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O, for a muse of Apples

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:13 pm
by Boss Llama
Greetings, one and all.

I come to you seeking an Apple on Stevo's server. A simple Apple. One little fruit.

One fruit to rule them all, one fruit to find them. One fruit to bring them all and in the darkness... sorry.

Seriously though, I'm looking for an Apple for a Very Special Event (TM) I'm working on, for the whole server to participate in (if they so choose). These fruits being rather rare, I'm not certain if one exists on our server, but if so, I should like to borrow it. At the end of the event, I will endeavour to return it to you, in Golden form (though I can't 100% swear I'll get it back, I should). If you have a pre-made Golden Apple, that works too.

Re: O, for a muse of Apples

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:29 pm
if you want alizee we can do a exploration only for dungeons till we find one today. im up for it. im sure there will be a few others down for the challenge

Re: O, for a muse of Apples

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:33 pm
by Fraulein Arztin
Can I go on exploration for once? I have to work today though....:(

Re: O, for a muse of Apples

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 4:37 pm
Once I get interwebs at the new house, I'd be up for exploration. :D

Heck, I'd be up for anything. I've been playing SP offline for days and I need interaction. :lol:

Re: O, for a muse of Apples

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:20 pm
by Boss Llama
Thanks for the assistance offers :-) Happy to take you up on them.

Frau: Sure thing! Any time you're on and you hear us prepping up, just let us know you want to join, and you're welcome to come along :-)

Re: O, for a muse of Apples

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:01 pm
by tsmitho
Oh i want to go explore! i havent seen much of the world and i want to caus im starting to get bored in my little area and im up for anything that would benefit the community

Re: O, for a muse of Apples

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:03 pm
by TheCarpe
I've found all of one apple in my entire Minecraft career, spanning several worlds and innumerable dungeons.

Re: O, for a muse of Apples

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:44 pm
by Plinko
I just found my fourth dungeon among all the hours and hours of spelunking I've ever done. Still no apple.

Re: O, for a muse of Apples

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 11:02 pm
Tuesday night (1/4/11) we will venture out from SAAART at 7:00PM EST.

Bring A fully repaired set of armor, a stack of iron to replace broken pieces / tools.

Food, Torches, Wood, Crafting Box, bucket of water, bow and arrows, weapons.

When we say adventure, and exploring, we mean srs bzness, so if you dont want to go out into the unknown world for 3-4 hours, might not be for you.

Re: O, for a muse of Apples

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:41 am
roger betteh u know im down

Re: O, for a muse of Apples

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 11:54 am
by Pine
If we get to0 ride the wailway I'm in. :P

Re: O, for a muse of Apples

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:26 pm
by KRG
:lol: If I stumble across one, I'll give it to ya.

Re: O, for a muse of Apples

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 3:32 pm
by Ixtab
If i ever find an apple, you can have it for sure. I havent done much exploring, or anything on minecraft lately though, becasue i am tired of lugging a million stone pickaxes along with me. I do plan to be on more soon tough, even if durability is still icky.... I need me minecrafty fix.