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Aardvark Ratnick
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Post by Aardvark Ratnick » Wed Aug 07, 2013 8:59 pm

Got chased off today because the lag was so bad that I effectively couldn't do anything. So it made me think of all the bugs in the game. I thought I would post my thoughts here.

These are things that I have observed that I feel are bugs. These are just my feelings on this. I don’t really have any objective evidence to back up these claims. Just what I see and hear other players say.
Palermo is heavily in favor of the zombies. Two wins by the allies effectively ends any hopes of further cap outs. Unless the allies get 8 - 12 players. Then while the performance of the server goes to hell the balance begins to work in the humans favor.
Avalanche has the full complement of zombies minus the UNG right from the beginning. Heavily favors the zombies (bots) unless the allied players have about 7 - 10 players.
Kalt is so heavily in favor of the zombies that it is almost pointless to play. The last flag proving to be so difficult to capture that it is almost impossible.
On Flash the last flag is again extremely difficult to cap. This is has always been true but now even more so that the zombies seem to be everywhere.
On Jagd the tank proves to be choking point after 2 or 3 cap outs. If the zombies take the tank the game becomes mired down in a constant struggle to fend the zombies off of two while attempting to retake the tank and move on to four. If you do take the tank odds are you have lost flag two.
Donner’s last flag is almost as tough as Kalt’s. At least in Kalt there is only two spawn points for zombies to come. On Donner there is at least 6 different directions the zombies can approach you from.
Anzio’s last flag has too many vectors of attack for the Zombies. At least 4 different directions they can come from.
Two man caps with 3 players or less is just wrong. It puts the zombies at a huge advantage. Even at 5 players two man caps are still a huge advantage for the zombies.
The game doesn’t seem to scale in difficulty any more. An example is 10 people cap the map out 3 times. All the special zombies are in the game excepting the UNG. 7 players leave. It is still 2 man flag caps with all the special zombies in the game. The remaining 3 players are left struggling with the difficulty basically set to 10 men. It gets easier at 2 players but not much. With 1 player the game greatly reduces the difficulty but only because all flags are 1 man caps and a lots of specials disappear.
The ticketing system is just awful. The zombies winning when tickets run out leaves some players confused, upset and angry. The zombies already have so many advantages over the humans that this is just unbalanced. The ticketing system is fine for COOP I guess but not for VS.
Zombie Abilities
Grey Dude
a) His teleport feature causes lag
b) He can choose how many to teleport
c) Has them arrive in two different locations.
d) He frequently teleports the EMO, the Wraith and the Skeleton (I think. The skeleton always seems to appear when the grey dude does his thing)
e) His Zombie blood drop does not cure infections
f) He is too bullet resistant
g) His reload time is too fast.
h) He can pull zombie from anywhere on the map. He should just pull from the spawn.
Infected One
a) Reappearing from invisibility causes lag
b) He is way too tough and fast. I have witnessed him take several hits to the chest and head from Thompsons, BARs, Carbines, Pistols and Rifles to get that one hit to infect you.
c) He either needs to cause damage over time or damage at the time of the attack. Not both.
d) His infection is bugged. It ignores any health you may get from flag caps. If you had 30 health while infected and cap a flag to receive an additional 20 health. Your infection still treats you as if you had 30. Next damage spell brings you down to 20 health instead of to 40. Also of course it works in the opposite direction sometimes too. You gain health for one damage cycle instead of losing it.
Gas Man
a) Gas grenade causes lag
b) Way too tough.
c) Way too jumpy.
d) His attack can’t be damage over time and instant at the same time
e) Once infected from him you are not immune to repeated effects from his gas.
f) See bullet point d under the infected one.
g) Stands on your head preventing any head shots
h) His gas attack effectively blinds you at close range
i) Extremely weak against punches
a) Fire attack Causes lag
b) Slightly overpowered
c) His fire completely blinds you if you sit still
d) His head hit box is not very well defined
e) He tends to put rifle barrels through him causing you to miss on your 1st try and often on your 2nd
f) His fire bomb can catch you on fire even when you are standing in a fire free zone. Molotov seems to work the same way. Zombies catch on fire if they simply pass by on the very outskirt of fire. Catch fire should be contagious. You get touched by someone one fire you are then on fire. Same for the zombies.
a) Blows up when touches a shield instead of being vaporized
b) Too bullet resistant. He can soak lots of damage from rifles and smgs to just get into the kill radius. It is aggravating to empty a Thompson clip into him only to have him keep advancing then kill you in an explosion.
c) At one time shooting him seemed to have an effect on the blast radius and damage. Not anymore
d) Should not be a playable class. NPC only.

a) Can teleport multiple times within fractions of a second. Especially against MGs
b) Is quiet until after her death
c) Seems to be able to teleport from inside her spawn.
d) Buildings and objects in her teleportation path do not phase her at all.
a) Too impervious to SMGs, BARS and STG44
b) Should not be a playable class. NPC only
a) Seems to be able bank his skulls off of multiple objects to get to his target.
Regular Zombies
a) Respawn times are extremely fast. Almost instantaneous.
b) Much faster. Regular zombie can easily outrun a human player sprinting. Even Hooch is sometimes not enough to out run them
c) Much more accurate than previous
d) Do more damage sometimes 1 hit one kill on full health
e) Damages you just by being close to you. Just running into you causes damage. No animation of an attack you just take damage.
f) Zombies now actively hunt human players even those supposedly out of range.
g) The zombie target lock behaves odd. I have seen them run past 2 or 3 players to target a 4th player who isn’t attacking them.
h) They know when you are reloading and then sprint to attack you in that moment. They are not supposed to be that intelligent.
All Zombies have a jump attack. Allies don’t. This is the second most common attack of The Gas Man. We can shoot while parachuting but not when jumping. All zombies can sprint attack. It maybe that the perceived attack is happening the split second after the zombies stops sprinting.
Bolt action rifles are too slow to fire the next shot. The animation for the reload completes and still there is a 1 to 2 second delay before the weapon will fire. Way too slow on the reload. The scope zoom on sniper rifles is really slow and it ignores any and all commands unless you are fully zoomed in or fully zoomed out. You cannot cancel a zoom in or a zoom out. It is an all or nothing deal.
Switching weapons takes too long especially with the addition of the 1 to 2 second delay after the reload animations finishes for rifles.
The game heavily favors the assault class
Lag kills need to be fixed. The client and the server frequently disagree as to where you are causing you to die from a zombie that appears to be well out reach of you. The lag from player joining is horrendous. There are frequent unexplained lag spikes in the game that are not related to players joining or the attack of the special zombies.

Aardvark Ratnick
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Re: Bugs

Post by Aardvark Ratnick » Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:01 pm

Apparently I talk to much :oops:
...there is a limit on how much you can put in one post. here is the rest
a) Too impervious to SMGs, BARS and STG44
b) Should not be a playable class. NPC only
a) Seems to be able bank his skulls off of multiple objects to get to his target.
Regular Zombies
a) Respawn times are extremely fast. Almost instantaneous.
b) Much faster. Regular zombie can easily outrun a human player sprinting. Even Hooch is sometimes not enough to out run them
c) Much more accurate than previous
d) Do more damage sometimes 1 hit one kill on full health
e) Damages you just by being close to you. Just running into you causes damage. No animation of an attack you just take damage.
f) Zombies now actively hunt human players even those supposedly out of range.
g) The zombie target lock behaves odd. I have seen them run past 2 or 3 players to target a 4th player who isn’t attacking them.
h) They know when you are reloading and then sprint to attack you in that moment. They are not supposed to be that intelligent.
All Zombies have a jump attack. Allies don’t. This is the second most common attack of The Gas Man. We can shoot while parachuting but not when jumping. All zombies can sprint attack. It maybe that the perceived attack is happening the split second after the zombies stops sprinting.
Bolt action rifles are too slow to fire the next shot. The animation for the reload completes and still there is a 1 to 2 second delay before the weapon will fire. Way too slow on the reload. The scope zoom on sniper rifles is really slow and it ignores any and all commands unless you are fully zoomed in or fully zoomed out. You cannot cancel a zoom in or a zoom out. It is an all or nothing deal.
Switching weapons takes too long especially with the addition of the 1 to 2 second delay after the reload animations finishes for rifles.
The game heavily favors the assault class
Lag kills need to be fixed. The client and the server frequently disagree as to where you are causing you to die from a zombie that appears to be well out reach of you. The lag from player joining is horrendous. There are frequent unexplained lag spikes in the game that are not related to players joining or the attack of the special zombies.

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Re: Bugs

Post by Transit » Sun Aug 11, 2013 2:21 am

You think too much!
A lot of this is just lag, interp issues and the fact that they're bots... there's always gonna be anomalies. A lot of these maps can be won easily if you out think the zombies which in theory shouldn't be hard.
Eg : Kalt can be won easily if you let the zombies take 4th flag and mill round the bridge while someone goblins the last flag. then you just cap out bridge and fourth.

Aardvark Ratnick
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Re: Bugs

Post by Aardvark Ratnick » Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:01 pm


I have seen this happen on Kalt a few times. Always thought it was a fluke. Will have to force myself to see if I can duplicate it. Might be hard for me because it really drives me crazy to see flags capped out of sequence. ie Flag 3 is German and Flag 4 is Allied along with flags 1 and 2. Kalt is not as bad as Palermo when it comes Germans steamrolling the Allies. Allies win 2 or 3 times and then its all German from then on out. Only once have I seen the Allies maintain a positive win loss ratio on Palermo since the server crashed a few months ago.

The the need, the desire, the compulsion to go back and cap flag 3 is very great for me. Borderline OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). And yes I realize that I over think things. Add that to my list of faults right above "Talks too much" and below "swears at game out loud too much "

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Re: Bugs

Post by captnscoobydoo » Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:26 pm

all weapons have become less effective. I do like the challenge but a whole clip, in the head, and still does not kill. possibly some way to make it so head shots kill on one. and body shots, require more to kill. ?? :?:

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Re: Bugs

Post by Rred » Mon Aug 26, 2013 5:52 pm

I think the biggest bug is sever taking a crap when new game starts. Basically the sever does not survive all the users connecting when the sever change maps. The image below you can see sever goes from 32/32 and change map to kalt 0/0.

Its stays dead for about 30-40 minutes. Normally it will start right up after it dies.

On normal crashes you can see on the image the first downward spike for the player count which was donner taking a crap then it starts right right back up on kalt.
Dog wrote:Map cycle is
Im a bit confused by this since well why is kalt the map it loads first after a crash or am I going nuts.
One solution is to place the buggy maps at the end of the rotation so it would end with donner then kalt. That way we actually get to see the full map rotation more consistently. keep in mind that this does not fix the original bug I started this post its just a suggestion for a normal crash.

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