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This map made me think of TFC and TF2(Good Times...)

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:43 am
by cmon
There is an orange map out there that has "classes" in the name. I played it on one of the 9th Rangers servers and it was very entertaining.

You spawn in a square room that has 3 teleporters that change your abilities. One says Fast, one says Strong and one says Light.

The fast makes you run fast like a scout and you only get 50% health.

The Strong makes you very healthy, maybe upwards of 300% health.

The Light makes you extremely light so that you can jump around like a flea! Literally, you crouch jump your way around the map and you move quite fast when you do that. Otherwise walking is normal and I think you have normal health too.

Anyway, made me think of how bad I want TF2 to come out and it made me miss those TFC days....

One of my favorite memories from TFC days was learning the ropes as an admin and someone showed me the robotic voice that you could make say stuff.... and then Blue Ruler made it say "I will bust a cap in your A$$". I thought I was going to pee my pants when I heard that the first time(I was laughing so hard I was crying) and it just kept getting funnier the more we did it.

Good Times......

Re: This map made me think of TFC and TF2(Good Times...)

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:33 am
by DeafOfficeWorker
If TF2 is "delayed" again, I think I'm going to bomb Valve headquarters. :evil:

Re: This map made me think of TFC and TF2(Good Times...)

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:47 am
by l3eeron
Ohhhhhh ya, the old vox speech stuff! Heres the commands for the amx admin plug in:

tt [msg]: Speak words on system of everyone. [hgrunt] f
tt_help [search target]: Find words to speak from [hgrunt] f
uu [msg]: Speak words on system of everyone. [fvox] f
uu_help [search target]: Find words to speak from [fvox] f
xxx : Not a real command, sorry. n
yy [msg]: Speak words on system of everyone. [vox] f
yy_help [search target]: Find words to speak from [vox] f

Click here for complete vox speech list

I had sooo much fun stringing words together like "Your gas has reached poisonous levels" lol

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 1:34 pm
by l3eeron
OBTW I went to the 9th ranger website and I didnt find anything for DoDS. They're a BF/COD clan? Maybe you got em mixed up somehow? I dunno but the being able to "adjust" the classes (as far as I know) is impossible to do with map entities. It would have to be a .script/map combo to acheive something like that. Which means Dog would have to evaluate the .script and then install it on the server. Let me know if you find the map cmon. I really want to see how they did something like this =) TY! (check your dods maps folder)

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:13 pm
by l3eeron
OK I found it, youre right cmon they have a dods server that runs dod_orange_classes_b7 ... lasses_b7/

When I get home Ill try it out, maybe I can decompile it and steal ideas

Re: This map made me think of TFC and TF2(Good Times...)

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 8:21 am
by three_gunn
i miss hearing "bad...bad...bad"