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MvM worth it?

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 3:16 pm
by Scorch
Should I invest the time/money playing thru MvM?

Re: MvM worth it?

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 3:47 pm
by Will T.
It depends on how much you want the loot and the bragging rights. For me, I found the difficulty of the matches felt less like a genuine challenge and more like lazy, untested game design by Valve, and it wasn't worth the 4+ hours it took to beat a single MvM mission for a 5% chance at a rare item drop. (Note that 3.5 of those 4 hours are spent playing the last wave repeatedly, usually losing seconds before you would have won.)

If you're like me, it's as far from worth it as you can get. If you really, really, really, really, really, really, really want the loot and don't want to simply trade for it, give it a shot.

Re: MvM worth it?

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 9:01 pm
by bluntspoon
You have to play with groups of people who know what they are doing. When I have that it's fun as hell. When I don't it's just masses of frustration as people quit and you've wasted an hour + of time for nothing. Pubbing it is a total crapshoot and generally not worth it. Don't do it hoping for loot. Do it because it's fun with friends.

I say this as someone who lucked out and got a fancy rocket launcher that I sold for $100 on the market and bought a bunch of games with.

I also don't think I ever spent more than 90 mins on any single level, win or quit. It becomes very clear as you hit the higher waves if your group is strong enough, or not.

Re: MvM worth it?

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:38 pm
by Boss Llama
Not even close to worth it in my opinion. It can be fun, for sure, if you have a good group of friends to play with, but so are plenty of other games that don't charge additional fees for every round you play. In my opinion, it's nothing but a cynical way for Valve to milk additional mass quantities of cash from their micro-transaction economy. It's something I'm willing to play if somebody provides the ticket for me, but I wouldn't spend another cent on it myself.

Re: MvM worth it?

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:47 pm
by Peahats
There was certainly a time where it was worth it. When the values of killstreak items were inflated.

Re: MvM worth it?

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 10:59 pm
by Plinko
bluntspoon wrote:You have to play with groups of people who know what they are doing. When I have that it's fun as hell. When I don't it's just masses of frustration as people quit and you've wasted an hour + of time for nothing.
Pretty much this. I have fun whenever I play it, but I only play with friends and mostly ones that know how the mode works.

Re: MvM worth it?

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 11:46 pm
by Flash
I've enjoyed playing it the handful of times I have. It is an interesting change of pace from regular TF2 and being on a solid team makes a difference.

As others have said. I'd happily play it if provided with a ticket, but don't see myself spending any money on it at this point.

Re: MvM worth it?

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 12:00 am
by black_and_blue
Generally enjoyed it when playing with Villuns. Generally got very frustrated when playing with randoms

Re: MvM worth it?

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 11:47 am
by eumoria
I generally enjoyed it for quite a bit but at some point it boils to routine and gets boring, also the drops are random so you can play a lot and get pretty much nothing. I have I think 15 tours on the newest one and nothing great to show for it. 20-30 of the old ones and not much from that either.

It really can be fun if you wanna play with some villuns count me in but typically (unless you get super lucky) you don't make the money back from the drops so you can either think of it as donating to Valve for being so awesome, or burning your money.

Re: MvM worth it?

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2014 1:17 pm
by bluntspoon
Alizée Fan wrote:Not even close to worth it in my opinion. It can be fun, for sure, if you have a good group of friends to play with, but so are plenty of other games that don't charge additional fees for every round you play. In my opinion, it's nothing but a cynical way for Valve to milk additional mass quantities of cash from their micro-transaction economy. It's something I'm willing to play if somebody provides the ticket for me, but I wouldn't spend another cent on it myself.
Here's the thing. I bought the orange box for $50 perhaps 8 years ago now? (I had it pre-ordered) I have hundreds upon hundreds of hours of game time on that $50. It's quite literally the best money I've ever spent. I've bought less than 10 keys, perhaps one (maybe 2?) hats at the store and perhaps a dozen total tours worth of MvM. I have no problem spending say $20 a year if I'm having fun. Heck, I think I've spent more than that as a Ville supporter on and off over the past several years.

Re: MvM worth it?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 11:06 am
by Oddjob
Its fun for the change of pace but I haven't found it to be worth it.

Most of the drops you get in MVM are junk or aren't worth much on the marketplace.

Re: MvM worth it?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 1:18 pm
by YoullNeverWalkAlone
Its been a fun mode to play with friends and I'm with blunt on this. Granted I have benefitted from finding a couple items that I really wanted and a couple that I was able to sell for more than enough money to cover my costs in playing (plus bought me some games). Most of the people I know who played quite frequently didn't buy the tickets, they were able to get them trading scrap. I also found you could get a bit of your money back simply by selling the various items you didn't want on the market.

Re: MvM worth it?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 10:11 pm
by Man In A Mask
Ive always loved MVM, and now that you can get australium weapons from any mission not just tours if you ever wanted those gold weapons find friends and play your heart away!

Re: MvM worth it?

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 2:01 am
by thanathos
I really think a group of Ville regulars could tear up some MvM with no problems. With a good group you can finish a map very quickly. I play them for the rare drops which I in turn sell on the market. I made just north of $300 last year (sold $425 worth of stuff and spent about $50 in tickets), which allowed me to buy lots of new games. Just don't go selling everything on the market though, you have a 200 item limit then you have to fill out financial information for valve.

Also you could always just play the boot camp version to....

If you want to run with me in one sometime just let me know (that goes for anyone)

Re: MvM worth it?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:11 pm
by Perfect Villain
I think it used to be, still can be but only with friends and people you know...