MrBlah's Sand Castle.... the inside story

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MrBlah's Sand Castle.... the inside story

Post by MrBlah » Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:08 pm

So, it too me quite a while, nearly 3 weeks to finally decide what to construct on the inside of my sand castle.

For those that haven't seen it yet:

I have begun to construct a labyrinth on the inside of it. It contains a few doors controlled by a specific arrangement of switches(I made two actually, the 1st is done using switched and buttons, the second using pressure plates). It will also contain an elaborate system of doors which when opened will open certain passage way and when closed, shut off that same passage way. Every wall is booby trapped with lava, so tunneling through is not an option. The outer walls are lined with lava all the way down to the 2nd floor. This means you can exit the labyrinth on the first floor only, though not through the main doors. Damaging a redstone circuit will cause later switches to not work at all, therefore rendering yourself trapped, which means don't try it. There will be a room full of monsters near the end which you will have to pass as well.

Here is the waiting room for people to enter:

If you have an idea for a puzzle to add, please let me know. I should have enough room to execute it, but we'll see.
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Re: MrBlah's Sand Castle.... the inside story

Post by metacide » Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:35 pm

In front of you are 3 doors, 2 lead to death, 1 leads onward. Solve a riddle to figure out which door to choose.

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