zombie strength

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Re: zombie strength

Post by M's » Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:08 am

v.o.c wrote:i have not been around much for the last 12 months and i am just getting back into left 4 dod again. i played alot in the early days of the mod, so i am now getting used to 12 months of updates. i can honestly say although the increases in speed etc are noticeable, the game is far from unplayable. you just have to think alittle more outside of the box. every change dog makes is going to change the way you play it. i see some very good players struggling to survive and other not so good players breezing passed zombies like its going out of fashion. i think that comes from the fact new players adapt easier because they are not so set in their ways. when game dynamics change so must the way you play it.
Could not have been put any better.

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Re: zombie strength

Post by Dog » Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:16 pm

-- Lowered the health drastically on regular Zombies
-- Added command to find bot healths - type 'l4dod_botstatus' in console
-- Reduced the effect of regular Zombie weapons on Allies - will take more hits to kill you - remember, though, that the Zombies ALWAYS headshot
-- Zombie health is no longer tied to round wins or deaths so they remain the same for all rounds
-- They do get a little boost of health if they kill an Allied player but it is not much.

Current base health levels:
Survival: 30hp
Versus: 50hp
Versus + no FF: 80hp
Coop: 100hp

Special Infected vary from 250 - 350

Other info: the 'l4dod_status' command, typed in console has been around for a long time. It allows me to get a snapshot of tk-ers and wins and the amount of drops. You are welcome to use it.

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Re: zombie strength

Post by fingers » Wed Feb 23, 2011 12:10 pm

Thanks to Dog for adjusting the servers.The past few weeks have been very frustrating,many have been trying just to survive.The zombies were so quick and strong you did'nt have time to do much else.I mostly play on the coop server and as Si-Lad said the regulars have commented about how difficult it had become (not much fun) so they should be pleased about it :)
Do we really need 2 mg's on coop now that it's more playable?
Anyway thanks Dog.

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Re: zombie strength

Post by Si-Lad » Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:22 pm

Perfect Dog :clap:

Some were saying it was still harder but its fine. They are a tad faster but thats fine because you can kill them a bit easier, nice compromise.
Despite the lowered health it is still a challenge (a good thing) to full cap on some maps but at least you know you have a chance now and can get them pinned to their second at least instead of our second.

Thanks. :D :)

People's reactions are funny to read again. One guy said this.... :lol: :lol:

seadog ---this the coolest thing ive ever played---- dod_palermo

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Re: zombie strength

Post by General Zorak » Thu Feb 24, 2011 3:28 am

It does seem that the special class zombies have increased speed but their resistence to direct fire is the real challenge. If I am playing against all bots a weapon change to STG 44 and taking a knee to fire does the trick. When I am pitted against real players that are skilled at zombie play.....oooooweeeee! I wont use my favorite M1. The game seems more intense, faster paced and requires really strong team work after first two wins. The game does seem harder and my scores not as high but, I kinda like it. If the right zombie players are the house......I just scream DOOOOOOOOOOOOH! Either way I am having fun.

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Re: zombie strength

Post by Fidel Gastro » Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:48 pm

Bingo!!!, great work Dog.

Only problem is can you adjust the strength of the Emo explosion.... we really should be killing more than just those next to us...
lol (i'm not serious).
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Re: zombie strength

Post by Amunous » Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:10 pm

yes whatever you have done has made an immense difference. its made the game more of a challenge without being impossible.. def requires more teamwork which is good.

thanks dog

also i was thinking zombies that pick up pills perhaps you could make them change color, like they go red or something makes them look angry.. also so you know why they just ran over you and kept going lol

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Re: zombie strength

Post by Dog » Sat Feb 26, 2011 7:14 pm

I like that...

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Re: zombie strength

Post by Rico[CotC] » Sun Feb 27, 2011 12:04 am

I agree with Zorak. I have been playing pretty constantly throughout the last few weeks, a one or two hours a day (my wife is getting ticked about the zombie time I spend, LOL), and have noticed the special zombie extra health and speed, but chalked it up to my habit of spray and pray.

I had adapted some to the Grey Dude taking two Garand headshots to put down, and had started getting better about placing my shots to get the most value out of my clips.

I'm glad the damage has swung in the other direction a bit, but Zorak still is right - the mod is still way fun, the players have to adapt or die (more like adapt and die, LOL) and play together like a team if they want to make progress.

I still will make my pitch to put Drizz into the regular map rotation on all the servers, considering how small it is and how short the download time is. That map is a blast, and I think that it deserves a place in all the Left4DOD rotations. Make Drizz universal!!! [Fist in the air]

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