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Events Ideas

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 11:00 am
by KRG
Give us your ideas for L4DOD events! What would you like to see in an event?

We will take all input and put it towards creating private L4DOD events for Villuns only.

We ask that everyone respect all opinions in here, there are no bad ideas and everyone has an equal opinion. Just toss out any ideas you may have, we will take them to the Ville elves and they will hammer out an event!

We appreciate your feedback L4DOD'ers! :)

Re: Events Ideas

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2011 1:00 am
by Fidel Gastro
Ok I've come up with the L4DOD olympics. Now i am not a programmer no IT person so you may need to modify things to fit the HL2 engine or whatever....
The attacking team is to only have five or six players.

Event one
Emolanche: The map is Avalanche. The Americans must stand and defend the last flag from the emo onslaught. both teams have 1or2 sec respawn and last cap of 3secs. Max poits given to emo team if they get the flag. A five minute time out for this one.

American team: Only allowed in street up to the second flag, not further than the building on the right. Not allowed in any buildings. All weapons.

Zombie team: All emo. Allowed in buildings. must not spawn in the american street.

Event Two
Anarchball: Need a map with a street from end to end. The Americans are the attacking team. The Anarchists are given a specified time (reasonable enough to get down the map) to take up a position off the street i.e. in a building or other. when the timer finishes the Americans are allowed to go with the object of getting all/as many flags as possible within a 5 min time.

American team: respawn of 3secs. No weapons. Restricted to the street.

Zombie team: Must be Anarchists. Not allowed onto the street after initial timer runs out or they die.

Event Three
MGeometry: Need a street to the last flag five man team is to defend with the MG of their choice they are given ten or so seconds with which to set up then the zombies must capture the last flag. When the Americans run out of ammo they must retun to the ammo pile to stock up. There is a five minute timer for this one. There should only be one way into the last flag. Very short respawn times for both sides. and three second cap out.

American team: Must stay in the area around the last flag. Only MG's.

Zombie team: No witches allowed. must spawn in the spawn area.

Event Four
Zombies are in an arena not too big not too small. The American team of five must grenade all zombies in the quickest time.

American team: Can only hold one grenade at a time and must run back to the pile to get more. No other weapons.

Zombie team: Players must try to avoid being blown apart. No weapons.

And thats me for the time being hopefully you might be able to make it work
but if not hopefully it gave you some good ideas.

Re: Events Ideas

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:16 pm
by SnOwY
nice post parts !! like those suggestions, can't think of anything at the moment, minds a bit blank, will have a think over the next few days

Re: Events Ideas

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 2:09 am
by Fidel Gastro
I had another idea with using emos as explosives to blow up a tank but am not quite sure how that'd function

Re: Events Ideas

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:48 am
by Si-Lad
Bomb or be bombed. Emo's vs humans on Colmar :D

Re: Events Ideas

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:55 pm
by Captain Mainwaring
Private parts (OZ) wrote:
Event Two
Anarchball: Need a map with a street from end to end. The Americans are the attacking team. The Anarchists are given a specified time (reasonable enough to get down the map) to take up a position off the street i.e. in a building or other. when the timer finishes the Americans are allowed to go with the object of getting all/as many flags as possible within a 5 min time.

American team: respawn of 3secs. No weapons. Restricted to the street.

Zombie team: Must be Anarchists. Not allowed onto the street after initial timer runs out or they die.

Event Three
MGeometry: Need a street to the last flag five man team is to defend with the MG of their choice they are given ten or so seconds with which to set up then the zombies must capture the last flag. When the Americans run out of ammo they must retun to the ammo pile to stock up. There is a five minute timer for this one. There should only be one way into the last flag. Very short respawn times for both sides. and three second cap out.

American team: Must stay in the area around the last flag. Only MG's.

Zombie team: No witches allowed. must spawn in the spawn area.
Flash would be good.

Event Four
Zombies are in an arena not too big not too small. The American team of five must grenade all zombies in the quickest time.

American team: Can only hold one grenade at a time and must run back to the pile to get more. No other weapons.

Zombie team: Players must try to avoid being blown apart. No weapons.

[/quote] Normandie beach arena or Real arena

Re: Events Ideas

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 6:57 pm
by KRG
Some great ideas so far, keep 'em coming!

Re: Events Ideas

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:06 pm
by Dog
Let me fire an idea a couple of us were tossing around.

On a coop server, team of six players.
Two ways of scoring:
1. 15 minutes to score as many caps as possible
2. Quickest time to cap out the map.

The first would be more fun since the second is at the whim of the game....

Re: Events Ideas

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 1:26 am
by Fidel Gastro
Another event i was thinking about was the Invisiround.

The map needs to be really dark really so only torches light anything up.
All the zombies are infected ones and have unlimited invisibility the night vision they have is pretty good so vision should not be a problem.
The American team is the attacking team. One guy must have the MG the others can only choose the M1/Bazooka or the german equilavent.
The Both teams do not respawn.
Quickest to cap out or the most flags wins.

This one really would test team work and communication for the Americans.

Re: Events Ideas

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:00 am
by M's
Private parts (OZ) wrote:Another event i was thinking about was the Invisiround.

The map needs to be really dark really so only torches light anything up.
All the zombies are infected ones and have unlimited invisibility the night vision they have is pretty good so vision should not be a problem.
The American team is the attacking team. One guy must have the MG the others can only choose the M1/Bazooka or the german equilavent.
The Both teams do not respawn.
Quickest to cap out or the most flags wins.

This one really would test team work and communication for the Americans.
This would work out good on Kalt.

Re: Events Ideas

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 3:23 am
by Fidel Gastro
Woo hoo just had another ripper courtesy of the survival server......

The team plays as the Allies and have to barricade themselves in a room.
The allies have 30 odd seconds to pick a room in the village.
They then have to hold out against the onslaught.
Unlimited ammo for the Allies.
The team whom holds out longest wins.
This one will need a number of buildings on the map.

Re: Events Ideas

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:54 pm
by P. E. Logos
Tournament Survival:
Humans and human zombies face off on the maps that L4DoD:S usually runs on. The allies must have 1/2 to 1/4th the number of zombie players, as half the point in the game is they're outnumbered.
No respawns, no bots.
Play to capout of either side or team elimination of either side.
Then, by ratio, the numbers are dwindled down based on kills/objectives/death count until only a few remain and the final match is fought--last man standing or team to cap out wins.

For example:

12 players: 3 humans 9 zombies. In the case of 3 and 9, the top scoring human is human again, along with the top scoring zombie. The second and third place human and 2nd-5th place zombies turn to/remain zombie, leaving us with 2 humans vs. 6 zombies on the next map in the cycle.
Same general idea: bracket elimination until you're down to 1 player vs 3 zombies.
Of course one could work in the option of the top players being allowed to choose their own sides or switching sides between every round so each player's score is recorded both as a zombie and as a human... It's a very rough idea.
I dunno, just an idea. I'm not too attached to it so if anyone wants to add to it feel free. :)

Re: Events Ideas

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:56 pm
by Dr. Bob
Not sure if its even possible
but if you've ever played gun game
I can see that being entirely fun with the zombie classes.
Test overall skill rather than class specified :)