the way the minigun works. The closer you are, the more bullets will make contact.

Re: Gunslinger Engineer: Ins and Outs

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:39 pm
by The Spanish Inquisition
Got a problem with too many pesky scouts? Mini-sentry solves that.
Got a problem with melee wielding brute coming down on you. Mini-sentry built in their path solves that. (especially good in turbine vents.)
Got stubborn blood stains? Mini-sentry still good for other things besides stain removal.

It's important to maintain a dispenser in the general area you are working a mini-sentry. Always have 100metal on you so you can destry and redrop a sentry at will. When I am working the middle room on turbine, I might deliberately build and destroy 50 sentries per map. When you are using frontier justice, rebuilding your sentry allows you to activate your revenge crits. I would say if you are using mini-sentry then there is no reason not to use frontier justice.

The flanking manuever I use is similar to 'mama bird' tactics. Mama bird will draw potential predators away from babies so they have a chance to live. For an engineer if you have damaged gear or a sentry in mid-deployment, run opposite that location so that enemies will chase you. When deploying a mini during combat, drop the gun in any orientation and then run away from it so that the angle between you and the sentry relative to the enemy is always increasing. Circle strafe away from your sentry and around your enemy for best effect. Indecisive enemies lose quickly.

If you use the frontier justice, don't bother reloading, quickswitch straight to pistol after you are out. The pistol is deadly and reloads a whole 12 shots faster than the shotgun reloads. The FJ is mainly to build up savory revenge crits, use a pistol for checking spies and other long distance attention getting and save the FJ for sure shots.

It helps to have a kickasth engie build script. I've posted this before but here it is again, drop it in your cfg/engineer.cfg file. Turn on quickswitch (it's on the same dialog box as console enabling.) Weapon switching is bound to TAB for shotgun and wheel mouse for pistol and gunslinger fist. Your number keys do the magic of building and destroying without involving the PDA at all. Press once to build, or twice to destroy a building. If you accidently press the destroy button one time, you can reset the destroy counter anytime by switching your weapon and then back.

Code: Select all

// engie one touch build, two touch destroy config

// pressing 1,2,3,4 maps to building or destroying
// the sentry, dispenser, entrance and exit buildings
// respectively. 

alias "buildSentry" "build 2 0; bind 1 destroySentry"
alias "destroySentry" "bind 1 reallyDestroySentry"
alias "reallyDestroySentry" "destroy 2 0; bind 1 buildSentry"

alias "buildDispenser" "build 0 0; bind 2 destroyDispenser"
alias "destroyDispenser" "bind 2 reallyDestroyDispenser"
alias "reallyDestroyDispenser" "destroy 0 0; bind 2 buildDispenser"

alias "buildEntrance" "build 1 0; bind 3 destroyEntrance"
alias "destroyEntrance" "bind 3 reallyDestroyEntrance"
alias "reallyDestroyEntrance" "destroy 1 0; bind 3 buildEntrance"

alias "buildExit" "build 1 1; bind 4 destroyExit"
alias "destroyExit" "bind 4 reallyDestroyExit"
alias "reallyDestroyExit" "destroy 1 1; bind 4 buildExit"

alias "resetBuilds" "bind 1 buildSentry; bind 2 buildDispenser; bind 3 buildEntrance; bind 4 buildExit"

// reset so we are in a building state if we change weapons
bind "TAB" "slot1; resetBuilds"
bind "MWHEELUP" "slot2; resetBuilds"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "slot3; resetBuilds"

// Accidently hitting '5' brings up the destroy menu for an engineer.
unbind 5


Re: Gunslinger Engineer: Ins and Outs

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 6:43 pm
by M's
And you expect me to read all that :eh:?
No I did not read the whole thing, although I did skim through it. Several good points are made.

Re: Gunslinger Engineer: Ins and Outs

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:25 pm
by Zork Nemesis
Added a quick section on the Widowmaker and Short Circuit, I know i've seen lots of Gunslingers use the Widowmaker after the ammo cost reductions, but I still avoid it as I approach my shotgun with a spray-and-pray deal. Also a spot on the Short Circuit, though it's a bit of a bad weapon to carry around with this.

Re: Gunslinger Engineer: Ins and Outs

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:23 am
by Zork Nemesis
Added a quick update with initial thoughts on the Pomson 6000, which is proving to be one of the most effective anti-spy weapons ever.

Re: Gunslinger Engineer: Ins and Outs

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:45 am
by Larry
dude, you wrote a small book lol

Re: Gunslinger Engineer: Ins and Outs

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:15 am
by YoullNeverWalkAlone
Zork Nemesis wrote:Added a quick update with initial thoughts on the Pomson 6000, which is proving to be one of the most effective anti-spy weapons ever.
Cool, I was curious to get your thoughts after seeing you use it (and seeming to have some fun) last night. It seemed to be pretty effective on Barnblitz when defending the first point. Were you using it in the middle of Turbine or on the intel room? It seemed like we were all out in the middle and I wondered if it was still effective in the open space.

Re: Gunslinger Engineer: Ins and Outs

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:27 am
by One_Medic_Army
You make me want a Pomson 6000, shame they're $10 and not craftable yet.