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Too buy or Not too buy

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:02 am
by M's
Been debating and scratching my head alot and still not sure if I should buy TF2 or not.

During the free playweekend they had here while back it really didn't impress me to much.

But I would like som input as to why I should or shouldn't get

The only time I would play is Mon- Fri between the hours of 8am-3pm vst

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:21 am
by Guardian

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:26 am
by Plinko
If you don't care much for it, I wouldn't buy it unless it goes on sale again for a good price and you really want to give it more chances, mlite.

It's a very very different game from DoD and CS, I know you like those a lot but TF2 might as well be a different genre of game.

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:28 am
by shimmybot
If you don't care much for it, I wouldn't buy it unless it goes on sale again for a good price and you really want to give it more chances, mlite.

It's a very very different game from DoD and CS, I know you like those a lot but TF2 might as well be a different genre of game.


Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:32 am
by M's
I am willing to try something different for a bit
And If I did buy it it would be when it was on sale again

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:40 am
by Jesus_Faction
I wasnt too impressed the first time I played it during a free weekend...

but its good times now

just wait till its 9.99 or less again

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:49 am
by MasterChef
Pretty much what everyone else has said. Sometimes it takes a bit to like a game. I didn't care much for L4D when I played the demo. But I bought it when it was on sale and have actually come out liking the game more than I thought I would.

So, if the game goes on sale buy it. But don't feel forced to by it.

Re: Too buy or Not too buy

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 12:07 pm
by Squirrel
I would buy it. I was a hardcore DOD player too remember. Compared to DOD it’s a lot faster and harder to understand. It’s a complete team game unlike DOD.
The game has a little bit of something for everyone in it. You don’t need to be very good to play some classes. I’m not very good at the attack classes, but I enjoy playing medic and pyro. The best thing about it is playing with Villuns. Honestly I enjoy the game a lot, but if the Ville wasn’t around I wouldn’t play at all. :)

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 3:34 pm
by CastleDoctrine
[quote="MasterChef";p="165601"]Pretty much what everyone else has said.[/quote]And Squirrel is correct, as always, about most any game being fun when played with Villuns. The Ville is like beer:
  • [align=center]"Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
    -Benjamin Franklin

PS: Your sig is making me dizzy Squirrel. :eh2:

Re: Too buy or Not too buy

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:32 am
by The Spanish Inquisition
I highly recommend tf2. Back in 1996 a game called Quake was popular and the first good mod from that was Team Fortress, a class based first person shooter that requires team work to complete goals. TFC in my opinion is crap and in no way expresses the original feel of the quake tf mod. But TF2 got it right I think, taking the best parts of both previous versions and adding the new stuff like weapon addons. They are further going to nuance it more with the remaining class upgrades to keep it fresh. What other game has this much richness, maturity and history to not warrant at least trying it.

The cartoony effect will grow on you and if you look at some of the screenshots people take, some of the action is spectacular eye candy.

Re: Too buy or Not too buy

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:19 am
by machinegunkelly
it really depends dude..... if u like teamwork game.... then buy it but what everyone said.... wait for it to go down and if you wnat it get it if not dont....

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:52 am
by M's
Just bought it but it'll be be bit before I play it. Got it for 9.99