[TUTORIAL]Intel return count down timer display

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[TUTORIAL]Intel return count down timer display

Post by l3eeron » Sat May 30, 2009 11:33 am

I made this for avantiville, but will work work with any ctf game with any number of flags.

Download the vmf here


This system will display a simple text flag-return count down in the bottom left corner. I guess you could call this a tutorial of some sort, definitely sub-par, but I did my best! vmf included for your dissection.

This was intended to be used for push-ctf maps, but will work good with regular 2 way ctf as well. I suck at making tutorials. But I would like to share the .vmf so you can apply/adjust the system to fit your needs.

I like this set up because very little screen is taken up. How it works:

This is a set up for a 30 second return timer. If your return timer differs, then you will need to adjust the oncase value to what ever the last 15 seconds are. If your return timer is set for 45 seconds, then your string of oncase values would be 30-45 (not 15-30 like this set up has).

The timer refires every second, every refire an output gets sent to the counter to add 1. The logic case is waiting for the counter to reach 16. If/when the counter reaches 16, the logic case starts firing to the game_text ents, a new one each second starting with 15, then 14, then 13 etc.... until the timer stops sending it info, which is done onpick/return/capture.


- flag drops
- Timer starts clicking off seconds
- Counter starts counting the seconds
- Logic case starts the countdown
- To stop the count down, the flag disables the timer onpickup/return/capture. Numbers will stop showing.
- To reset the counter, the flag sets the counter's value back to 0 on pick up/return/capture.

Here's the class info/outputs I used in the included vmf.

name - Flag_Blue01
Team - Blue
Return time - 30

OnCapture - CounterText - SetValue - 0
OnCapture - Timer_Text - Disable
OnDrop - Timer_Text - enable
OnPickUp - Counter_Text - SetValue - 0
OnPickup - Timer_Text - Disable
OnReturn - Counter_Text - SetValue - 0
OnReturn - Timer_Text - Disable

name - Timer_Text
Start Disabled - Yes
Refire Interval - 1


OnTimer - Counter_Text - Add - 1

Name - Counter_Text


OutValue - Case_Text_01 - InValue


Name - Case_Text_01
Case01 - 15
Case02 - 16
Case03 - 17
Case04 - 18
Case05 - 19
Case06 - 20
Case07 - 21
Case08 - 22
Case09 - 23
Case10 - 24
Case11 - 25
Case12 - 26
Case13 - 27
Case14 - 28
Case15 - 29
Case16 - 30


OnCase01 - Text_FlagDrop_15 - Display
OnCase02 - Text_FlagDrop_14 - Display
OnCase03 - Text_FlagDrop_13 - Display
OnCase04 - Text_FlagDrop_12 - Display
OnCase05 - Text_FlagDrop_11 - Display
OnCase06 - Text_FlagDrop_10 - Display
OnCase07 - Text_FlagDrop_09 - Display
OnCase08 - Text_FlagDrop_08 - Display
OnCase09 - Text_FlagDrop_07 - Display
OnCase10 - Text_FlagDrop_06 - Display
OnCase11 - Text_FlagDrop_05 - Display
OnCase12 - Text_FlagDrop_04 - Display
OnCase13 - Text_FlagDrop_03 - Display
OnCase14 - Text_FlagDrop_02 - Display
OnCase15 - Text_FlagDrop_01 - Display
OnCase16 - Text_FlagDrop_returned - Display


Create one game_text for each second to be disaplyed (1-15). Each number gets its own game_text.

Name - Text_FlagDrop_01
Message Text - 1
X - 0
Y - 1
Fade in - .2
Fade out - .2
Hold time - .5

Name - Text_FlagDrop_02
Message Text - 2
X - 0
Y - 1
Fade in - .2
Fade out - .2
Hold time - .5

Name - Text_FlagDrop_03
Message Text - 3
X - 0
Y - 1
Fade in - .2
Fade out - .2
Hold time - .5


Name - Text_FlagDrop_15
Message Text - 15
X - 0
Y - 1
Fade in - .2
Fade out - .2
Hold time - .5

...and the "flag returned" text

Name - Text_FlagDrop_returned
Message text - Flag Has Returned
Color - Red
X - 0
Y - 1
Fade in - .2
Fade out - .2
Hold time - 3

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