The Quick-fix guide

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The Quick-fix guide

Post by Guardian » Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:15 am

Alright I'm going to make a quick guide for one of my favorite weapons in the update. It's very situational but it's very good in it's niche that's it's carved out for itself and has a unique playstyle that honestly has made me go medic more often.


How many times have you been surronded by 2 heavies, 2 soldiers and a demo, all in red mashing E because a pyro just ran through lite everyone on fire and a demo spammed stickies in your direction? The heal rate of the regular medigun is just too small. However the increased rate of the quick-fix is perfect for keeping a team that require a lot of healing, at full health.

When to use the quick-fix

The Quick-fix is very situational, your honestly better off sticking with the regular medigun most of the time however the quick-fix is very viable when these conditions are met:

-When there are no sentry nests to destroy

-When there are a lot of heavy classes that require a lot healing (i.e. Heavies, Soldiers, demos and maybe pyros)

-When there is no other medic on your team (or there is much more heavy classes then 2 medics can handle if there's only 2 of you).

How to use the quick-fix

The quick-fix DEMANDS you switch targets a lot, after all it doesn't overheal so healing a healthy member of the team is only useful for charging your quick-uber. You should be constantly switching targets even if you think everyone is healthy. Don't choose a favorite patient like a pocket or medic buddy, heal everyone you can. Focus on the health of classes with large amounts of health, who soak up a lot of damage like the heavy and the soldier, they're going to need healing the most to stay on the frontlines.

One little trick you can do if your healing one patient is to hover your medi-gun over another patient to check their health, this will help you keep an eye on everyone's health, which is important for choosing your next healing target once your done healing one patient (and you should be done fast) and using your quick-fix uber.

Quick-fix uber

The Quick-fix uber is strange. It might seem like a pseudo-uber at first but honestly it's more of a instant team-heal. In short unlike the regular uber and the Krtiz, you have to switch targets in order for this to be effective. Basically you'll need to spread this uber around in order for it to be the most effective. This will take a while to get used to since most of the time you focus on one patient to deploy an ubercharge or a kritzkrieg.

If you notice 2 or more allies in red and in danger (i.e. enemies are firing at them) it's time to use the quick-uber. Heal them up to full then switch to someone else at critical health, if everyone is healthy keep this on the patient who will probably be taking the most damage.

All the other effects of this gun

You may have noticed that I have not mentioned the quick-fix's other 2 abilities, mainly running at scout speed while healing a scout and immunity from movement impairing effects while ubered. This is because they barely ever come into effect. You can latch onto a scout to get to the frontlines faster, which is good but that's about it.

Final thoughts

You may have dismissed the quick-fix a little early when you crafted it. I don't blame you, it's a very situational unlock that doesn't fit onto maps with a lot of choke-points that require ubers or in class compositions with a lot of light classes. However in the situations it is useful, it's a unique unlock that offers a dramatically different and rewarding playstyle.

Perhaps this unlock will be buffed in the future to expand on it's niche. But still for now, it's worth a look.
Last edited by Guardian on Sun Jul 03, 2011 3:30 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: The Quick-fix guide

Post by bz » Sun Jul 03, 2011 3:19 am

^^ All good points

I've actually had a great deal of luck pocketing with with Quick-Fix. Granted this was also highly situational, and will not work with just anyone.

If you have a highly competent player on your team playing a mobile class (soldier especially), I found that you can keep them in the fight indefinitely and just wreck havoc (barring the occasional spy/crit/or need to restock ammo). As long as you play smart (knowing when to fall back) and communicate, it's a heckofa combo. And as mentioned in the OP, in the majority of games, you'll need other medics to provide the ubers to break sentries and tough corners.

I'm still experimenting with it, and I don't think it will ever replace the standard Uber/Kritz as the primary Mediguns with it's current stats, but it definitely has it's uses. Though a game mode that only allowed for all standard classes, but limited Medics to the Quick-Fix and Engineers to Mini-sentries...? Could prove fun.

Speaking as generally as possible, an Ubercharge will negate a Kritzkrieg, and a Kritzkrieg will smoke a Quick-Charge, but assuming the situation and timing is such that it allows most of your team to retreat and survive the onslaught, you can rapidly put the survivors back in the fight and make-up any ground that was lost. Again, highly, highly situational, VERY team dependent. Definitely a new mechanic that will take some time to develop (remember everyone's initial thoughts on the Kritzkreig?)
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Re: The Quick-fix guide

Post by One_Medic_Army » Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:23 am

As a person who plays medic alot, I suggest anyone who uses quick-fix as their standard gun turn on the following advanced option: Auto-notify, and probably set it to 50-75%.
What this will do is automatically notify you whenever any team-mate drops to that amount of health or lower, which will help direct your quick-fixing to the players that need to be topped off. As per usual medic calls it gives directional arrows, appears on fire if the player is, and will be more red the lower health they have.

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Re: The Quick-fix guide

Post by BETTEH » Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:13 am

What you really meant to say was open your character and switch back to Medigun / Kritz.
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Re: The Quick-fix guide

Post by resyeK » Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:55 am

BETTEH CROCKHURR wrote:What you really meant to say was open your character and switch back to Medigun / Kritz.

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Re: The Quick-fix guide

Post by One_Medic_Army » Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:06 pm

BETTEH CROCKHURR wrote:What you really meant to say was open your character and switch back to Medigun / Kritz.
Seeing as I haven't gotten a chance to try the quick-fix yet it would be a little unfair, but yeah, I'm leaning that direction.

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Re: The Quick-fix guide

Post by Zork Nemesis » Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:29 pm

Stop hateing on the quick-fix, it's better than it looks, but it a specific niche that people still need to learn. Give it a month or two.

Also, I'd personally recommend not using the Quick-Fix if you ARE the only medic on your team. If you have a second medic packing Uber or Kritz, you can work with the person, having the second medic handle overheals while you just clean up after the wounded. This is more for defensive situations though, but can also be beneficial during offensive pushes.

Allow me to add a suppliment, I found this on the Steam Forums, but I know someone posted this under the Uber Update thread. It belongs here though because it does somewhat give a good understanding of what it's meant for.
The Quick-Fix
Level 8 Medi Gun Prototype
ÜberCharge increases healing by 300% and grants immunity to movement-impairing effects
+40% heal rate
+25% ÜberCharge rate
Can't overheal.
Move at the speed of any faster heal target.

As we all know, the last major update has introduced to our game many new weapons. Most of these new weapons are just derivatives of the weapons that they replace; very few of these weapons introduce new game mechanics or require new tactics to use. The exception to this is the medic's new secondary weapon, the Quick-Fix (QF). The QF is a wonderful new medi-gun which has the potential to be extremely useful, however it lacks any precedent and is therefore often misused by well-intentioned medic who have not yet had the time to analyze the new weapon and identify the niche it belongs in. This wall of text aims to aid in that process by using my own experience and observation to analyze the use and function of this weapon.

I have over 2300 hours logged on tf2, over 320 of them as medic. I've limited experience in organized PUG and competitive play, so my perspective is mostly that of a pub player. Take what I say with a grain of salt, but know that I'm not just blowing smoke.

I'd first like to start with an analysis of the Quick-Fix Ubercharge (QFU). The QFU increases healing by 300%. More practically, this means that the medic with the deployed QFU will heal at a rate of 100.8HP/sec if the patient has taken damage within 10 seconds (is in combat), and 302.4HP/sec if the patient has not taken damage within 15 seconds (is out of combat) (numbers taken from tf2 wiki). I'll concentrate on the in-combat heal rate as that is the more common of the two and indeed requires more attention as virtual lives are on the line in these occasions.

The QFU will still leave you and your patient as fragile as ever. The QF does not, even with the QFU deployed, overheal the patient. So even with this massive heal rate there are still many weapons that can damage your patient faster than you can heal him. Weapons that can deliver instantly a large enough amount of damage to kill your patient (who is still only at 100% health) will kill your patient. These weapons include charged sniper rifle shots, charged huntsman shots, spy backstabs, and almost all critical shots. Weapons that can damage your patient faster than you can heal him will also kill your patient. Such weapons include (but are not limited to) Lvl 2 sentries and higher, point blank flamethrowers, and miniguns at short to mid range.

On the plus side, the QF heals at a faster standard rate than the other two medi-guns (33.6HP/sec for the QF versus 24HP/sec for the other two) and it builds an ubercharge just as quickly as the Kritzkrieg (32 seconds at the soonest).

So what does this mean for the you as a the medic? There's a lot to consider.

The QFU does not grant the patient anything special. This is the very reason why there is not an obvious indicator for when a QFU has been deployed. Why should your patient receive a special indication? The other medi-guns have specific indicators because they signal specific behaviors. "Charge forward and concentrate your attention on that sentry; you're invincible!" says the ubercharge screen glow. "Fire your weapon, it just got a major damage upgrade!" says the Kritzkrieg weapon glow. But what would the QFU indicator say? "Go ahead and charge forward, you're only slightly less vulnerable than you would be if your medic weren't even on the server!" The patient is not meant to do anything with a QFU. The only expectation of the patient is to keep doing what ever it was he was already doing.

The QF is meant to keep large groups of teammates at full health. It heals quickly, but it does not over heal. So when you heal a team member to full health any more time spent with that player is a waste of time, and if you deploy your QFU on a single player and hold it on him then you're wasting uber. As such the QF is not meant for the pocket medic. The QF medic must be always mobile and have little attachment to any one team member. Heal a patient, and move on to the next one.

When a QFU is deployed, the onus does not rest on the patient to "use it wisely." The responsibility rests with the medic to distribute these massive heals appropriately. Similar to Ubercharging two patients at once, the QF medic should switch the QFU around as well. In this way the medic can multiply his own presence threefold. This is the niche of the QF, amplifying a medic's broad effect over his team in exchange for the specialized effects of an Ubercharge or a Kritzkrieg.

So when should a QFU be deployed? When you need to do your job three times as fast and support whatever your team is already doing. It can be used to support a push and keep your team mates from falling as quickly as they might without you. It can be used to support a defense against a push and allow your teammates to more easily hold ground. I stress the word "support" because there QFU does nothing special in itself. A single Ubercharge can break through a tough defense. Similarly a single Kritzkrieg can kill a large amount enemy players. A QFU will not do any of these things; It's the medic's team that will break through the line, the medic's team that will shoot down the enemy players. The QFU will only help them to survive while they do so.

Like the Kritzkrieg, there is little reason to hold on the a QFU for a rainy day. It won't help the medic's survivability at all when deployed so saving it for when you get cornered is useless (especially if you are alone). It also builds quick, so use it as often as you like. Certainly use it before you die.

The QFU is less effective in countering the ubercharges of the other medi-guns than a regualar Ubercharge would be. When an enemy Ubers in, you can try to pop your QFU and keep you team alive, but if the enemy is smart they will gun for you—the defenseless, not-over-healed medic. When facing a Kritzkrieg, you can attempt to out heal the crits coming your way, but more often than not the crits will out damage your heal beam. In either case, it is more beneficial to counter with an Ubercharge or run away and attempt to survive.

The QFU cannot replace the Ubercharge and should not be considered as a pseudo-ubercharge. This is the mistake I see a lot in these early days of the QF. The mentality that most people have of the QF is that it can heal ALOT, but it doesn't--it can't overheal and so every other medi-gun can heal 50% more than the QF. A more accurate statement is that the QF can heal FAST. Not as fast as a lvl3 sentry could damage you, but faster than 1 medic could with any other medi-gun. And as it works fast, it demands that a medic work fast as well. Imagine that the QFU is like slamming down half a dozen energy drinks. It doesn't give the medic any super powers, it only allows the medic to continue doing what he was doing, just a lot faster.

Another aspect I've yet to touch on is the QFU's ability to grant immunity to movement-impairing effects. Many medics have suffered a pyro ruining his hard fought Ubercharge by air blasting the crap out of him and his patient. The QFU will stop that. Nothing much more to say. You can attempt to use it alone or use it in conjunction with an Ubercharge. Thus supporting what your team mates are already doing.

Another aspect I haven't touched on is the increased run speed. Practically, the only class that will allow the medic to run faster is the scout. Use this passive ability to get places faster and heal more team mates.

The Quick-Fix has been misused in these last few days and it's not at all surprising. The Quick-Fix presents a new paradigm that we all must learn to use and play alongside. When the first new medi-gun came out—the Kritzkrieg—it took us a while to learn it's strengths and it's weaknesses. We will have to do the same with the newest medi-gun but it is my hope that this poorly organized dissertation has helped to speed the process along.

This is hard to be cool and suave while being informative at the same time. Goddamn my coolness.
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Re: The Quick-fix guide

Post by Will T. » Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:56 pm

Zork Nemesis wrote:Stop hateing on the quick-fix, it's better than it looks, but it a specific niche that people still need to learn. Give it a month or two.

Also, I'd personally recommend not using the Quick-Fix if you ARE the only medic on your team. If you have a second medic packing Uber or Kritz, you can work with the person, having the second medic handle overheals while you just clean up after the wounded. This is more for defensive situations though, but can also be beneficial during offensive pushes.
This to the max. I like to think of the Quick-Fix as a secondary medigun, meaning it's designed to provide support to a standard Medigun also on the team, rather than any direct offensive aid. The problem is everyone still treats it like the standard Medigun, trying to make offensive pushes using it, and now they're all crying "this gun sux" because it doesn't do a very good job. That's not what it's for. It's like trying to use a string trimmer to try to mow your entire yard, then complaining when it's not very effective. However, you'll find that it cuts the grass at the edges where the mower can't quite reach far better than the mower ever could. Just because they have similar functions doesn't mean they're good at doing the exact same thing.

All three guns have different purposes:

The Medigun pushes forward with invincibility, to take out sentries.
The Kritzkrieg pushes forward with critical hits, to take out large groups of enemies.
The Quick-Fix follows the team and heals teammates, to keep a larger number of players alive on the front lines at all times.

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Re: The Quick-fix guide

Post by Guardian » Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:25 pm

Zork Nemesis wrote:Stop hateing on the quick-fix, it's better than it looks, but it a specific niche that people still need to learn. Give it a month or two.

Also, I'd personally recommend not using the Quick-Fix if you ARE the only medic on your team. If you have a second medic packing Uber or Kritz, you can work with the person, having the second medic handle overheals while you just clean up after the wounded. This is more for defensive situations though, but can also be beneficial during offensive pushes.
I personally still think it's best in the situation where your the only medic on the team and you have a constant supply of patients that need healing. If you have another medic, you rarely need the faster healing rate to keep everyone up... unless that medic is being a pocket to someone.

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Re: The Quick-fix guide

Post by One_Medic_Army » Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:30 pm

I'd personally use it for a combat medic (for self-healing), or pocketing a scout into someone's back ranks.
But then again, I'm crazy sometimes.

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Re: The Quick-fix guide

Post by Katotsu » Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:35 pm

Guardian wrote:
Zork Nemesis wrote:Stop hateing on the quick-fix, it's better than it looks, but it a specific niche that people still need to learn. Give it a month or two.

Also, I'd personally recommend not using the Quick-Fix if you ARE the only medic on your team. If you have a second medic packing Uber or Kritz, you can work with the person, having the second medic handle overheals while you just clean up after the wounded. This is more for defensive situations though, but can also be beneficial during offensive pushes.
I personally still think it's best in the situation where your the only medic on the team and you have a constant supply of patients that need healing. If you have another medic, you rarely need the faster healing rate to keep everyone up... unless that medic is being a pocket to someone.
My reason to agree with Zork is if you don't have a normal uber/kritz, you can't really make pushes that use a medic which really hurts. You're there to make sure that the team is able to follow that uber/kritz, which we all know how often that happens :P

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Re: The Quick-fix guide

Post by Guardian » Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:20 pm

Katotsu wrote:
Guardian wrote:
Zork Nemesis wrote:Stop hateing on the quick-fix, it's better than it looks, but it a specific niche that people still need to learn. Give it a month or two.

Also, I'd personally recommend not using the Quick-Fix if you ARE the only medic on your team. If you have a second medic packing Uber or Kritz, you can work with the person, having the second medic handle overheals while you just clean up after the wounded. This is more for defensive situations though, but can also be beneficial during offensive pushes.
I personally still think it's best in the situation where your the only medic on the team and you have a constant supply of patients that need healing. If you have another medic, you rarely need the faster healing rate to keep everyone up... unless that medic is being a pocket to someone.
My reason to agree with Zork is if you don't have a normal uber/kritz, you can't really make pushes that use a medic which really hurts. You're there to make sure that the team is able to follow that uber/kritz, which we all know how often that happens :P
You don't need ubers or kritz for every push though, it depends on the map/situation.

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Re: The Quick-fix guide

Post by Refuel » Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:56 pm

The quick fix is a comedic weapon designed purely to uber iron fist heavies for fun.

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Re: The Quick-fix guide

Post by Guardian » Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:11 am

Refuel wrote:The quick fix is a comedic weapon designed purely to uber iron fist heavies for fun.
nice feedback :tired:

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Re: The Quick-fix guide

Post by Zork Nemesis » Mon Jul 04, 2011 12:32 am

I'm gonna kick myself for saying this, but name a situation or map where you're not going to need a kritz or uber to push. Arena and King of the Hill are excluded due to small, circular map layouts. Keep it to something that we play at TheVille (since I play nowhere else, save for a 24/7 Degroot Keep server)

This is hard to be cool and suave while being informative at the same time. Goddamn my coolness.
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