Major content patch coming this month

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Major content patch coming this month

Post by abiscuit » Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:25 pm
New Update will feature:

- Duel Mode, allowing you to continually fight 1 on 1 without risk of interruption
- New weapons, including the Flail and Polehammer
- New Maps
- Capture the Flag Mode
- Improved Optimization
- Balance adjustments

Get more details and teaser images on our website:

And for those of you who want the battlefield to be just a little bit messier:

- Blood Decals painting to the ground when a player is struck
- Ragdoll length slider

And of course TONS of bugfixes and polish work to the game overall. All of this is coming to you completely free in January so stay tuned for more details on the update and brush up on your dueling skills!
Some other things not mentioned on that post that were mentioned in their annoucements and beta patch threads

- Class limit options
- Improved spectator mode
- Fixing achivements not triggering correctly
- Alternative starting directions for weapon swings, such as swinging from the left instead of right

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Re: Major content patch coming this month

Post by Zork Nemesis » Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:22 pm

I see January, is there anything beyond that for a projected release date? This stuff looks great and I really hope they fix a lot of the bugs the game seems to have. If nothing else, I hope they at least clipped some of the random edges we keep getting caught on on a lot of maps.

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Re: Major content patch coming this month

Post by darklin0 » Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:29 pm

Flails sound like a really fun weapon, can't wait.
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Re: Major content patch coming this month

Post by BigBiker05 » Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:47 pm

This was announced mid-december, there has been no more specific date since thne.

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Re: Major content patch coming this month

Post by abiscuit » Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:52 pm

Balance changes in the current beta of this patch:
Morning Star stab windup changed from 0.45 to 0.4
Holy Water Sprinkler Attack1 release changed from 0.35 to 0.45
Holy Water Sprinkler Attack2 release changed from 0.3 to 0.4
Holy Water Sprinkler Attack3 release changed from 0.4 to 0.35
Short Spear throw windup changed from 0.4 to 0.3
Short Spear reload changed from 1 to 0.8
Javelin reload changed from 1.1 to 1.0
Heavy Javelin reload changed from 1.3 to 1.0
Double Axe Attack1 windup changed from 0.6 to 0.55
Bearded Axe Attack1 windup changed from 0.6 to 0.425
Bearded Axe Attack2 windup changed from 0.6 to 0.425
Bearded Axe Attack3 windup changed from 0.6 to 0.55
Halberd Attack3 windup changed from 0.6 to 0.65
Billhook Attack1 windup changed from 0.65 to 0.55
Billhook Attack2 windup changed from 0.65 to 0.55
Billhook Attack3 windup changed from 0.65 to 0.6
Zweihander Attack3 windup changed from 0.75 to 0.7
Poleaxe Attack1 windup changed from 0.55 to 0.45
Grand Mace Attack1 windup changed from 0.6 to 0.525
Grand Mace Attack2 windup changed from 0.6 to 0.5
Morning Star Attack1 damage changed from 55 to 60
Morning Star Attack2 damage changed from 65 to 70
Holy Water Sprinkler Attack1 damage changed from 50 to 60
Holy Water Sprinkler Attack3 damage changed from 40 to 58
Warhammer Attack2 damage changed from 85 to 80
Grand Mace Attack1 damage changed from 85 to 90
Zweihander Attack2 damage changed from 100 to 115
Messer Attack1 damage type changed from Swing to SwingBlunt
Halberd Attack1 damage changed from 70 to 65
Billhook Attack1 damage changed from 65 to 70

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Re: Major content patch coming this month

Post by abiscuit » Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:38 pm

RC1 is live at the moment and at least one more release candidate will happen before the whole thing goes live. Early February sounds more likely for Content Update 1.

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Re: Major content patch coming this month

Post by Zork Nemesis » Thu Jan 31, 2013 11:56 am

This update is live; the Chivalry site is having issues, so i'll post what I found by personal testing on bots.

First, keybindings, helmet choices, and all control options have been set to defaults. Fix them before you fight.

New weapons:
Archer: Sling
-Seems to get stronger and more accurate the longer you have the weapon ready.
-Headshots explode heads. Those little 1cm rocks can make a head explode. If that's not cool, I don't know what is.
-Has two options: pebbles which grant infinite ammo, or lead balls which you only get 20 but are stronger and more accurate
-Crossbows now have the option of leaving the cover wall at home in favor of 10 extra bolts
-Shortbows appear to have burning pitch; I did not get a chance to see if there's a trick behind it before I crashed, but bot archers were using it against me.
--I'm still looking for how to get burning pitch to work as I can't find it; the bots definitely had it but no one I asked knows about it.

Man-at-Arms: Quarterstaff
-Two-handed weapon, prevents shield use while equipped. Good range, quick, and blunt, but still fairly weak. It's comparable to the Cudgel, but a bit stronger and a lot bigger.

Vanguard: Pole Hammer
-Slow, but long range, comparable to probably the Brandistock for reach (the UI shows a 0% reach for some reason). Seems to function like a slower, slightly weaker blunted Halberd.
-Didn't check with spears or swords, but alternate-overheads with the poleaxes and pole hammer are similar to something like a left-handed golf swing. It has a large upswing to the left, allowing you to use it to tag people passing by you.

Knight: Flail
-Two varieties: Heavy and Light. More damage or more speed. Equipping a flail forces you to use a Buckler for a shield, no other shield options or throwing axes, and you can't not use the shield while wielding a flail. Stabbing with a flail peforms a shield bash in the style of a javelin Archer.
-Knights appear to be able to use a Buckler shield with any loadout if they choose. I got this wrong, sorry.
-Not weapon related, but Knights sound like they have some new lines. I heard a few "thank you" lines I wasn't sure existed before.

Some other things I noticed:
-Holding Alt (by default) when using a swing or overhead will allow you to perform the swing from a different angle. As in if you hold alt and swing with a sword, you'll swing from the left instead of the right. The default keybindings also assigns Alternate Swing/Overhead to the thumb mouse buttons if you have them.
-Spectating is much better now; you can cycle between other players and get a 360 look around your current person in 3rd person camera.
-Chat is cleaned up, allowing for more displayed with less cases of the words being cut off by new lines. A bit smaller though.
-Hit and miss on server browser; it appears to more accurately display when servers are full, it tends to not be correct about when the server has open space (several times I tried to join servers with 13/24 and got the "is full" message) and lags out quite a bit when you refresh the list.

This is hard to be cool and suave while being informative at the same time. Goddamn my coolness.
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