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Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 9:56 am
by Plinko
I've used videogames as a replacement for TV. Maybe it's weak, but DOING something and INTERACTING with real humans (especially a good group like hangs around the Ville) seems way better than watching "Real Housewives of {your home town here}". Really doing something in the company of real people is better still, but at 10:00 on a "school night"... can't exactly go for a hike.

Good post topic.

I'm most like Bash-man. I play instead of watching TV.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:01 am
by Fraulein Arztin
Video games is the base reason why I'm not watching much tv.

Re: Responsible Gaming

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:58 am
by wyowapiti
[quote="Bash-man";p="233989"]I've used videogames as a replacement for TV. Maybe it's weak, but DOING something and INTERACTING with real humans (especially a good group like hangs around the Ville) seems way better than watching "Real Housewives of {your home town here}". Really doing something in the company of real people is better still, but at 10:00 on a "school night"... can't exactly go for a hike.

Good post topic.[/quote]

and yes this is a great post. I can't stand watching TV except for some sports. I feel like my brain is going to turn to mush from all the staring into a box with no interaction except that of the remote. Yes I do play a lot, but nothing till things are finished around the house.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:41 am
by Fox_Blaze
I've recently read a book in my school library about research on video game addictions. The book infuriated me to no end, as some people going off some of these big time horror stories use these stories to lump us all into one phychotic group of murderers.
I'm not kidding, I'm sick and tired of people accusing all mature-rated gamers as being psycho. Sure, some people get way too obsessed, but we're not all mindless zombies aspiring to be the characters we play in these violent games.

I try to get all my work done before I play games. Sometimes I get to it maybe a half hour or forty-five minutes after I plan to, but I am working on that too.

Ah, well, enough of my rage of stereotype.

Re: Responsible Gaming

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:53 am
by tsmitho
I totally agree gaming is more productive than watching tv. Everyone plays games a different ammount of time. I know I play alot during the day because I have alot of time between classes and my friends have classes and stuff so it's hard to schedule friend time during the day so I hop on a server and play a while. I put alot of time into the game but I wouldn't say I'm addicted and servers need people with alot of hours to seed servers to make the game more fun for others. The experience with hours of playtime also allows them to help people in forums and in game so they can share their experience and knowledge

Re: Responsible Gaming

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:34 pm
by Pine
I was one of those people who fell into the Wowcrack addiction..
Although now I am still one of the procrastinating peoples (even if I'm not gaming I'm not doing homework until the last minute), when I played WoW, I wasn't doing any work at all. My grades suffered heavily in the first 1/3 of the semester and I had to fight the rest of the year to get them back up. I decided to quit WoW, but every time I watch something about it or hear about new content I always think about taking it back up..

I have tried changing my work ethics but I always seem to just not be doing the work until the last minute D:

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:31 pm
by !B a T m A n!
dont worry guys i can stop when i want.. i just dont want to

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:14 pm
by Plinko
[quote="Fox_Blaze";p="234020"]inhurriated me to no end, as some people [/quote]

I admit, I had to check this to see if we now have a word filter to check if infuruate is now swapped out to inhurriate. . .

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:45 am
by Boss Llama
I was an EverQuest (EverCrack) addict at one point. It messed with my freshman year of college to no end - not sleeping, getting up at 4am on weekends, missing class, etc. After declaring my major early sophomore year, and finding that I enjoyed classes, I forced myself to quit the game, delete the files, and send the discs home. I didn't touch it again while in school.

The day I got home after graduating 2.5 years later, I reinstalled, and immediately began playing again. Continued for another year before realizing how stupid I was being, and that I played to advance, rather than because I enjoyed it. All in all, I burned over 5000 hours in that game, plus about $1000 cash on blackmarket items, money, and artificial advancement.

While I no longer have a desire to play the game (mostly because it's been butchered by Sony, and no longer represents what it once was), I still have dreams about it from time to time. I can still find quotes from, and references to, my characters online. From time to time, I find myself straying to the old sites and thinking about how fun it was in the early days.

All that said, I agree with Fox Blaze. There are some people who are crazy, or do stupid things related to gaming, but there are an even larger number of crazy or stupid people who think all gamers are that way. Generally, games don't cause people to act like that. It's people who'd have acted like that anyway, who happen to play games.

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:44 am
by Rigges
OH well I am just getting a little Bored with TF2 for now and its Spring and I can work out side again yea.

The Green is calling me to play out side and Build a feince and deck and anad and and and

so I will be in and out of Game till winter again


Re: Responsible Gaming

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:50 pm
by Thaewyn
Yeah, with the weather turning, I'll also have much more reason to get out and actually exercise (work off all this hibernation weight).

I kinda swore off everything multiplayer for a while there, but I'm tentatively back into it. Gotta remember to treat it as a reward, not just something else I do during a normal day. I think that's the tipping point for me. Remembering that we're all just here to have fun, not because we feel like we're supposed to play or anything.

Re: Responsible Gaming

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:11 pm
by loka
I schedule myself. I mainly play at night. Before I was playing TF2 all the time cause it was new to me, and I was sleep deprived. I kind of buckled down doing a routine and stuff since January. I work out a lot now getting ready for Basic Training. I think after reading some of the Mythic forums regarding WAR and other MMO's; people need to learn responsible spending of their video game budget as well as time spent gaming. I firmly believe though in the summer you see a shift. The older people don't play as much cause it's so nice outside to do things around the house, and the kids and some college kids spend time playing games as much as they can before school starts. Just my 2 cents.

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 10:11 am
Ex WOW gamer. At one point i think my Mage had 158 Days played. (thats 24 hours times 158 days), and i had plenty of other character i sunk hours into. That was back before I had a real job and real responsibilities.

Now it's just playing casually when friends are on. Work and School heavily dictate my schedule. I know some of you have seen me drop out of games and heading to work for emergencies, it's also a great way to relax and let things go after work.

There really has never been an issue with balancing friends with gaming, as i've always enjoyed a drink and hanging out with my friends at a local restaurant on the water.

I have known people to skip work and school to play games, if it were to come to such a disruptive point then serious evaluation of what you are doing should probably be in order.

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:36 am
by MrBlah
I would like to say one thing. An addiction to the computer is nothing near an addiction to video games.

I say this from experience.

I no longer have a video game addiction. Just a computer addiction. :P I bring my computer with me everywhere :P

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 4:58 pm
by Gizanked
i just yesterday cancelled my WOW account. how long it'll last i dunno. But for now there isn't an option to play it