Battlefield 2142

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Battlefield 2142

Post by regis » Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:31 pm

I've been a fan of the Battlefield games since their first (BF1942, obviously). Most for the reason of the vehicles/ very large maps. BF:Vietnam was total crap IMHO. then BF2 came out (which I still think is a glorified, but in some way better) version of a BF1942 mod called Desert Combat.

To get to my point: this weekend I decided to dl and try out their newest game BF2142 and I was amazed at how good a job they did. Graphics are the same, if not better, than BF2. The "Titan" mode of gameplay was an objective based run of the same map for conquest, but was such a challenge to play. Vehicles were mostly the same the drive, except the VTOL which seems just slighty easier to fly than the helos from before.

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