TF2 binds guide

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TF2 binds guide

Post by l3eeron » Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:09 am

Some very useful info on TF2 specific binds. Please ask if you are having problems implementing anything, I can help.

BUILD (Class: Engineer, Spy)
Syntax: build <gadget_number>
De.scription: If the Engineer who used this command has enough metal, it will put him into build mode for the item specified. If a Spy uses this command, he will arm the Electro-Sapper, ready to use on any hostile gadgets targetted. Possibilities are (currently) as follows:

0: Dispenser (Engineer)
1: Teleport Entrance (Engineer)
2: Teleport Exit (Engineer)
3: Sentry (Engineer)
4: Electro-Sapper (Spy)

DESTROY (Class: Engineer)
Syntax: destroy <gadget_number>
De.scription: If you have built the gadget represented by the number, congratulations, you are the prowd owner of newly minted scrap metal. Handy to blow up a spy if he decides to try and restock at a hostile dispenser. Numbers represent the following:

0: Dispenser
1: Teleport Entrance
2: Teleport Exit
3: Sentry

DISGUISE (Class: Spy)

Syntax: <class_number> <team_number>
De.scription: And here we have it. The newbie spy's wet dream come true. This, as is fairly easy to tell from the command itself, will disguise you as someone. Who, however, depends on the numbers. The first number represents the class you wish to be, while the second represents the team. When I was testing this out, team numbers above two still worked, so I imagine that it's forward-thinking support in case someone wants to remake a murderball map or something.

Something else that was just brought to my attention by Essobie is that one can also use 'random' for <class_number>. That will disguise you as anything but a Spy or Scout, not sure about the team though. There have been some reports that 'disguise random' no longer works. Use at your own risk until I can confirm or deny.

Anyway, here are what the numbers mean:

1: Scout
2: Sniper
3: Soldier
4: Demoman
5: Medic
6: Heavy Weapons Guy
7: Pyro
8: Spy
9: Engineer
random: Any random class except Scout or Spy.

1: Blu
2: Red
[not needed when class is random]

USE (Class: All; Restricted by Weapon)
Syntax: use <weapon_name>
De.scription: The "use" command is used to literally use the specified weapon. No muss, no fuss, you just pull out that weapon if you have it.

Here's a list of all the weapons that each class can use, EXCEPT for the Spy's Electro-Sapper. That one is actually armed using the 'build' command detailed above. (I've organized it as to how they appear to the player - primary weapon, then secondary weapon, then melee weapon, etc.)

Scout: tf_weapon_scattergun, tf_weapon_pistol_scout, tf_weapon_bat
Soldier: tf_weapon_rocketlauncher, tf_weapon_shotgun_soldier, tf_weapon_shovel
Pyro: tf_weapon_flamethrower, tf_weapon_shotgun_pyro, tf_weapon_fireaxe
Demoman: tf_weapon_grenadelauncher, tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher, tf_weapon_bottle
Heavy Weapons Guy: tf_weapon_minigun, tf_weapon_shotgun_hwg, tf_weapon_fists
Engineer: tf_weapon_shotgun_primary, tf_weapon_pistol, tf_weapon_wrench, tf_weapon_pda_engineer_destroy, tf_weapon_pda_engineer_build
Medic: tf_weapon_syringegun_medic, tf_weapon_medigun, tf_weapon_bonesaw
Sniper: tf_weapon_sniperrifle, tf_weapon_smg, tf_weapon_club
Spy: tf_weapon_revolver, (see 'build' command for the sapper), tf_weapon_knife, tf_weapon_spy_pda

Syntax: voicemenu <menu_number> <phrase_number>
De.scription: This command is basically a direct method of using the 'z', 'x', and 'c' keys to send voice messages. Basically this allows you to bind a voice message directly to a key in the same fashion as how 'e' is by default bound to call in a Medic.

Menu Phrase:
0 0: Medic
0 1: Thanks
0 2: Go
0 3: Move Up
0 4: Flank Left
0 5: Flank Right
0 6: Yes
0 7: No

1 0: Incoming
1 1: Cloaked Spy
1 2: Sentry Ahead
1 3: Teleporter Here
1 4: Dispenser Here
1 5: Sentry Here
1 6: Activate Ubercharge
1 7: (Medic Only) Ubercharge Ready

2 0: Help
2 1: Battlecry
2 2: Cheers
2 3: Jeers
2 4: Positive
2 5: Negative
2 6: Nice Shot
2 7: Good Job

Syntax: lastinv
De.scription: This one's real easy. All it does is switch you back to your previously used weapon. (And I'm sure some of you probably realize that this is exactly the command that 'q' is bound to by default.)

Syntax: slotX (Where 'X' is a number between 0 and 10.)
De.scription: This command has a little more depth to it than first appears. While it is mainly used to choose a weapon, it can also be used as feedback to the default voice menus at 'z', 'x', and 'c'. For instance, if you have 'f' bound to 'slot1' and activate voice_menu_1 ('z'), pressing 'f' would cause you to call for a Medic. With regard to choosing a weapon, this command can act one of two ways. If you have fast weapon switching turned on, this command will immediately switch to that weapon. If you do not, this command will only highlight whatever weapon slot it represents and it remains up to you to do the final selection. Or you can use this to do it for you: "slot1; wait 50; +attack; wait; -attack".

Syntax: menuselect <item_number>
De.scription: Menuselect does ONLY the menu portion of slotX, so refer to that entry for the detailed explanation.

Syntax: wait [1-?]
De.scription: This command is very useful when running multiple commands on the same line. Basically, what this command does is halts the execution of that line for X frames based on its parameter. If you don't use a parameter, it defaults to 1. For me, a value of 100 equals roughly a second, but I haven't had time to check whether this is server or client dependant or not, so you may have to adjust your own times accordingly. An examply might be as follows for an engineer upgrading his SG: "use tf_weapon_wrench; wait; +duck; wait; +attack; wait 500; -attack; wait; -duck; lastinv". What that does is switch his wrench, ducks, starts swinging the wrench and continues for 5 seconds or so, stops swinging, stands up, and switches back to the last weapon used. If you were to attempt that without the waits, there's a pretty good chance it would fail rather spectacularly.

Syntax: alias "<name_of_alias>" "<command; list>"
De.scription: I know this one has been around since Half-Life, but it's important enough to bear repeating. Alias is simply a means of reducing a long list of commands into a small package. For instance, take that example from the 'wait' command. If that were alias'd, you could simply use that alias rather than try and remember the whole thing. Much easier. Plus it makes it easier to make things like communications .scripts and such.

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Re: TF2 binds guide

Post by three_gunn » Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:57 pm

hey |3eer! (or anyone else) do you know how to specify a bind to one class? i'm horrible at binds/.scripts and for the solly i just want to have the reload button back on mouse 2 while not affecting the other classes 'mouse 2' actions. any help? (did i even make sense? :P )

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Post by l3eeron » Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:45 pm

Ya I know exactly what you want. When I get it dialed in Ill let you know... cus ill use it too. I keep hitting "E" when Im trying to reload! :lol:

Ive never had class specific cfg's or aliases, but I believe this is part of how it will work:

- bind "x" "soldiercfg"
- Add this line to your autoexec.cfg:
Alias "soldiercfg" "exec soldier.cfg"
- Create soldier.cfg file in yer tf2\tf folder
- in the soldier.cfg add line:
bind "mouse2" "+reload"
- pick solly and hit "x" to load your solly's cfg.

Dog might know this one off the top of his head

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Re: TF2 binds guide

Post by Mad-Hammer » Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:05 pm

For all you who, like myself, aren't coordinated to rocket jump, try this:

alias +rocketjump "+jump;+duck;wait;+attack"
alias -rocketjump "-jump;-attack;wait;wait;wait;-duck"
bind "v" "+rocketjump"

It works.........I've blown myself up with it many times.

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Post by l3eeron » Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:25 pm

looking at hammer's alias, mines all borked. I dont have the "-" parts

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Post by l3eeron » Thu Nov 01, 2007 2:29 pm

you could always just type in console:

bind "mouse2" "+reload"

then when you're done with solly,

bind "mouse2 "+attack2"
to change it back. But thats just not "cool"

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Post by three_gunn » Thu Nov 01, 2007 3:07 pm

you could always just type in console:

bind "mouse2" "+reload"

then when you're done with solly,

bind "mouse2 "+attack2"
to change it back. But thats just not "cool"[/quote]

haha yeah ill keep that in mind as an option but i like to switch classes too so we'll see. you'd think they'd just make it the 'special action' for the solly since most the other classes have one. but noooo...they're just wasting the button. :lol:

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Re: TF2 binds guide

Post by Stevo » Thu Nov 01, 2007 5:20 pm

Yeah, they should add that as default like it is in TFC. TFC also has class specific configs that automatically execute commands when you become that class. You just made a config named after the class. I wonder if it's the same for TF2... :think:

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Post by l3eeron » Thu Nov 01, 2007 5:29 pm

Here's two ways to do it. The first one loads the cfg only. The second one changes the class AND the cfg at the same time (much better). You have to create a cfg for each class and put all the alias stuff in the autoexec.cfg. Then hit the number on the keypad of the corresponding class

Class Config Switcher

use numpad to pick class cfg files.
Posted by Icehawk

//Class Config switcher.
alias cc1 "exec scout.cfg;echo ::Scout Config Loaded::"
alias cc2 "exec soldier.cfg;echo ::Soldier Config Loaded::"
alias cc3 "exec pyro.cfg;echo ::Pyro Config Loaded::"
alias cc4 "exec demoman.cfg;echo :emoman Config Loaded::"
alias cc5 "exec heavy.cfg;echo ::Heavy Config Loaded::"
alias cc6 "exec engineer.cfg;echo ::Engineer Config Loaded::"
alias cc7 "exec medic.cfg;echo ::Medic Config Loaded::"
alias cc8 "exec sniper.cfg;echo ::Sniper Config Loaded::"
alias cc9 "exec spy.cfg;echo ::Spy Config Loaded::"
alias cc0 "exec cleanup.cfg;echo ::EXEC CLEANED::"
bind KP_END "cc1"
bind KP_DowNARROW "cc2"
bind KP_PGDN "cc3"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "cc4"
bind KP_5 "cc5"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "cc6"
bind KP_HOME "cc7"
bind KP_UPARROW "cc8"
bind KP_PGUP "cc9"
bind KP_INS "cc0"

Class Config Switcher and loader

Uses the same idea as the .script above, use numpad to pick a class and it will load the cfg file at the same time. That is of course assuming you have them made.
Posted by Shifty54

//Class Config Switcher with Config Loader
alias scout "join_class scout;exec scout.cfg; developer 1; echo ::Scout Config Loaded::; wait 100; developer 0"
alias soldier "join_class soldier; exec soldier.cfg; developer 1; echo ::Soldier Config Loaded::; wait 100; developer 0"
alias pyro "join_class pyro; exec pyro.cfg; developer 1; echo ::Pyro Config Loaded::; wait 100; developer 0"
alias demo "join_class demoman; exec demoman.cfg; developer 1; echo :Demoman Config Loaded::; wait 100; developer 0"
alias hwg "join_class heavyweapons; exec heavy.cfg; developer 1; echo ::Heavy Config Loaded::; wait 100; developer 0"
alias engi "join_class engineer; exec engineer.cfg; developer 1; echo ::Engineer Config Loaded::; wait 100; developer 0"
alias medic "join_class medic; exec medic.cfg; developer 1; echo ::Medic Config Loaded::; wait 100; developer 0"
alias sniper "join_class sniper; exec sniper.cfg; developer 1; echo ::Sniper Config Loaded::; wait 100; developer 0"
alias spy "join_class spy; exec spy.cfg; developer 1; echo ::Spy Config Loaded::; wait 100; developer 0"

bind KP_END "scout"
bind KP_DOWNARROW "soldier"
bind KP_PGDN "pyro"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "demo"
bind KP_5 "hwg"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "engi"
bind KP_HOME "medic"
bind KP_UPARROW "sniper"
bind KP_PGUP "spy"

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Re: TF2 binds guide

Post by Mad-Hammer » Thu Nov 01, 2007 5:45 pm

Well, to be honest, when I was playing around with the .scripts, I thought it would be cool if while I was in mid-rocket jump, I would reload in flight. Unfortunately, a strange thing happened on the way to giblet heaven. Instead of reloading, the rocket fired twice, blowing me to kingdon come. :shock:

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Re: TF2 binds guide

Post by l3eeron » Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:29 pm


Well, I got it working!

I made it real easy if anyone wants to get it going....

Download this zip file containing the pre-fabed class config files. The read me has all the instructions.

I have it running and its great to be able to change classes so easy.....

And the right-click reload with the solly is SWEET - all automatically

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Re: TF2 binds guide

Post by three_gunn » Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:02 pm


Well, I got it working!

I made it real easy if anyone wants to get it going....

Download this zip file containing the pre-fabed class config files. The read me has all the instructions.

I have it running and its great to be able to change classes so easy.....

And the right-click reload with the solly is SWEET - all automatically[/quote]

oh my goodness...i just finished gaming for the night but you're making me want to jump back in. thanks |3eer!!! i'm gonna try it out now :cooler: :cooler: :cooler: :cooler: :cooler: :drink1:

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Re: TF2 binds guide

Post by bigcaulk » Sun Nov 04, 2007 5:44 pm

does anyone know the command to remove the weapon from the screen?

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Post by l3eeron » Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:41 pm

does anyone know the command to remove the weapon from the screen?

r_drawviewmodel 0/1
cl_drawhud 0/1

requires sv_cheats on

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Re: TF2 binds guide

Post by Barrel Bomber » Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:17 am

ahhh random asortment of letters :o lol :P
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