Halloween Update

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Re: Halloween Update

Post by v.o.c » Sun Oct 30, 2011 11:01 pm

Dog wrote:Nerfed skeleton for the haters.
It is now susceptible to explosion damage. Health is also lower and head shot damage is restored. Human skeletons still shouldn't have issues since they can jump in and out, but the poor old bot skeleton, I will have to monitor. Having said that, I have upped to speed to normal (it was slower than average infected)

Also added Bob's suggestion of getting to parachute quicker in menu.

And trying to fix an issue with the Wraith. Logos is keeping me informed

When you say susceptible to explosion damage. do explosions kill him, if so IMHO it will remove the threat of him to much, maybe just have explosions throw him around and maybe if on fire it halves his speed and reduces the triple jump.

also onto the wraith, (my most hated of foe) is there a way of making him show up when a bullet hits him. A human wraith with little visibility is a pain in the butt to kill at times. you spray and your dead without even seen him. If a shot hits him could he like glow for a second or become fully visible, it should not reduce his playability but give the allies a chance if even the person been chopped dies a team mate maybe will of seen him and can shoot in the right direction.
Hey you Would'nt you like to be a vicious orange carrot too?

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Re: Halloween Update

Post by George » Mon Oct 31, 2011 6:22 am

VOC, that post sounds slightly biased! I agree that the explosions should just slow him down or bounce home. We poor guys that don't know how to retreat and chase him down for more abuse need half a chance to pull out a knife. I have adjusted per Dog's mandate and switched to the less powerful Thompson and my punch. Unfortunately, I am team wounding a bit more...Sorry allies! The human skeleton is really fun to play against. 4 of them last night was chaos. Still thinking a limit might be warranted. The bot was needing geared down and it sounds like the new locking in will help immensely (thanks Bob). I am really looking forward to a few hours of zombie killing tonight!

The bias point I was making...the invisibility is the wraith's greatest defense. I think if we take that away, as frustrating as it is, it will neuter the class. Just saying!

<eVa> + Sarge +
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Re: Halloween Update

Post by <eVa> + Sarge + » Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:18 am

I have no problems with the Wraith at all. I think it is cool he is invisible at first. On that note, someone last night mentioned that maybe the human controlled Wraith is not getting the health from an Allied health sucking. It takes it away but does not give to the Wraith. Not sure about this...

As far as the Skeleton...

I noticed you can pick up an enemy grenade and if not released in time he will blow up. Is it possible in the future to have him be able to pick up grenades and throw them back and do damage to the Allies and not just himself :oops:

Thanks Dog!

See you guys tonight after I hand out all the candy to the neighborhood kids...

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Re: Halloween Update

Post by P. E. Logos » Thu Nov 03, 2011 2:43 am

Haha, you know... Given Dog's new changes for the Skeleton, immunity to grenades might not be a bad idea. He could be an explosive specialist! :P I like the idea Sarge.
Also, I really do hope the Halloween changes are thrown back up on occasion. I only got to play a couple of maps, and it was insanely fun! Thanks for all your work on the event Dog, you never fail to impress.

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