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Responsible Gaming

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:01 am
by Dog
Many of us have been guilty of spending hours and hours playing these games. But when that gaming begins to affect your everyday life, that is when you need to stop and re-examine your play time.

Have you spent time gaming when you should have been working on college stuff?
Have you given up family activities to stay and play games?
Do you find that you're only happy when you are gaming?
After playing at the Ville, do you then spend hours on the Wii?

Then take a look through this and decide whether you have a problem.

As we have always said, at TheVille....this is just a game. That is all it is. Real Life is way more important.

Our community is important to us. We are all good friends. But we also don't want it to affect our life outside the computer.....

Re: Responsible Gaming

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:08 am
by DeafOfficeWorker
Good post, Dog. :D

Everything is more enjoyable when experienced in moderation. :wink:

Re: Responsible Gaming

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:16 am
by Squirrel
I use gaming as a reward. I always get my house work done first then play :)

the same applies to the kids.

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:21 am
by Zman
I only play games when there is no one to play with outside.

Re: Responsible Gaming

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:30 pm
by Nanite
Wait is this a WoW place all of a sudden?

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 1:02 pm
by MrBlah
i dont think so nanite... :shock: most i play is an hour a day usually. one map typically.

Re: Responsible Gaming

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 12:59 am
by Yahoo!!
World Of Warcraft will always be the ultimate case for this kind of thing. I am sure TF2 will have some kind of effect as well.

I have a personal experience with this. Trust me, TF2 is NO where near as bad. Despite sometimes apparent excessive playing time, it doesn't have that Warcrack addiction. They are some cases for TF2, but WoW is littered with many ruined lives.

For World of Warcraft players, be very careful... you are playing with fire and some people have been burned, especially the higher levels.Just look up for some horror stories.

PM me for my own personal story about WoW.

If I can stop one person from overdoing gaming, then I will feel great.

How did I stop my madness?
Originally, it was limiting my gaming time to 3 times a week, but it wasn't enough. I went on vacation for 2 weeks, and never looked back. Once you have stopped...

DON'T OPEN WOW, LOOK AT WOW FORUMS OR WOW ITEMS!! IT WILL DRAW YOU BACK IN. Destroy your cd, destroy your account, change your password and uninstall.

All I have to say... I wish $15 a month was all I lost, :cry: . All I got to show is some pixelated character with purple items.

Game Responsibly, RL is all that matters and will always matter.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:37 am
by mr_s
Good post, Dog. :D

Everything is more enjoyable when experienced in moderation. :wink:

Wait is this a WoW place all of a sudden?


Thanks Yahoo...

I dont feel as if i have an addiction...

I do it, coz there is noffin else to do, and as entertainment... all the gibs :D

I hope no one in the Ville has any kind of addiction

(Besides JD of course ;P)

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 2:43 am
by mr_s
Just look up for some horror stories.


Jesus H Christ!!!

I cannot believe what I am reading...

Yahoo, I'm gonna give this to every WOW player i see..

thanks man

Re: Responsible Gaming

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:38 am
by tsmitho
You know your bad when you have dreams of you playing TF2. Or you consider dropping out of college to become a sniper in a mercenary gang :P.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:00 am
by arfy4
Usually since L4D2 players are immature people, whenever I see someone yelling at me for not being as good at the game as them (really applies on the XBox version, where the lag doesn't make playing impossible) I just know that They probably play four hours a day or more while I have an outside life. Sure, I can get addicted, but only when I have nothing better to do. I always will quit for a family event because the game isn't something I value very much, just a pastime that I can and once did live without.

Re: Responsible Gaming

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:09 am
by tsmitho
Agreed. Just to clarify I was joking in my post. I can't stand it when people are like that when they get mad at you for not being as good as them who play the game all day. My brother plays COD so much that my mom forces him to "take a break from ps3 and play wii" lol. It's sad when you have to make them play another counsole just to get a little movement in the day

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 7:29 am
by jim beam
Yep this happend to me dog. When i was in college my 1st year I was playing all the time. It go to the point when my dad said do you want to move back home? And I went NO and deleted all my games off my computer and gave a friend my xbox for the year before leaving it at home after that summer. I didnt play any games til after I graduated. Of course I cant blame it all on games, there was a fair amount of partying but that was weekend not time that I should have done school.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:45 am
by Fraulein Arztin
I always have a set schedule on what I need to do before I play video games. I make sure to call my friends if they want to do anything before I play video games. I make sure I don't have any school activities, and I make sure there isn't anything going on with the fam.
I also try to get chores done before I play video games.

Re: Responsible Gaming

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 9:04 am
by Bash-man
I've used videogames as a replacement for TV. Maybe it's weak, but DOING something and INTERACTING with real humans (especially a good group like hangs around the Ville) seems way better than watching "Real Housewives of {your home town here}". Really doing something in the company of real people is better still, but at 10:00 on a "school night"... can't exactly go for a hike.

Good post topic.