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Re: TV7 Order Change Ideas

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 3:05 am
by LonelyTentacle
maninamask wrote:Personally I think there are worst options than gravel pit to remove to make room for cold front. Why not say foundry? Could be the time it comes on but it almost always kills the server from what Ive seen. Then we are just replacing a 5cp with another 5cp.

And would having 2 koth maps be noticed as much if they are spaced apart? Throw on at the beginning/end and one in the middle.
I could live with foundry/doublecross substituting for coldfront as well. Or just add coldfront (though the server rotation would be longer). I'm down for any little change. I totally would love a vote for next map option too to spice it up.

As for timelimits, they can be adjusted within map configs so you can dump down the timers for some while keeping something like badwater which is used for seeding its current length.

Re: TV7 Order Change Ideas

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 2:42 pm
by Rumps
bumpity bump

Re: TV7 Order Change Ideas

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 9:30 pm
by PaSTE
How smart can we make the list? If Badwater and Dustbowl are the major seeders, can we always keep those two some number of maps apart (ideally N/2 - 1), then shuffle the order of the maps in between? That way, the people who play though the seeders and one or two more maps will get to see different maps every time.

Re: TV7 Order Change Ideas

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 4:08 pm
by gilmore606
Do people actually like pl_goldrush? It's so chokey and sad.

shack buchanan

Re: TV7 Order Change Ideas

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 5:50 pm
by YoullNeverWalkAlone
I like goldrush. its chokey, but stock respawn times help keep it from bogging down and it seems that only really imbalanced teams or a very determined/organized defense keeps the game from getting to the 3rd stage.

Stevo can certainly set the order differently, but something to keep in mind:
When we seed and someone sets the map to badwater (as is usually done, good for seeding), it doesn't actually reset the order to start there. It simply replaces whatever the current map is with the map it was changed to. Its why sometimes we've seeded and 2 or 3 maps later find ourselves back on badwater.

It has been fun to have a couple new maps on. We had a fantastic run on harvest one night with two balanced teams (and a lot of regulars/folks visiting from dustbowl). I've actually enjoyed playing turbine again. its been some time since it was in the rotation.

Re: TV7 Order Change Ideas

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 5:55 pm
by black_and_blue
gilmore606 wrote:Do people actually like pl_goldrush? It's so chokey and sad.
I think it's probably the #2 map for keeping the server full, right after badwater. I'd actually say it's in even a stronger map on TV7 than Dustbowl.

Keep in mind that what keeps a pub server full and what make for a good competitive map are two very different things. I enjoy maps like Snakewater and Gullywash, but in both cases, even a slight imbalance in teams ofter causes steamrolls, and nothing clears out a pub server faster than short rounds and steamrolls.

Much as people often complain about slow (dustbowl/goldrush) or stalematey (warpath) maps, they are often precisely the type of map that keeps a pub server full.

If Warpath were an official map, it would probably be the most popular 5cp map - not because it's a particularly well-designed map, but because rounds can go on for a long time even if the teams are fairly lopsided.

Re: TV7 Order Change Ideas

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:33 am
by belak
Looking throughout the thread again, I can't find anyone really objecting to the layout change. Most of the discussion seems to center around maps... Are there any objections to switching it up?

Re: TV7 Order Change Ideas

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:00 pm
by Emily Brontësaurus
I would love to see a switchup for sure. If Doublecross and Turbine were swapped out, I wouldn't complain. :)

Re: TV7 Order Change Ideas

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 11:57 pm
by eumoria
+1 again for this proposed change. I don't seem to like the same maps that the majority of players do... but one thing's for sure is that TV7 stays seeded for ~2-3 maps then dies. This may be just the nature of what TF2 has become, being 7 years old, but I think even just re-arranging the current list might be a good idea. See if players will keep rotating in and keep the server alive.

Also shortening the rotation can help as players who return to the server begin to learn the rotation. Other server group's rotations are either all the maps or much shorter with option to vote for any map.

Just what the heavy hitters are and put them every 2-3 maps, maybe reduce the list entirely.

Re: TV7 Order Change Ideas

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 12:22 am
by Rumps
i support any thread that supports more frequent tv7 refreshing. i still long for the days that we did a regular vote on map rotation, with a few changes every 3-4 months. Sure, there are more people leaving tf2, but I still see a lot of old regs still popping in for a map or 2. It would be great if the voices of us who call tv7 home had a little more impact on change.

Re: TV7 Order Change Ideas

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 7:05 am
by kallous
"A good plan executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week." - George S. Patton

I say give it a go and see what develops.

Re: TV7 Order Change Ideas

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 12:51 pm
by Oddjob
It seems like everyone really enjoyed KOTH Harvest last time I played on it. Might be worth working another KOTH map into the rotation.

KOTH stock maps that look pretty nice

Kong King

Re: TV7 Order Change Ideas

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 1:15 pm
by dammets89
+1 for Viaduct. I love that map.

But what the heck is Kong King? That's official? I've never heard of it.

Re: TV7 Order Change Ideas

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 3:36 pm
by Oddjob
Looked cool from the screenshot. It was listed on the TF2 wiki as an official map released August 10, 2012.


Re: TV7 Order Change Ideas

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 3:47 pm
by NerevarineKing
Unfortunately, Kong King isn't that great and if I recall correctly, I remember it not filling well at all.