Fano's Trading Thread

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Fano's Trading Thread

Post by Fano » Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:51 pm

I will use this thread to continually attempt to trade for the newest weapons as they are released.

a link to my backpack:

Anything on the first page is up for grabs (within reason) for any weapons missing in pages 3-5, currently the only weapons I'm missing are the Warrior's Spirit and the loch'n'load. I would much rather not have to craft them, but if you happen to have spare craft items to trade me I will take that as well. I'll offer up to 2 scrap (or the equivalent in weapons) for the Warrior's Spirit, if you have the necessary craft items for the weapon then let me know what you'd like for them. Other offers will of course be considered.

additionally, I have a non-vintage Safe'n'Sound that I wish to trade for a Procedure Mask, this is the only hat I'm missing from my personal preference collection and I'd love if one of you could hook me up, I can offer the Safe'n'Sound along with some metal or other sweeteners if I must.

Feel free to make offers on anything else you like, even though I don't have much :P

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