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Ender dragon: Let's kill it on Saturday, November 4th

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2017 9:58 pm
by black_and_blue
Can I suggest that we plan to kill the Ender Dragon a bit earlier than we have in the past (say October 21st or 28th) but that nobody builds anything in The End before that?

I just kind of like arriving in The End to find it completely undisturbed, the same way as spawn is undisturbed when we join a new server. And if we kill the Ender Dragon earlier, people won't get impatient waiting.

Re: Ender dragon

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2017 9:29 pm
by Flash
I'm not even sure we need to make a big event out of it these days. Everybody has done it at least once now.

My opinion would be if you want to go at him solo, do it.

Re: Ender dragon

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:36 pm
by black_and_blue
OK, I've built an End Portal and linked to it from the Nether Spawn.

I'd like to kill the Ender Dragon at 5:00 PM Ville time on Saturday, November 4th.

Hopefully we can get a decent sized group together so so that I'm not just getting slaughtered solo.

Re: Ender dragon: Let's kill it on Saturday, November 4th

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 3:09 pm
by LadeeeDuke
At least 3 of the Ladeee Clan will be there. (We only have 3 computers. So, some of them may trade off.)