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Zombie unit help/tutorial

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:29 pm
by captain0terror

I just recently started playing Left4DoD, and i must say, it was one of the more fun games i've played in a very long time! Playing as the allied survivors is a great time, and i just recently playing as zombies; which is very fun, but i'm having a very hard time figuring out how to use the zombie units. For example:

Emo: is he invisible when he spawns until you right-click? When i try to blow up, many times it says: "too many allied soldiers around"... wouldn't that be the point to take out as many soldiers as possible with his primary weapon, or is it talking about spawning? i am confuz.. =)

Grey Dude: i LOVE playing as this guy, spawning zombies on unsuspecting players. Do you get kills for the zombies you spawn that kill? sometimes my regen time seems faster as well, do you get a regenerative bonus when you or your spawns make a kill?

The guy that throws exploding skulls: As an ally, i get killed by these damn exploding skulls ALL THE TIME... However, no matter how long i play him, i don't seem to EVER get kills by using these weapons.. what am i doing wrong?

I think it would be great when you're picking your class for zombies, it would tell you descriptions of each class, and have the right names(emo, anarchist, etc) listed.

To sum up, i would love it if there was a unit tutorial for zombies and allies alike. Something that describes their abilities, powerups(like zombie blood and hooch), and even some general unit strategies.. Does anything like this exist on the site?

BTW as a sidenote, i'm a GoldSrc/Source mapper for the last few years, and i'd love to help out if anyone needs help on custom maps or whatev. I can map and model static props, but my specialty is adding small detail to maps, as well building elaborate world props.

Thanks for a great game, and many thanks in advance for any help with my noob!
= )

Re: zombie unit help/tutorial

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:41 pm
by Dog
Emo: find somewhere away from Allies, like behind a wall, right click to spawn then rush into a crowd of them and boom. Takes a long time to master, but once people figure it out, they can be deadly with it. There is also a two second delay when you spawn, so be careful of it. Popular tactic is to spawn inside a building and rush out into the crowd.

Grey Dude: you don't credit on the in-game scoreboard but you do with stats

Anarchist: bounce the skulls off buildings

Unfortunately, I can't change the in-game class choosing panel since it is client side.

There is a sort of FAQ here:

Re: Zombie unit help/tutorial

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:27 pm
by captain0terror
Hay THANKS! that FAQ helps tremendously.
= )

Re: Zombie unit help/tutorial

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:52 pm
by Fidel Gastro
Remember the emo has a 2 sec delay between spawning and detonation and the explosion seems greater the longer you wait after you spawn i think.....

One of my mates is painfully good as the anarchist because he bounces skulls around multiple corners, very hard on the American team as you cannot get a good shot on him.

The best grey dudes seem to get "behind the lines" and hide out spawning when nobody sees them they are really very good for capping flags.

witches are good for breaking thru the lines to the rear, getting caps and doing the rear assault.

There's nothing better than duelling with a human zombie esp. when he is really good.......
Good hunting.

P.S. hope i'm not giving too much away(if i am please delete)