Server Reset

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Re: Server Reset

Post by Plinko » Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:02 am

I agree on more frequent resets. I've been 'meaning to come back and work on stuff' for like five months as well.
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Re: Server Reset

Post by Guardian » Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:29 am

Boss Llama wrote:Vanilla Minecraft = normal maps. There is so much variety in it, and so many options, that it would take a heck of a lot of resets to run out of concepts for build spots and such. Also, normal maps have the most freedom, which is what the game generally seems to be about (since they don't lack biome types, or alter the balanced generation of resources). Pre-made maps are the antithesis of what a reset is for, in my mind - starting from scratch is the point! Amplify is a glitch that they kept in the game because they found it amusing, but it jacks up a lot of stuff and requires a lot of system resources to function.

It is possible to do customized worlds (options listed here), but honestly I feel like messing with that stuff moots the point of a "Vanilla" server. Maybe we don't care about Vanilla any more and just want to screw around with whatever, but I don't think that's what was being suggested in the OP. To be honest, yes, I would probably play on whatever type of server or map was created, but I'm strongly in favor of going the default route and not catering to things that some will love and others will hate., or which will facilitate certain builds at the cost of preventing others. Remember - a person can emulate any custom environment in a default world, but you can't necessarily do it the other way around.
You know what I think I may have a middleground solution that's different but but not crazy: ... in-new-dti

It's a custom world preset (basically it uses the "Custom" world option) the author calls Default Terrain Improved. Basically the author modified the Terrain to allow higher and lower extremes of map generation but largely it remains similar to a vanilla map. So think while exploring you'll find more large mountains, sky islands and other stuff but you'll still find flat areas and pretty much everything you need as well. I'm told this is similar to old world generation which had a lot of variations in height in it's maps.

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Re: Server Reset

Post by John Doe » Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:48 pm

I would be in favor of a reset, just to revitalize the server even if its just for a few months.

I would only be in favor of a Vanilla setup though, to me its the classic, its consistent and everyone can work with it. I would prefer to not get into anything custom as theres a good chance it will break when theres updates from Microsoft (I have a bad taste in my mouth every time I think about Microsoft owning Minecraft) Also, Stevo has worked hard to get us an awesome google map setup that works very well, I have no idea how it would work with mods or customization and I find that map to be one of the best resources for the server.

Truthfully, I would be against a destruction day too as they seem to always go badly and someone drops too much TNT and crashes the server. Lets just backup the map and move foward, if you want to blow things up download the files, do it at home and post a video or pictures :) I know I was guilty with blowing up the hedgemaze, and somehow it triggered Stevos theatre, and we had massive problems with the overhead bridges at spawn and redstone.....


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Re: Server Reset

Post by Inner » Tue Mar 24, 2015 6:12 pm

Not having seen anybody on the map for months, I'm all for a reset too.

Guardian's suggestions are good and Vanilla is good. If we mean by Vanilla, "no added mods" then we can still customize the map just a tweak or two. Have you messed around with the built-in Customization feature in MC (when you create a new map)? You can change bunches and bunches of stuff and it's still "no added mods" and the game "plays" the same.

"Pure Default" is one way to make a map, not the only or right way to play. That's why MC has the built-in customization facility, it helps prevent boredom. However on the other hand, I mainly play the Ville's map to hang out with you silly people so I'm good with whatever. If it were up to me, I'd ask Stevo to throw some small random customizations in just for fun.

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Re: Server Reset

Post by c4ridw3n » Tue Mar 24, 2015 6:34 pm

John Doe wrote:
Truthfully, I would be against a destruction day too as they seem to always go badly and someone drops too much TNT and crashes the server. Lets just backup the map and move foward, if you want to blow things up download the files, do it at home and post a video or pictures :) I know I was guilty with blowing up the hedgemaze, and somehow it triggered Stevos theatre, and we had massive problems with the overhead bridges at spawn and redstone.....


I agree.. I don't want to bsu this time.

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Re: Server Reset

Post by black_and_blue » Tue Mar 24, 2015 6:53 pm

black_and_blue wrote:Honestly, I think the once a year pattern isn't frequent enough anyway. I'd be all for changing it to every six months unless there's an imminent update or something to suggest that delaying longer would be wise.
Flash wrote:I guess I just build really slow, I'm nowhere close to having anything completed. Admittedly I haven't had time to play much lately though and it has been seven months...

I've gotta ask though: Is the wish to reset because everyone has finished their projects and has nothing left to work on? Or simply a desire to experience the "land rush" stage of the map again?

Part of the reason for setting the "once a year" schedule was to allow people to build mega-projects without feeling like there was no point in starting something they couldn't finish before we just reset the map again. Is this no longer a valid concern?
I think I'm going to change my suggestion. Since we now have both a Tekkit and a Vanilla server, I think the way to go is reset one or the other every six months, but not both. Say reset Vanilla now, and plan to rest Tekkit some time around October.

This way, it would help to keep the game fresh since people would tend to alternate which one they play every six months, but still allows those who are doing mega projects to continue to do them. Of course, if major updates are coming out for either platform, the schedule could be adjusted.

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Re: Server Reset

Post by Guardian » Tue Mar 24, 2015 8:25 pm

Before you cast judgement I encourage to actually try out this custom preset I found and it's actually easier to test then I thought.

Click the following:
Single Player
Create New World
Choose any Gamemode
More World Options
World Type: Customized
Go to: Presets
Clear Text Box at the top
Copy this for Default Terrain Improved:

Paste in Text Box
Click: Use Preset
Click: Done
Create New World

You can also try out Default Terrian Improved Beta by using this code instead:

The Normal Variant is much more subtle but you can see what the preset is about in the Beta variant. Basically there's more hills everywhere but "Normal" or "Flat" areas aren't eliminated. This means that rare hilly terrain is more common and super hilly areas become even greater without completely throwing off the balance of world generation.

The Beta Variant is much crazier and has a lot of massive hills throughout but it never reaches anything close to "amplified".

Try out both and see how you like them. I should also point out this isn't a mod, using it won't break the server if minecraft gets updated since it just uses Vanilla stuff. However if it still isn't popular I can understand I'll probably be joining anyways.

Where I got the preset: ... in-new-dti

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Re: Server Reset

Post by black_and_blue » Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:06 pm

Well, since we're having this discussion, nobody's going to be starting any projects until the server is restarted because then it will be right before a reset.

As such, I think we should go ahead and plan the reset sooner rather than later. (but not Easter weekend please!)

And for the record, for map settings, I am in favour of using the default.

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Re: Server Reset

Post by Flash » Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:00 pm

black_and_blue wrote:As such, I think we should go ahead and plan the reset sooner rather than later. (but not Easter weekend please!)
Plans are being made and will be announced shortly I think.

But as JD said earlier: NO DESTRUCTION DAY.

Please do not destroy anything on the map. If you feel a sudden urge to watch the world burn, download the map and do it in single player mode.


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Re: Server Reset

Post by Gizanked » Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:21 am

Flash wrote:
But as JD said earlier: NO DESTRUCTION DAY.

Jokes on you. I rig up every home with an escape button in case the illuminati get too close.
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Re: Server Reset

Post by John Doe » Fri Mar 27, 2015 4:03 pm

But Giz, you didnt use TNT as your explosive, your bombs are much more deadly, he planted dirty baby diapers all over. You dont wanna be around when those blow up!

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Re: Server Reset

Post by Inner » Sat Apr 04, 2015 12:11 am

We could of course play 6 months "California Style" with the preset in MC called "Drought".

Makes getting to those (formerly) underwater monuments easy!


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Re: Server Reset

Post by ADevilishPotato » Sat Apr 04, 2015 1:20 am

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Re: Server Reset

Post by Boss Llama » Sat Apr 04, 2015 8:17 am

Hahaha, clever :-D
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Re: Server Reset

Post by Ixtab » Tue Apr 07, 2015 8:50 pm

Well, I was just made aware that my coming back was just in time for the reset, so I'll be there. It'll be good to scratch that Minecraft itch again.

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